Miki nodded directly, about the reception of the Western beauty, naturally will deal with, also don't need Tang Qi to come forward, besides, he had such a thing, although they deliberately hide, but I believe the hospital side will certainly reveal a little bit of wind, also don't know Tang Qi next

, what to arrange? Mi Qi is still very worried in her heart, so she says to Tang Qi. "Bai Liang has gone to receive them and dealt with them. After all, as one of the shareholders, he is our partner. He must have enough identity to face these people. Don't worry too much. This evening

be careful yourself. I'll stay here, even if it's a witness. You can do whatever you want with confidence and boldness. "

Tang Qi knows that Mickey is really smart. For them, the best thing to deal with is the alibi, and Mickey can see that he does these things to make the alibi. Now he is in the intensive care unit, and there are medical staff who can prove it to him, but if no one is watching, it is certainly not enough to convince the public. So many people in the hospital, together with Mickey, believe that the police's certificate is enough to prove that he is in the hospital,

then he has to deal with some things, which will be easier to deal with.

Tang Qi thinks so and looks directly at Mickey. He pats her on the shoulder and puts on her black clothes! And Mickey made the bed, stuffed two pillows under the quilt, and lay down beside the bed, ready to sleep. Although the heart is still very uneasy, but he can only do these now, just hope that Tang Qi can return safely. And then Tang Qi jumped directly from the window on the fifth floor. After turning the corner, he saw a car waiting for him. Needless to say, Cang Yun was waiting for him! Tang Qi went directly to the car, knocked on the window, cangyun quickly opened the door, let Tang Qi up.

Without saying a word, Cang Yun directly started the car and drove to one side, because he knew that there must be an inevitable killing in the capital tonight.

Tang Qi's car has been driving to a villa in the capital. At the moment, a small group of people outside the villa are patrolling around, and there are police dogs outside. Want to go in, want to let people is not an easy thing, and now inside the villa.

Bai Zhiliang looks at Lin Fei beside him and asks. "How's it going? We already know now that Tang Qi's ability has found the Japanese experts to deal with him. Isn't there any news yet? It's all this time. There must be some news

Lin Fei looks at Bai Zhiliang's gloomy face, and his unhappiness flashes in his eyes. After all, everyone is just a cooperative relationship, and he doesn't really belong to Bai Zhiliang. His family affairs are quite similar, but he is weaker than him in the organization.

He didn't expect that he was so used to commanding and so disrespectful to him. You should know that he is also one of the important strength. Don't you want to ignore him.

But Lin Fei knew that since he was driven out by the foreign troops, he was more and more despised by them. And all of this, thanks to Tang Qi, so about Tang Qi, he must break him to pieces.

Although Lin Fei thinks like this in his heart, he answers Bai Zhiliang's words respectfully. "According to our reliable information. The traffic accident on the road was handled according to the ordinary traffic accident. No one was involved. The driver was dead. " Bai Zhiliang's face is incredible. How can it be? It became strange. How could it be treated as an ordinary traffic accident? Did they say they had got it? Then they directly looked at Lin Fei and asked. "What about Tang Qi? How's Tang Qi? And how's Mickey?

Are they dead? "

Speaking of this matter, even Lin Fei felt that there was something strange in the whole thing. Seeing that Bai Zhiliang asked him again, he replied directly to Bai Zhiliang. "This is one of the things I find strange, because Tang Qi was sent to the hospital. According to our acquaintances in the hospital, Tang Qi's chest and abdomen were severely injured. They even had visceral injuries and brain injuries. After emergency treatment, they were directly sent to ICU. "

Tang Qi's injury is so serious, MI Qi and Cang Yun must be no exception. Bai Zhiliang thinks so, and then he looks at Lin Fei. Waiting for Lin Fei to continue, Lin Fei becomes a little unwilling at the moment and answers.

