Tang Qi nodded directly because Du Yu didn't know the rules here. They both came here for the first time. If someone showed them the way, it would be better.

The man with a flat nose is also enthusiastic, so he goes directly to Tang Qi's side, puts down his mustard, and puts away his angry face. Then he looks much more pleasant, without the fierce look just now. Said to Tang Qi. "My name is Zhang Dong. If you want to call me Xiao Zhang, you can call me Xiao Dong. We are all the same generation, and there's nothing to worry about. I've been here for a long time, but I can't get out of the novice area. I think you're a special cow.

Special talent, I want to worship you as the boss, you study hard here, I believe we will soon be able to get out of the novice area

Is it that hard to get out of the rookie zone? Is there a rule here? If you don't have a certain strength, there's no way to unlock the next level. Tang Qi thought so and asked him strangely.

"It doesn't look like you are short of money? Do you want to play and they won't let you in? What does the so-called "pioneer zone" mean? Where can I go if I leave the rookie zone? "

Tang Qi doesn't ask. It's OK to ask Zhang Dong. His whole face is stiff. Tang Qi came to play without knowing anything, and he played so well. God is a little too partial to him.

What he said was what he meant. Do you still need to explain? The next level depends on the strength. You can't get into it with money. Unless you have the strength and win the most powerful guard, you can get into the next level.

He said to Tang Qi, "come with me." Then he took Tang Qi to the inside. Sure enough, Tang Qi saw a door. There were two people standing on both sides of the door. They were holding dice in their hands. Some people lined up to play dice with them. "I've been in line for many times before I can get to the next level after playing with these two people, but no matter how many times I go to play with them, they all lose. That's why I'm depressed! I haven't seen the next one until now. I don't know what will be fun in the next one.

From Zhang Dong's yearning for the next level, we can see that there must be more fun and exciting things in the next level. Thinking about this, Tang Qi asked him, "well explain the situation here for me, so that I can understand it. After understanding the whole situation, it will be easier to start." Zhang Dong really admires Tang Qi's ability, and his words are very touching. Tang Qi's accent is an outsider, Zhang Dong tentatively asked him, "you are just here, right? Where are you from? Of course, you don't need to tell me in detail, just say about


Zhang Dong is afraid that Tang Qi suspects that he is a liar. He intends to get his information. After all, he has to keep an eye on him when he is away from home. Therefore, he doesn't deliberately inquire about anything. He just asks Tang Qi to say it simply, if he doesn't want to say it.

He said that there was no need to hide where he came from. "I'm from Beijing. I just come here to have fun. I feel curious. After playing for a while, I feel very funny. Listen to what you say, I'm also curious about the next level, so I want to ask you."

Hearing what Tang Qi said, Zhang Dong had no more vigilance and became very enthusiastic. He carefully told Tang Qi all the conditions here, and then looked at Tang Qi and said. "Come on, let's not waste our time here. Let's practice more! It's a technical job. No matter how much I tell you, it's not as good as your own practice. If you don't practice, there's no way to improve your skills. Let's play there together. There's a really powerful person on every table. If you can beat all these people, just come and line up. I don't believe it. We can't get to the next level. "

Tang Qi nodded, under the leadership of Zhang Dong. Table by table to conquer the big guys. Every table has a lot to gain, and Tang Qi has a strong hearing. Almost every big guy on the table wins. There is no time for him to lose.

But when he rolls dice, he will still lose. It's a skill to roll dice. It's a real skill. If he doesn't master it, he will only be heard. If others have the chance to take the lead, they have no chance to win.

Because he does not have any skills, everything is still groping to learn, others can hear the law, naturally he lost. However, Zhang Dong is also a veteran. Under his guidance, Tang Qi's progress is also very rapid. Under the guidance of Zhang Dong, Tang Qi is very good at it. There is a lot of dice in hand. I have the same posture in the world. I won every table once.

Zhang Dong took him to line up.

