And his eyes are very cold, completely did not look at the kind of enthusiasm of life, as if cold as the king of hell in general, especially to the five people who moved over, as if looking at the five moving stones in general.

Naturally, he doesn't like these people, because they are all people who want to kill him. And the strength of these people, he did not care.

In fact, the only dog that really alerted him was the one in front of them. The dog's nose is sensitive, as we all know, so when the dog smelled where Tang Qi was, it rushed straight up and came to this side.

However, when he was just about to jump on Tang Qi, Tang Qi turned a cold eye and let the forward dog tighten its tail, whimpering and not daring to move forward.

Dogs are night vision animals, Tang Qi's cold, it can see clearly, especially his intention to kill, even the dog is afraid.

Even the dog's body trembled slightly and stepped back two steps. However, the five killers did not find the dog's abnormality, but directly pulled the dog forward.

Just as they came near, Tang Qi rushed out and kicked them to the ground. They just struggled for a while, then there was no more movement and stopped breathing.

When the others reacted, Tang Qi had already snatched the gun in their hands before he had time to exclaim. He raised the gun and pointed it at their temple. With a slight touch, all three of them went down. The dog turned and ran. The guns were all equipped with silencers, and only three people fell to the ground. The dog, who rushed over again, turned and ran again. At this time, all the other dogs looked at Tang Qi's direction, stunned for a moment, then turned and left, and Tang Qi showed a cold and cruel smile, so they all had to die if they wanted to kill him.

Thinking about this, he directly raised his gun, pointed it at the dog and shot the dog twice. When he ran out of bullets, Tang Qi squatted down and picked up two pistols.

Now it's time to smash them one by one. No matter whether they are dogs or people, they will all be killed. Because they have violated Tang Qi's bottom line, they naturally have to bear Tang Qi's anger. These two groups of five people and a dog, did not carry Tang Qi's attack, but less than a minute, all have been solved. However, it is also obvious that the movement here has attracted other people's attention, especially the killer who is closely following. He screamed directly


He yelled to the other side of the yard, "I see him. He's here."

However, before he finished the last word, Tang Qi had already raised his gun. As soon as the light of the fire passed through his mouth, he directly penetrated a bullet. When he didn't understand what was going on, he had already fallen to the ground. At the moment, all the killers and other killers have joined together. Just as the others rushed over, Tang Qi did not hesitate to shoot. Several more shots passed, and several more people fell down. All of them did not dare to act rashly, and were carefully testing. Here comes death.

Because they don't know how to call Tang Qi, they can only become their code name first. They give Tang Qi a code name. As soon as death comes, they know it's Tang Qi, because they are not the people who are coming.

As long as someone exclaims, a bullet will surely go into his head. Every time Cang Yun wants to rob, Tang Qi will take the lead. He can't help but feel annoyed. When can he be as fast as the boss.

His vigilance is particularly high, which is the fastest reaction speed. As long as someone speaks, he will quickly aim at the past. However, when he aims, the bullets are almost out of the court, and when the killer is killed, he will be solved by the boss. What's more strange is that the source of each bullet is not in the same place. Every time when a spark passes by, there must be countless guns shooting at the direction of the bullet's source. Tang Qi's body method can be described as weird, and each time they are in different places,

so their every shot is failed, and there is no way to understand Tang Qi How does it change.

Even they can be sure that Tang Qi is changing his body shape while shooting bullets, which can also make the bullets perfectly fall into the mouth of the man's head. This makes things more weird and makes them fear from the bottom of their heart.

Wheezing a few shots, and a few people fell down, and then five people fell down, people panic at the same time, the dog is even more scared, all hide to one side, shivering, dare not move, let alone forward. When killers kill others, they may not have such a big feeling, but when the bullets go into their heads, they will know the existence of fear, and even the dogs dare not approach Tang Qi. They will know how poor and ferocious this person is, and they will meet their opponents. If they don't make changes, they will end up in a terrible situation Unfortunately, it will be broken one by one.

Just when they reflected on it, one of them said it directly. "All the people come and gather. Don't disperse any more."Because he also found that if they were scattered, they would be knocked down by Tang Qi, and Tang Qi's shooting method was very accurate, elusive, almost no time to aim, because he had been changing his body shape, even shooting with two guns in both hands. It seems that there is nothing wrong with calling him the God of death. However, it seems that the arrival of the God of death also makes them feel more excited and have unlimited intention to kill, because only when they meet their opponents can they arouse their unlimited intention to fight. Moreover, the man who yelled also realized that Tang Qigen wanted to kill his hundreds of trained killers with his own strength. That's why I have a stronger fear in my heart, because if I don't deal with it well, it's very possible. His

hundreds of people have to die. It's even more frightening to think of this. We need to know how difficult it is to train more than 100 people. However, this assassination was just an unfair one, because every bullet of Tang Qi was lost, while none of Tang Qi's twin guns was lost. All of them could fall down. There were screams in their ears. Could you hear them feel numb?

Tang Qi doesn't have time to waste, so he doesn't stay with them and will never give them a chance to speak. I can feel that there are not 100 people in the yard, and there are dozens of people, so all of them are what Tang Qi wants to do.

See them gather, just into the meaning of cangyun, directly into the crowd, break them. Tang Qi smiles coldly. As long as they are here, they can't live.

So, all the people were killed soon.

Just as Tang Qi was about to rush into the villa, Cang Yun came directly. One face complains of looking at Tang Qi to say. "The boss really didn't give me face. He killed them all. At least he left one for me. It's boring for me to wait there so long. You know, I'm here to help you, but I'm not here to fill the

number. "

Tang Qiyi laughs, "you don't want to rush, but you have to be strong first. I don't have time to wait for you there. To know what kind of person you will meet in the future, you have to strengthen yourself first. "

Hearing Tang Qi say so, Cang Yun's face, directly a burst of embarrassed smile, you know, don't have Tang Qiqiang big this time thing, he already understood in his heart. Now it's very embarrassing for Tang Qi to say that, so he quickly digs off the topic and says to Tang Qi, "I know him, boss, I'm not studying hard with Bai Liang now!

I can't even feel the bullets that you can avoid just now. " Tang Qi couldn't help laughing. He naturally knew Cang Yun's mind. In fact, when he said to send him away, it was just a joke. However, in order to stay, Cang Yun has already paid a lot, and all his mind has been used in training, which Tang Qidu is very satisfied with.

In fact, what he was most afraid of was cangyun's impetuosity. His strength is very strong, but there is a day outside, there are people outside, how can he know that one day, he won't meet a real expert, so if he is still so impulsive, it must be very dangerous.

Tang Qi's mind is clear in cangyun's natural heart.

Maybe at the beginning, he still had many misunderstandings about Tang Qi. He thought that Tang Qi really didn't like him and wanted to send him away. But now he has no such idea.

Because he knew that everything the boss did was for his good, he said to Tang Qi with a smile. "The boss has foresight. I already know the boss's intention, so I won't hate him any more. Let's go in!"

Tang Qi has no choice but to smile. Although Cang Yun is much more stable now, he still has the same character as before. Tang Qi is a little helpless, but he is very happy in his heart.

Knowing the cruel world, and striving to strengthen himself, he has not changed his original heart. He still retains a little childlike innocence in his heart. Maybe this is the real cangyun, and also the cangyun that Tang Qi sees more and more. Thinking about this, his eyes became cold again, and he nodded to cangyun. "Come on, let's see what kind of secret is hidden in this den? I want to know what they are going to do? "

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