"But Mickey and Cang Yun didn't get hurt. It is said that cangyun has only a little damage! And Mickey can be said to be intact, without the slightest trace of injury. They were called by the police for questioning and soon went back to the hospital to guard Tang Qi. "

Bai Zhiliang directly raised his eyebrows and thought it was very strange. According to Tang Qi's ability, it was absolutely possible to jump out of the window from the tumbling car, so it was absolutely possible to escape.

After all, even cangyun can escape. How can Tang Qi not escape? Besides, Tang Qi's strength should be much stronger than cangyun. Bai Zhiliang thinks so, feel more be wrong son, looked at Lin Fei. "Are you sure our information is accurate? If it's accurate, we'll have to make the next arrangement. If it's not accurate, we'll send someone to inquire about what's going on? This matterIn any case, it's weird. "

Lin Fei nodded, he also felt that this thing revealed strange, but still said to Bai Zhiliang. "Although I don't think it's right, the news is absolutely reliable. We get it from reliable people, so it won't go wrong." Bai Zhiliang naturally believes in Lin Fei. He just asks for some information. Lin Fei is sure to do well, so he looks at Lin Fei and says. "What about the experts we sent out? If you can get any news from those experts, you can definitely decide this matter

Hearing Bai Zhiliang asking about it, Lin Fei frowned. In the shadow organization, he was not as high as Bai Zhiliang, so these experts, if it wasn't for this action, he didn't know. So when it comes to the master, he must be uncomfortable in his heart, but now is not the time to care about these, he replied directly. "I haven't got in touch with them yet, but I think we are all in touch with carefully selected experts this time. I'm afraid that Tang Qi's injuries will be beaten by them! They must have done it. Now that they have done it, they will definitely come back and give us information. I'm afraid they are on the way back now. "

Bai Zhiliang nodded, although this should not be their work style, but also can only think so. It's been more than two years, but no news of them has been returned, and there's no trace of them. It's weird anyway. After thinking of some ideas, Bai Zhiliang comforted them and said. "Give me more time! Tang Qi didn't die, but was seriously injured. Then there must have been some changes that we don't know. Maybe they were also injured, maybe later,

they can return to us. "

Lin Fei can only think like this, which is also the most trustworthy news for him. There is no other news. This sentence can comfort him even more, and then when he thinks about it.

Suddenly, he heard something moving outside the room. Bai Zhiliang directly picked up the wireless monitor and asked. "What's going on out there?"

Cang Yun hears the car directly to a hidden place outside the villa. Looking at the villa five meters away, it's really uncomfortable to see its magnificent appearance. Here is the gathering place for all the killers.

Back to Tang Qi said. "This is the most hidden place, so I can only park my car here. Next, we need to see whether these trained dogs and killers are good or we are good? " The first mock exam was also in the eyes of

Tang Qi. His eyes were cold and abnormal. He pointed to his head in the clouds. Then two people came out, listening to the two of the Chai ~ two.

Dogs are more alert than people. They barked first. When the dog barked, all the people were on guard, because they knew that the dog could not bark for no reason, which was specially trained by them.

As long as there is a little movement, the dog will find out and yell.

So when a dog barks, it's equivalent to their alarm. All people are on guard. At this time, a killer shouts directly. "Someone broke in and I saw only one figure."

As soon as his words came out, all the people were more alert, and they were afraid that someone would break into the villa. You know, this villa is the most tight place for them. If they were broken in, it would be a shame for them all their lives. At this time, Bai Zhiliang, who was in the villa, naturally heard the movement outside, and said to them directly through the wireless: "are they all rice bowls? Even if you can let people break in, all of them will be sent out to find out who they are. You can work in groups of five and search in a carpet style

After hearing the order, all the people quickly arranged into a group of five, plus a dog, conducted a carpet search.

Tang Qi and Cang Yun, who are hiding in the dark, know that if they don't move, they will be found soon. They look at Cang Yun. Cang Yun nods to Tang Qi directly, which means that he is ready. Tang Qi also nods to Cang Yun. Two people directly separated, and Tang Qi at the moment hid behind a pillar, at the moment of his body, is also a black, completely and night has melted together.

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