But I don't want to offend people. After all, I don't know what to do here?

It's not necessarily a good thing to offend people so quickly. If he insists on going to the guard to compete, it will make him feel that he has no face, so he can't cope with the trouble.

I don't want to make trouble here. It makes people think he is arrogant. He nodded his head and sat down. The Dutch official began to deal cards. Tang Qi looked at his cards and looked at each other's cards.

Of course, the opponent's card is invisible, but this is one of the skills. Tang Qidu has been chatting openly. Whether it is to observe each other's subtle expression changes, or from each other's eyes to see, each other's card, or to guess mental arithmetic, calculate his card. Tang Qidu has fully mastered the skills, and soon knows the opponent's card. When Tang looked at it, he had the advantage, so he directly unfolded his own card. He gave the other side a look and said, "if I'm not wrong, I won this game. Can you let me go now The other side was a little surprised. He didn't expect Tang Qi to open up his cards. After seeing Tang Qi's cards, Tang Qi really won. With his years of experience, he was sure that Tang Qigang didn't cheat or play tricks. He launched his cards with his powerful mental arithmetic ability.

The ability of mental arithmetic is so powerful that it's really a powerful character. Although he has many players and talents, it's the first time for him to meet such a genius.

Put down your cards! Push all the chips out. Du Yu and Zhang Dong follow Tang Qi and are only responsible for collecting chips.

Tang Qi stood up and was about to go to the guard. And then the man who gambled with him also stood up and said to Tang Qi.

"You are fully qualified to enter the next level. You don't have to compete with them. Queuing is a waste of time. I'll take you."

I didn't expect that he still had this privilege. Tang Qi didn't bother to queue up to win the two guards. He also felt that there was a waste of time. If someone took him up directly, it would be better. Thinking so, he looked at him and nodded.

"Thank you very much. I hope you can lead the way ahead. What's your name? I'm Tang Qi. What's next? Is it hard? If it's very difficult, I still need to learn, because I'm really stupid. I can't do anything. These are all sold now. "

If you want to open up his popularity here, or if you want to inquire about more things here, you should be frank and make two more friends.

When he was accosted by Tang Qi, the man didn't seem to care. Tang Qi won how much money he had. He gently introduced himself to Tang Qi and said, "they call me brother Hua. That's what you call me! It's just a code. "

Tang Qi is still very modest and puts his attitude very low. He nodded and called brother Hua, thinking that brother Hua should have a close relationship with the casino, otherwise he would not have such privileges.

But I don't know how much he can know? Judging from his attitude in answering questions, I don't want to ask for information from him for the time being. Let's go step by step and see what happens next.

As if Tang Qi had been taken to the next three floors, waiting for one person.

After Tang Qi passed by, Hua Ge, who brought him up, gave a brief introduction and arranged for Tang Qi to sit down. The other three people looked at Tang Qi with bad intentions, as if they would never let Tang Qi go out of here.

Tang Qi naturally knows that they have their rules. He has won too much tonight. He must let him lose first. Otherwise, how can he make a profit here?

Opposite Tang Qi is their manager. I didn't expect that he surprised their managers, who wanted to fight against him.

Tang Qi is not polite. After that, without any excuse, he just sits down and plays.

The lotus official here is more powerful than the lotus official below. He keeps changing the new pattern in his hands. But in fact, the next process is almost the same. What he continues to play is poker.

It's just that there are more fancy things. Tang Qi is not very interested in them. After the cards are played, Tang Qi wants to buy them, so he puts them in front of him and looks at Du Yu. Du Yu understands that Tang Qi tells him to keep up with all the weights in his hand.

They did not expect that Tang Qi, a new man, should be so arrogant? Has he figured out all their cards? It's a big gamble. You know, it's twelve here.

If he loses, he will lose all the things he wins. But Tang Qi, with a confident look, sits here, even with a smile on his face.

