Min Qian will abide by all the requirements of Dongge before, but this time, she won't listen to his arrangement, because she is worried about Tang Qi. She knew that this mingka was not easy to provoke, and she also wanted to know what it would be like to pay attention to jewelry.

Several people enter Zhong Zishan's ward together. Zhong Yaxin has been with his father. After two previous suicides, Zhong Zishan is completely haggard. His stubble has grown out, and he sleeps with his eyes closed tightly.

A young man is standing beside him, holding a briefcase in his hand, looking at Zhong Yaxin calmly.

Zhong Yaxin is still wearing the uniform of working in the company. Obviously, she has just arrived. She is holding a thick document in her hand, looking up and down. Her fingers are trembling gently. It seems that his expression should be very excited. Tang Qigang was about to push the door when he heard the young man say: "so from now on, the biggest jewelry company of Zhong's enterprise is managed by Mr. mingka. As his agent, I am responsible for managing Zhong Zishan's company. If you don't have any opinions, please give me all the account books and capital bills." "I won't agree. No matter what happens, and I am the director, why should I compensate you for the biggest company?" Zhong Yaxin threw this document into his hand. She can't accept all this. Now half of Zhong's jewelry belongs to the man who nearly killed her father. How can that be!

"You should see clearly that your father signed his name and he has transferred it to us. What else do you have to say? Even if you don't agree, you should go and fight a lawsuit with your father. It has nothing to do with us. "

"I'm going to call a lawyer, you don't want to succeed!" Zhong Yaxin took out her mobile phone and went to the window, but the assistant walked behind her, grabbed her wrist and threw out her mobile phone.

The man bumped Zhong Yaxin into the wall and looked at her viciously: "don't force me to do it, Miss Zhong. We are Malays. We are not afraid of anything!"

Seeing the killing intention in his eyes, Zhong Yaxin couldn't help fighting a cold war: "what do you want to do?"

"You are obedient, don't force me to do it, otherwise, if something really happens, don't blame me." She turned to get the document ready for signature.

At this time, the door was knocked open. Tang Qi walked in with a big stride. He said with a smile, "what about the Malays? Don't the Malays want to kill and set fire in broad daylight? " The man turns around and sees two people coming. Knowing that there may be something wrong, he presses Zhong Yaxin's neck and wants to take her hostage. At the same time, he kicks Tang Qi's belly. However, Tang Qi has already arrived at his side. With a little finger, the man suddenly becomes numb and numb,

he collapses to the ground, and Tang Qi Li rescues Zhong Yaxin.

Zhong Yaxin said anxiously: "you're here, help my father's company!"

"I know. It doesn't matter."

This person has already supported the wall to stand up, he takes out the pistol to Zhong Yaxin: "who are you in the end? Don't make me do it. "

Tang Qi pulled Zhong Yaxin behind him: "Zhong Yaxin is my wife. If you have something to say to me, don't make it difficult for girls."

"Oh, I see. You are Tang Qi." The man sneered: "I've heard that Su Hai has a chairman of the so-called antiques Association who likes to meddle in everything. It turns out that he is you."

Tang Qi laughed: "am I so famous? It's moving. "

"Yes! Since you are willing to meddle in your business, I'll help you. Zhong Zishan once cheated our boss, but now he has promised to compensate him for your company. If the parties do not object, why do you meddle in your business? "

"If I don't promise," Tang said

"Ha ha, he has helped our boss launder money in suhai for at least three months. If you think it doesn't matter, we'll make it public, and you'll lose more than a Zhong's jewelry." This is what the other party has long thought of. First, Zhong Zishan may not help to commit financial crimes. Then he records the evidence and tells the whole story. If he does not agree, he will bring down Zhong's enterprise. First, he will get the biggest one, and then he will nibble away Zhong's jewelry company. The strategy

is far-reaching.

At this time, min Qian at the door said, "Sue. One is money launderer, the other is money launderer. I don't believe that mingka's crime is lower than Zhong Zishan's. We're going to jail. Let's go to jail together "Don't talk nonsense." Tang Qi motioned to her not to speak. Since the other party has already thought about forcing Zhong Zishan, it will be very annoying. It will definitely not find evidence of its own crime. It will find a bag company or scapegoat 100%. Even if both sides report on each other, it will only be some shrimps, but Zhong Zishan will not run away.

Assistant said with a smile: "how, Tang Qi, this matter has been clearly told you, you still want to meddle in?"

Tang Qi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm still in charge. I won't give it to you.""Ha ha, you are now in a hurry to hire a good lawyer for him! Goodbye The man swaggered out.

But Tang Qi said, "Min Qian, stop him!" "Min Qian was stunned at first, and then immediately agreed. A side kick came and kicked the man's neck. The assistant quickly flashed over and slapped min Qian's heart. At the same time, she bumped her body with her shoulder. Min Qian's strength was no match for him, and she was about to lose. Fortunately, Tang Qi had quickly reached his back and grabbed him with both hands Neck.