There are rules here. As long as a person can go in, he can take his two younger brothers in. So Zhang Dong does not hesitate to recognize Tang Qi as the boss, and Tang Qi can take Zhang Dong and Du Yu in.

Finally, in front of the guard, Tang Qi takes out the dice. The guard makes a gesture to ask Tang Qi to come first. After Tang Qi turns and shakes, he puts the dice on the table and looks at the guard. "Please."The guard pressure small, Tang Qi opened the box, is big, Tang Qi won, proud pat the guard on the shoulder, has won 50% of the chance to enter.

Another one is that the guard rolls dice. Tang Qi goes to guess that Tang Qi has fully grasped the subtle differences between sounds and the rules of dice.

Listening concentration, so in the guard side under the dice, Tang Qi did not hesitate to make a choice. Directly won two gatekeepers, went to the next class, let Zhang Dong is really amazing. He's been here for more than ten days, but he hasn't won the two gatekeepers. However, he didn't expect that Tang Qi only studied for an hour or two, then he took him to the next level. He couldn't help patting Tang Qi on the shoulder and said with pride.

"From today on, you are my boss. You don't accept refutation or rejection. You don't have the right to reject me. I'll take you to fight all over here, so you must be my boss."

Tang Qi grins bitterly. He doesn't think that Zhang Dong is very direct. He looks very fierce. He is very nice. He nodded and accepted his little brother. Du Yu and Zhang Dong soon got to know each other.

As soon as three people came to this floor, they found that the low playing method was more advanced. It's not like rolling dice, making a lot of noise.

It's Poker here. Zhang Dong is not very familiar with it, but he knows all the rules. He also met a few people he knew. He used to be a good friend. Although he was just a fair weather friend, he could get some information from them.

I heard from his friends about the strength and rules of this layer. Here is mainly to play poker, test eyesight.

For Tang Qi, it's just to look for its rules and grasp some of its skills. Under the leadership of his friends, Tang Qi soon began to use them. See Tang Qi can so quickly start, really let those people are very surprised, directly with Tang Qi on the table.

Tang Qiben only changed 10 million chips, thinking that he would withdraw after playing, and he would continue to come another day. Unexpectedly, it was not as difficult as he thought. At the moment, he has at least 100 million.

So play up also don't care about money, as long as Tang Qi eyes, Du Yu directly out chips. Hand is not soft, although it is a big bag of chips in Du Yu's hands, there is only a small bag left. But soon Tang Qi began to make a profit.

After mastering some technical things, it's quite easy to win, and there's a lot of gambling here. In Bakai, many people want to make a fortune here, and some get rich overnight. But few people can get rich all the time after they get rich overnight.

Because most of them have lost a lot here. There are few people who can win. Only those who have special strength can win here. After winning, no one dares to make trouble.

Some people lose more and more and want to turn over, lose more and more, some people win a lot, think that they get rich overnight, and then they will lose clean, back to the initial unwilling, they want to win back, they have been wandering here.

Tang Qike doesn't have this preference. He wants to become the one who attracts the most attention. Only when someone pays attention to him can he make a clear investigation of this matter here.

Starting from winning the first one and then winning all the others, he didn't want to win, but to grasp the skills. He also grasped them, because he wanted to go to the next level and meet more powerful people, so he was ready to play with the guard. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by them. At this time with Tang Qi has not played a table, is also the last table boss, looked at Tang Qi, expression is not very friendly. It can be seen that the other side is also very experienced and excellent. However, Tang Qi thinks that he is no longer interested and wants to see what the next level of play is

? But was stopped by this person, thought Tang Qi despised him, said to Tang Qi. "You have a strange face. It's said that you won from the top. Are you really good? I know nothing about it, or even don't understand it at all. It really makes me admire that I can play so well. I admit that I have no eyes, and some of them look down on you, but now I'm very curious about you. How about playing with me? " Tang Qi knows that if the other party says so, it doesn't matter if he wants to play with him. Although he is in a hurry, he thinks it's a little time-consuming to play with him here.

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