Red sun cherry see his color squint eyes, then frowned: "you there a lot of men with a watch, why ask me!" "Little girl, you know what else to say. Of course, my brother wants to get close to you." He said, reaching out to touch her face. Just now, when I saw Chiyang yingzi, I was moved. But the boss didn't say anything and didn't dare to do it himself. However, I thought that there was a young man beside her. It didn't look like a powerful person up there. What could he do? So I came back directly on the excuse of going to the toilet.

Chiyang yingzi retreated a few steps, then pulled Tang Qi: "this color stick is so good to me, you help me teach him a lesson!"

Tang Qi said: "it's not easy to meet someone who appreciates your beauty. Why are you angry if you don't cherish it?" "Such a bastard likes me. Can I be happy? Don't talk nonsense, teach him a lesson for me Red sun cherry is also strange, no one tease angry, with people come more angry. Tang Qi doesn't understand what this woman thinks. If she says so, she will protect her.

So he stopped in front of the little bastard: "OK, don't provoke her. She's in a bad mood. Be careful, you should follow the bad luck." Just catch this person and ask who they are.

The man snorted, swung his fist and hit Tang Qi's face: "it's none of your business who I am!" Tang Qi tilts his head and then hides. Then he grabs his wrist and forcefully holds it. This man's action is quite powerful. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi dissolves it so easily and becomes angry. He kicked directly on his stomach, and the man flew out with a scream, fell heavily on the ground, and his viscera almost flew out.

His accomplice had already walked a long way in front of him. Hearing the voice behind him, he quickly looked back. Seeing Tang Qi's skill, he immediately became alert and came over quickly.

The man cried out in a hurry: "brothers, this man plotted against me, wanted to kill me, and slandered Mr. Zhao. I was so angry that I wanted to argue with him, but I was beaten."

Tang Qi said, "what do you want to do? Trying to frame me? I don't know who Mr. Zhao is, OK? "

The man roared: "Mr. Zhao, you don't know. You can see how disrespectful he is. Brothers, kill them!"

"It must be the old man. Let's get rid of him." The crowd shouts and rushes over to surround Tang Qi. Chiyang Sakura went to one side and watched them fight. Tang Qi gave her a smile: "do you have the heart to see me beaten?"

"No way! Because we are so powerful, we need to deal with these people together. My reputation is so bad. You'd better do it yourself. "

"OK, wait for me!" When these people heard that Tang Qi despised their skills, they suddenly got angry and surrounded Tang Qi to fight. But they were directly dazed by Tang Qi's invincible power. In an instant, the man who was teasing yingzi just now was left. This man thought that these people could fight against them together, but who knows that it's just like this! No, I have to run. Without waiting for him to turn around, Tang Qi's hand has been quickly stretched out to buckle his neck. Suddenly, the boy is in the dark, struggling to escape from Tang Qi's hand. He reaches out to break Tang Qi's hand, but it doesn't work at all. Just when he thinks he is about to be strangled, Tang Qi throws him directly to the ground.

This person is like a broken sack, rolling for several times, whining in pain. And a golden thing flew out of his arms. The red sun cherry son exclaimed and ran to pass quickly.

"What is this?"

The man was already dying of pain, but when he saw that his thing was seen by Chiyang yingzi, he was so anxious that he rushed to grab it. But Chiyang yingzi stepped on it and twisted the back of his hand twice. The man was sweating in pain and groaned.

"Please let me go. I'm wrong. I won't tease you any more!" "Lust wolf, your Kung Fu is so low that you still want to compete with me? I think you are just stupid! Get out of the way She said and kicked the guy away. Tang Qi walked by and looked at the hand of Chiyang yingzi. It turned out to be a golden jade plate with some auspicious patterns carved on it, including bamboo, pine and crane, all symbolizing longevity.

"It seems to be gold. How pure is it?"

Tang Qi touched his hand and said, "it's OK. More than 99 percent of the gold."

Chiyang yingzi didn't feel happy. She was just a piece of gold. What's the point of such a piece of gold? It's 100000 at most? But the man seemed to like the gold very much, and always begged him to give it back to him.

"This gold is a birthday present from my parents. Please give it back to me. It's not worth any money!"

