The man glared and yelled, "do you mean to ask me? I haven't asked you. Who are you? Not a few days after my sister left with you, our parents were killed! Our house is on fire now, and we'll have no house in the future! "

This sentence finished, let sweet scented osmanthus and Tang Qi all froze.

Tang Qi frowned and said, "what did you say? Didn't you lie?" "Why do I lie? Even if it's a lie, it's not enough to curse your parents to death! I said the truth! I don't care whether you believe it or not, it's true! " The man pointed to the osmanthus and said, "it's because of you that my parents died! Is it too much for me to ask you to do something good? You are a disaster now. Our family would not have died if it wasn't for you! " He said to the sweet scented osmanthus gnashing his teeth to shout. Osmanthus and the whole people are stunned, she did not expect her parents in the countryside with a good, even died! Moreover, they were killed in such a cruel way that there was no house! She covered her face and sat on the chair crying. The whole person collapsed and was in a very sad mood. Even if they were not good to themselves, they could be regarded as a family. It was better than the Gao family to themselves. But now who knows how to live in the future when there is no family in the countryside? Tang Qi patted her on the shoulder: "it's not necessarily because of you, it may be for other reasons." "Why else?" The man pulled his neck and yelled: "when I got to the provincial capital, the gentleman had already told me that we were killed because osmanthus became a member of Gao's family, because Gao's family didn't want us to take advantage of her. What else can we say now? You don't need to be cunning! "

Osmanthus cry more serious: "really too much! Why did Gao Hui and Gao Lang do this to me? "

Tang Qi said, "that gentleman? What's going on? Give me a good explanation. How do you know about her going back to her family? Make it clear. " The man opened his mouth, and then realized that he had let slip his words. He said that he would not let him tell osmanthus about his existence. Now he said it directly in front of Tang Qi. How unreasonable! He calmed down and then said, "OK, don't talk nonsense. No matter who

told it, it's not a lie? I saw my parents die with my own eyes, so you say how to solve this problem in the end! "

Osmanthus said: "how do you want to solve it? I can't help it. I can't imagine that my parents will have an accident. Just say what you want. If I can do it, I will try my best. I also want to make it up to you, because it makes you lose your parents! "

Tang Qi took a look at osmanthus: "you don't need this."

"What are you doing here? She and I are brothers and sisters. Our family has supported her for so long, and her parents died because of her. Shouldn't we give her some compensation? " When men think of it, they become more upright and strong. Tang Qi said: "even if it is owed, osmanthus owes your parents, and it doesn't owe you, because you haven't spent money on her, and the real wrongdoer hasn't been found. Are you here fighting about money? You are a conscientious son, just for money. " "Who says I'm for money? You're bloody!" The man shouts. He doesn't care about the death of his parents at all. Who cares about them? They are a pair of poor people. They don't know anything and can't make themselves rich. But it's good if they can take advantage of the opportunity to get any benefits. When the man told him about this, he thought that he would use his parents' lives to make his sister pay

, since she has a good future, she must have a good life. So now he is looking at Osmanthus fragrans with his legs up.

Osmanthus now eyes are swollen, very uncomfortable. Tang Qi said with a smile: "do you really care about the life and death of your parents?"

"Of course! They are my parents. Can I not care? "

Tang Qi said: "since you care about eating delicacies here and ordering red wine, are you too arrogant?"

"I I can't help it. I can't help myself by drinking! "

Tang Qi said: "you don't want to say anything useless. You want money, don't you? I'll give it to you

"No way!" Osmanthus fragrans quickly said: "Tang Qi, this matter has nothing to do with you, you have helped me to do a lot. That's enough. I'll make it up to him and do what I can She choked when she said that.

Tang Qi said calmly: "do you have money? What's for him? "

"I I can make money, I will work in the future, earn money, you can compensate him Tang Qi smiles and says, "you don't understand your brother. I know very well. You don't understand anything at all. Is it possible that the money you earn can satisfy the other party?"? It's hard to fill the gap, but just listen to what he says. He didn't participate in sitting on the chair and looking at them.

Osmanthus looked at him: "I know that my parents killed me. You can tell me what I want. As long as I can do it, I will give it to you. Even if I can't, I will work for you."The man said, "forget it! You are the eldest daughter of the Gao family. How can you work? "

"As I said, I didn't go back to Gao's house. They didn't accept me. You will die of this heart. "

"Shut up The man said, "that's because you don't have the ability. Before the old man died, he said he would let you go back to Gao's house."

