When she finished, she looked at Tang Qi nervously, for fear that he would be angry. After all, she had promised that Tang Qi would not contact his mother's family again, because they were greedy hungry wolves, but they still could not help leaving their phone number, so Tang Qi would be very angry. Tang Qi looked at her and only sighed. "Forget it! Now that I have found you, I can't do it, but you should know that I must manage it in principle. I can't always be humble, because you don't owe them. You have sold yourself once. I owe them the money for their upbringing. Don't help him any more

She nodded: "I know Tang Qi, I let you worry, I'm really sorry." She choked when she said that.

Tang Qi patted her on the shoulder: "I'm ok. You don't have to feel embarrassed. Let's go!"

Osmanthus nodded: "then I will go to the babaolou now." Of course, Tang Qi wants to go with Osmanthus fragrans, but Wang Feng and Hu Si don't want to. Who knows who you are? They didn't care, so they left. Tang Qi said: "Wang Feng, you should hurry up to check the affairs of Gao family. I believe they won't let you go easily. If they really go abroad, it would be good. If they don't go abroad, let them be careful. Gao family will find them. It's not good if there's a human life. "

"Don't worry, I know." Wang Feng said to Tang Qi, "now that you have said you want to help our Wang family, I must thank you very much. I hope you can help me solve the Gao family's problems as soon as possible. "

Tang Qi looked at Wang Feng and said, "you're so arrogant that you want me to help you do things. But I won't see eye to eye with you. Forget it, you go quickly."

Hu Si also left at this time. Tang Qi looked at him with his eyes shaking, and then he saw what he thought.

"I think you have something to do to hide from me, don't you?" "What can I tell you? Now the Wangs don't cooperate with me, and they want to kill me, so I have to go back quickly and get my jadeite. I'm going to say goodbye directly, that is to get some money back. After their problems are solved, they will find me trouble and kill me to get my jadeite.

Why not? "

"Well, it's really a good excuse," Tang said

"It's not an excuse. It's true. " Hu si then turned and walked forward. After a few steps, he suddenly turned back and said to Tang Qi, "Oh, by the way, you'd better be careful about Wang Feng. This man can tell the truth about everything he doesn't see. Maybe he lied to you."

Tang Qi nodded: "it's also possible. In a word, I'd better deal with my own affairs. That's better. You don't have to worry about it. Who am I? I can handle it. "

Hu Si nodded, heart, you arrogant what ah! Sooner or later, people will be killed. I don't know that the GAOs are scheming against you, but I won't tell you. Fight with them yourself! He thought of it and turned away.

Osmanthus to Tang Qi said: "your eyes are very complex, should not think of anything bad?"

Tang Qi laughed: "don't worry, it's nothing. Let's go. Go and meet your brother. "

Osmanthus looked at Tang Qi to go ahead, thought about it, quickly catch up: "that Tang Qi, you wait a moment!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Qi looks at osmanthus curiously. "Well, if my brother sees you, how can he introduce you to me? If he says we don't know each other at all, he won't say nice words. Then I will You must not be angry. " With that, she lowered her head and her ears were red,

now she has fallen in love with Tang Qi, but she doesn't know his feelings for him, so she doesn't know what to say, and she doesn't deserve Tang Qi, but she still has some ideas in her heart. I hope Tang Qi can accept himself, and her mood is very complicated. Tang Qi said: "we said that my company needs you to help me, and I help you for the sake of interests. It's nothing. Besides, it has been proved that it has nothing to do with your brother. Why should I be nervous? He is not qualified to take care of your affairs. After all, he has not supported you for a day. "

"Well, you're right." She was a little disappointed that Tang Qi didn't like herself.

Tang Qi said: "let's go. This guy may have finished eating and has no money to pay. He will make a lot of noise at that time. It's his own shame. It's not good if you are discriminated against. "

"Well, I'll listen to you." She followed Tang Qi out in despair. Tang Qi and osmanthus went to the babaolou and saw her elder brother quarreling with the waiter. There were some expensive dishes on the table. After eating most of them, such as lobster, abalone, ginseng soup and so on, the waiter looked at him contemptuously: "don't eat them if you can't eat them. Why should you be shameful here? Just now when you ordered, you said that if the service was good, you would give us a tip. As a result, you didn't even have the money to eat! What are you pretending to be? " Another waiter said, "yes, I ordered a bottle of thousands of pieces of red wine. What is it? The boss has said that if you don't have money, we will share it! We've fallen down and killed eight generations of blood mould, haven't we? I want to serve you. If you don't give me the money,We won't let you go! " Osmanthus elder brother quite angry, pointing to two people: "what are you! I tell you, my sister is quite rich. She is the newly recognized daughter of the Gao family. Don't look down on people here. When she comes, she will pay you. You are talking nonsense here