It seems that the money for him is just a small amount, even if he loses, he doesn't feel sorry. Think about it, he really won a lot of money tonight, maybe let him have some pride, don't know the heaven and earth.

Other people also keep up with each other. The three of them have been looking at each other all the time and making information flow in their eyes. Tang Qi knows that, but he doesn't say that their cards are clear. He has mastered all the rules. Are you afraid that they will exchange information with each other?Anyway, this sentence, he won, thinking, Tang Qi directly opened the card, looked at them, they all looked at him, this time, their faces become more difficult, looks very surprised.

I didn't expect that Tang Qi was very lucky. They had already made it clear that Tang Qi came from the pro novice area. He was really a little gangster who didn't know anything. I didn't expect that he could sit here and beat the three of them.

After winning them, Tang Qi stood up and looked at the manager. "I'm a little tired today. I'll come back tomorrow, so I don't have to walk from a novice."

Stop when you're good. Even a fool knows this. The manager has come forward. If you don't leave, you'll make trouble! But this is not necessarily the way to go.

Tang Qi naturally knows that. Seeing that the manager's face is not very good, Tang Qi knows that it's better to get out as soon as possible. If he wants to continue to win here, it may cause public indignation. All the pictures here are captured by video surveillance. How could the manager let Tang Qi go so easily? The data analysis over there has not come yet. Maybe Tang Qi is cheating. If he is caught by them, he will be punished. They are all good at cheating. They didn't see any problem with Tang Qi. They had to watch the surveillance video again and wait for the news. Soon a security man rushed in. He didn't know what to say in the manager's ear. The manager's face became more dignified and blocked in front of Tang Qi. Tang Qi has won more than ten billion yuan. How can he tell him to take the money away? Although I haven't seen him cheat, a rookie can be so powerful. It's obvious that it's here to earn money. There's no reason why he's good at it. He must investigate this matter clearly.

So want to know, although still smile, but the bottom of the eye to Tang Qi so angry, Tang Qi but see clearly, but he still disguised as a gentleman, said to Tang Qi.

"Don't hurry! I'll take you to the next game and play again. If you continue to win, you can go straight away. " The manager doesn't believe it. He calls out their boss and fights with Tang Qi. If Tang Qi can continue to win, it only means that he has great talent. Either God is looking after him, or if God is on his side, who can't move him to the New York City?

If Tang Qi just takes the money and goes away, he will not be able to take it away even if the boss investigates him. Looking at his stubborn face, Tang Qi nods and says.

"All right! You said one more game, one more game, but I'm really tired, maybe not in good shape As if in order to cooperate with his tired, Tang Qi even dozed off and held up a lazy waist.

The manager now hopes that Tang Qili will be confused and lose all his money, so that he can give an account to the above.

Thinking about it, he personally took Tang Qi to the next level. In fact, he was next door. He took Tang Qi to the next level. There was a person sitting next door, who was very quiet. After the manager brought him over, he quietly stepped back and closed the door for them, so that they could sit face to face.

The Dutch officials here don't play so many tricks, but they are more serious and strict. They always stare at both of them. In case they cheat, they are very powerful.

After seeing his cards, Tang Qi did not choose to follow him directly. Instead, he put the cards on the table and looked at the other side, waiting for the other side to speak.

Three laps down, the other side saw that Tang Qi didn't want to open the card, probably had the idea in the heart, directly used the language to stimulate Tang Qi. "Aren't you very good? It's said that the outside world has called you a genius. Today I came to study. I'm already so powerful. I'm really a genius. Since I'm such a powerful genius, I'm not afraid that I will lose. Let's play! Or with or without, it's going to end, isn't it

The meaning is very obvious. If Tang Qi chooses not to follow, that is to say, he wants to keep up with Tang Qi. He seems to be very confident in his own cards. Thinking about this, Tang Qi looks at him and pushes all the weights in front of him.

"It's hard to play without losing so much tonight." With that, he looked at the person opposite him with a complacent face. When the person saw that he pushed all the weights out, he was relieved.

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