"They want me to go back to Gao's house, but the old man is dead now, and they want me to go back to Gao's house and finish their engagement. They just don't have a good heart and must sell me out..."

"Come on, I'm bored." The man interrupted them and said, "don't talk nonsense. Do you really treat yourself as a dish? Marry whoever you want! It's really useless. Do you still want to marry the president? The people they're looking for must be rich. "

And said: "Gao Guihua and I are just a chess player in my heart! If you want me to marry him, sooner or later... " "What are you talking about! Think you're watching TV? Let you marry, even if it is not good. Divorce, can also get compensation, why are you so stupid? Now, there is no money, and the GAOs won't let you go back. How can you get it? " Bored, he picked up the wine on the table and poured down the rest of the wine. Anyway, now that Tang Qidu had paid for it, he simply drank it all. Tang Qi said: "you think everyone is you. You don't care about anything for money. You don't want face." "How dare you scold me? I tell you, you abducted my sister, and I didn't settle with you. You are still talking here! I will teach you a lesson today He took the bottle and hit Tang Qi's head. Tang Qi put his foot on his heart, which was merciless. He hit him heavily on the chair, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the wine bottle in his hand was snatched down and hit him on the head.

Touch! With a dull sound, this guy felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and the blood flowed down his face. The next second, Tang Qi poured a glass of wine on the table over his head. His brain is so dizzy that he will soon pass out.

Tang Qi slapped him in the face.

"Nonsense, I'll kill you!"

Osmanthus held Tang Qi: "no! Don't fight. I owe him Tang Qi. I will bear whatever he scolds me. Because I killed his parents! " She began to cry.

Tang Qi said: "you can't think that way. Their death has nothing to do with you. Why do you count it all on you? Isn't it the bad guy you should be looking for? The GAOs killed your parents. " Now Tang Qi has basically determined that Gao's family should have killed him, either Gao Lang or Gao Hui. However, seeing their intelligence quotient and vicious degree, Gao Hui should have done it. Although Gao Lang behaves badly, his brain is not as precise as Gao Hui. Gao Hui should know that Mr. Gao is going to call Gao Guihua back and let her marry the Wang family. By that time, the two families will unite. Maybe the possibility of inheriting the company will become smaller and smaller. That's why he will be allowed to die. In this way, Gao Guihua can be driven away, because if she has no way to prove her life experience, she will simply kill her adoptive parents!

This move is really vicious enough. It has killed three people who most want osmanthus to recognize their ancestors.

At this time, the man endured the pain and said loudly, "what do you want to do?"

Tang Qi said: "I paid for what you ate just now. You don't thank me, but you beat me? Shouldn't I kill you? Why don't you give me less crap? Or I'll kill you

The man looked at the osmanthus: "is this your conscience? My parents were killed by you, and now you still let your backers beat me? I might as well die. Are you happy now? "

"Don't threaten osmanthus here," Tang said! I'll kill you

Osmanthus cried: "Tang Qi, please don't be angry. Let me solve it, big brother. Just tell me what you want. I will try my best to do it. "

Tang Qi took a look at the man, sneered and said nothing.

The man thought and said, "well, since you said that, I'll ask for money directly. No matter who compensates me, I want a hundred million yuan compensation. You can do it yourself! "

After hearing this, Osmanthus fragrans was shocked: "you want to One hundred million! "

At the beginning, she thought it was three hundred and fifty thousand. If she worked hard, she would give it to him in ten years, but who knows that he asked for one hundred million! Isn't this a dream that can never be realized!

"No, brother, I can't do this! You're asking for too much money. "

"The Gao family is a rich family, not many. As long as you go back and say that you are willing to marry the Wang family according to their requirements, I will..." Tang Qi interrupted him: "don't talk nonsense. You idiot, what has the Wang family become now? Don't you know? The police have targeted them. They are all fleeing now. You let your sister marry, and you can't get any money. As for the Gao family, they don't want to let youHow is it possible for her to pay for her ancestry? "

"I don't care if you steal or if you are strong, anyway, give me a hundred million, Osmanthus fragrans. My parents died because of you!"

Osmanthus cried: "I don't have so much money, how can you..." "No money? Isn't this man rich? " He pointed to Tang Qi and said.

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