"Yes? If it's really the daughter of the Gao family, I've been here for a long time. I think you want to be rich and crazy. If you really know such a rich young lady, my head will belong to you! "

"How dare you look down on me? My sister came, and a man gave you a hundred thousand yuan reward, which made you look down on me! " Tang Qi listened and then slightly frowned, what is this to do? If one person gets the right way, can't the dog and the rooster be promoted to heaven? What's so amazing that you want osmanthus to help you make a show. Although osmanthus has become a member of the Gao family, Gao Hui and Gao Lang obviously don't want her to recognize her ancestors. Let alone the money, they don't want her to eat a meal. He even thought he could benefit from the identity of the GAOs? Isn't this a dead fantasy?

"Yes? Are you really not bragging? If we don't have money, we won't be polite. "

"Don't worry, I don't mean what I say. I'm a bastard!"

"I think you've made up your mind." When he finished, he burst out laughing. The rest of the people also laugh particularly rampant, gas of Osmanthus big brother cried up. Although their family situation is very general, because they were spoiled by their parents since childhood, they didn't let them do any work. In addition, he came to all the good things in the family. Who knows that now they are despised by the waiters of the two hotels, and they are furious. At the same time, they are even more angry with their sister. Now you are all the eldest ladies of the Gao family, and you are directly in a good car I just came here. I didn't want to help me.

No way! I'm calling her to come quickly. He thought of this and took out his mobile phone to prepare to continue to make calls. "Don't worry. I'll tell her now that she will help me. You don't understand how powerful my family is. My sister has become the heir of the Gao family. What does she know as a lady, and I'm not the boss? I'll be the boss of the Gao family in the future. Don't you like me? I must let you know who I am today

"Just blow! It's been a long time. I can't see what you're really good at just hearing you Baba's words? "

"I asked her to tip you two hundred thousand! When she comes, you will know! "

Osmanthus can no longer listen, pushed the door in: "OK, you don't always take me boast. I don't have any money at all, and you don't want to blow it around. It's meaningless. " As soon as osmanthus arrived, the two waiters looked up and down. I found that her dress and appearance were very common. Although she got to the provincial capital, Tang Qi also gave her money to buy a new dress, because she was a very conservative girl and had just come out of the countryside, so she did not dare to buy the kind of terbi ghost and exposed clothes, which was quite common. Tang Qi has already told her that she can buy it at will. Anyway, she doesn't have to spend money on it. However, she just bought a suit and a few pairs of jeans, which cost her more than 500 yuan. So when the waiter saw what she looked like, he knew that it was not a rich family. And the elder brother of Osmanthus saw that his sister pouted her words like this, and immediately he had no face. He patted the table and roared: "I said high osmanthus! Don't think you can ignore me now that you are in a big family! I will always be your elder brother. If my parents hadn't taken you in, you would have starved to death. How dare you talk to me like this? " Osmanthus said: "even if I am grateful, I should also thank my grandfather. Since I was a child, most of them supported me. Others didn't care about me at all. They just let me work and earn money. It's good to give me a bite of rice. Why do you yell at me? And ask me to give them a small fee of 200000 yuan? I really don't have any money. Don't make it difficult for me

"Don't talk nonsense! Didn't you find a gem in the village before? " "Didn't you pay off your gambling debts?" She said in a cold voice, "I really don't know what you want to do. Do you have to mix up this family? In my opinion, you have made my sister face for many years. I paid you for the meal, but don't mention the tip. The Gao family

didn't want to talk to me at all. I didn't mean to be in charge at all. " The man was angry: "what do you say? You are the heir of Gao family, but you don't manage the company? What can I do? You immediately take me to find them, can't let them bully you in vain, we must belong to our things back! Why don't they recognize your inheritance

Gao Guihua said: "I gave up on my own, not that they didn't give it to me. Besides, it's not your stuff, it's just my stuff. I don't want to manage it. If I want to leave here, you can leave me alone. "

As soon as the man's eyes glared, he raised his hand to slap her: "I knew that if you were born by yourself, there would be absolutely no good. How dare you do that! I'll beat you to deathHere, Tang Qi has paid the money and asked the two waiters to go out. Then he saw that he wanted to bully people and rushed to stop him directly. A palm hit in his heart, the man fell down on the chair.

"Who are you? Why do you want to beat me? It's our family's business. I need you to mind your own business. " He cried out. Tang Qileng said: "you have no blood relationship with her at all. Why do you beat people? I'll slap you to death. "

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