Tang Qi said: "do you know what is the greatest advantage of the person I like?"

"Yes What is it? "

"Honest, honest, honest people." Tang Qi squatted in front of him and smashed him in the face with that gold medal: "if you tell the truth, I promise to let you go. If you lie, I will kill you."The gold medal slapped on the man's face, and his painful face suddenly swelled up. He said in a hurry, "what I said is true. Please believe me. It's really from my father!" "The gold looks ordinary on the surface, but it's actually a sculpture of the Southern Ming Dynasty, and it's something that was put on the hands of the dead and buried with them when they died. Do you think your father made it for you? Are you a female monster who has been dead for many years and then gives birth to a man? Or is your father a grave robber? Neither of these two answers is very good for you

Chiyang yingzi couldn't help giggling: "it's not a female monster, it's his father who made a mistake. Go to the police and kill him directly!"

The man's face turned pale and yellow, struggling to say: "no, actually I picked up this thing, I don't want to give it to you..." At this time, a man behind suddenly said faintly: "this is our boss's thing, isn't it lost? I can't find it everywhere. It's in your hands. You're the thief! " It turned out that Tang Qi's people who had passed the corona had come to realize that they were holding a sign in their hands and talking in a hurry.

The man said in a hurry: "no, this one is not the one who was lost, just looks like it. Don't misunderstand it. Don't tell the boss..." How could that person believe that he took out his mobile phone to make a phone call? He was so anxious that he escaped from his arms and called him with a pistol. This was to kill people and didn't want the boss to know that he was the one who stole things. Fortunately, Tang Qi's quick eyes and quick hands kicked his gun at the moment when he started.

This man is very regretful. I just shot him! Get rid of this man! In fact, he doesn't know that even if he uses a gun, it doesn't have to be Tang Qi and the beauty's opponent.

The man was furious: "you dare to kill me, I won't let you succeed! You wait for me... " Without waiting for him to finish, he felt a tingle in his shoulder, and the man fainted again.

Tang Qi said to him, "you are already like this. Don't you cooperate with me?"

"You wretch He yelled.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "if it's not me, he told your boss. If you tell the truth, I'll try to make him shut up. If you don't tell the truth, I'll save him and let him call you to tell your boss. I'll see what you can do." This person in the heart that regret ah, if it is not for their lust, want to bully this woman, how can come out of such a big thing! But now there is no way, his forehead is full of sweat, and finally he can only sigh: "I know, I say, we are all Zhao's people."

"Mr. Zhao? Is it Zhao RI Tian? " The man's mouth twitched and shook his head: "no, it's not Zhao RI Tian. His name is Zhao Feng. It's the boss of the factory. He contracted this side. I want to do something important, but the old man knows a lot about the ancient tombs and clues, but he doesn't say anything.

we have to come here. Who knows that when we looked out of the window of the factory just now, we saw that the cars were shaking away and the fire was burning, so I came to have a look. "

Chiyang yingzi doesn't know the network language of Huaxia country. She looks at Tang Qi curiously: "who is Zhao RI Tian?"

"I'll tell you later. Now I want to know something more important. Who is that old man? "

"I don't know. We were just ordered to take the old man back. But I can't catch it now, can I? But there is only one exit here. How could it not be found? "

Tang Qi said: "100% can't catch, because I think he should have directly detonated the bomb and then escaped from some secret road."


"Yes, there are secret roads down there. Of course, he may know something."

The man nodded: "yes, too."

"Well, second question, your jade medal belongs to your boss. Did you steal it? For what purpose? "

"Yes I'm in debt for gambling. I think this thing may be worth some money. I took it from his hand. I really don't know how valuable it is. I thought I would go to find a gold shop to exchange money today. Who knows, we're here to catch people temporarily. "

"How much do you owe?"

"Three Thirty thousand. "

Tang Qi snorted. This guy did it for 30000 yuan! It's not promising enough.

Tang Qi took the gold medal and said, "this thing is for me. I'll give you 50000 yuan."

"What do you want?"

"Yes, can't you?"

The man looked at the man on the ground and said, "but when he wakes up, he must..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll tell him that I robbed him, and then you can go as soon as possible." "Go? Where are you going? " The man was stunned.

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