"What are you doing?" he said? Let go of me

Min Qian clenched her fist and hit him on his temple. Tang Qi took advantage of the situation and pushed him to the back. The two cooperated and knocked him unconscious.

Tang Qi points to the direction of the bed. Min Qian is worthy of his heart. He goes to pull off the sheet, ties the man tightly, blocks his mouth and throws it under the bed.

Shen Jiajia and Zhong Yaxin were stunned: "Tang Qi What are you doing? "

Tang Qi said: "can't you see it? I'm kidnapping. "

"Tang Qi, you are committing a crime. Do you know that?" This matter is more and more complicated now. Zhong Yaxin feels that his head hurts. Is he mad at this man?

Shen Jiajia was a little confused, so she asked, "what are you doing?"

Min Qian is in the side of a very understand appearance, nodded and said: "I think he must have come up with an excellent way to do so."

Tang Qi shook his head and denied: "no, in fact, once I can't think of a way out now, I can only do this."

The three girls were all stunned and looked at Tang Qi together. Tang Qi sighed and said: "if they let him go back, they will take Zhong Zishan to court directly. First of all, don't say whether they can identify him for money laundering or not. As soon as this matter is spread out, Zhong's jewelry will be basically closed. How long will it take to recover? Are you willing to take risks?"

Zhong Yaxin shakes his head. It took his father nearly 20 years to achieve today's result. If it is really destroyed, there is no hope at all. Tang Qi said: "now I can only let him stay here. After a while, min Qian will take him to a nightclub in suhai. If someone comes to him, he will say that Zhong's company has left him for negotiation. He drinks too much and decides to stay overnight. Then I will go to mingka. I want to find something threatening him before tonight, so that he can give up the trouble of looking for Zhong Zishan. "

Although this is too risky, there is no other way.

Min Qian nodded: "no problem. It's normal that these businessmen can't get back to life on time when they are in the happy market with beautiful women as companions and a few cups of yellow soup. It's nothing strange at all. I'll take him with me. But how do you get hold of him? " There is no company under the name of this mingka, and there is no way to check his capital status. Although the night Star Stone affair can be regarded as one, there are too many people involved, and he is the one who has no fear. Now the people of suhai have invested tens of billions. Once the capital is withdrawn, how many people will be ruined?

Tang Qi walked back and forth and said to himself, "is there any place where he can start?"

"Ah! I remember that he has a raw stone processing plant in the suburbs, which has only been open for less than a week. Maybe there is something to see. " Min Qian clapped her hands.

Tang Qiyi said with a smile: "it's really the way of heaven and man. I'm worried that I can't help it, so I can get along with them."

Shen Jiajia looks confused. The original stone processing plant is just a pile of stones. What's good to use.

However, Zhong Yaxin knows very well that she herself is a scholar of the original stone. She has a lot of knowledge in it, so she also wants to go with Tang Qi.

Tang Qi said: "OK, you can take him to the nightclub. Zhong Yaxin and I will go there."

"it's a pity that I only know the general location, but I don't know the specific location. You have to find it by yourself."

"No problem." They don't have time to say anything. They just leave.

Min Qian starts to catch this person, and then thinks about finding a happy place for mingka to find.

Shen Jiajia grabs min Qian's arm: "is it really OK? Can Tang Qi do it? "

"It's a big problem. There are a lot of people on his side. Besides, Malays are proficient in snake boxing and fighting. They usually eat raw meat. One by one, they are almost like bandits. There's never been any morality. "

Shen Jiajia was so scared that she almost fainted: "how come Tang Qijia is going to die?"

"Good night! No problem. I'll call reinforcements for them. This man can help Tang Qi. " Min Qian took out her mobile phone. She forgot to tell Tang Qi about it just now. It's really a failure.

Two girls drag the man into the car. Min Qian closes the car door by herself. She's still a little girl and doesn't know anything. She can't take risks with her. Shen Jiajia slaps the window in a hurry and wants to go up.Min Qian pointed to the direction of the ward, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed out directly. Shen Jiajia ran after the car for a while, and had no choice but to go back.

Min Qian threw the man to the biggest foot massage shop and found four or five chicks to accompany him. And this guy woke up with a big fright, his eyes stare big, want to break free. But it couldn't move at all. Min Qian said with a smile: "this is our young master. He likes some special tunes in his life. You should take good care of them. Never let him go until tomorrow morning. And don't let him talk. " She gave the foreman a pile of money. Of course, for this little money fan, what she won't spend money on is taken out of the man's wallet.

"Don't worry! Promise to make him happy The foreman's eyes narrowed when he saw so much money. What kind of guests has she never met? There are also those big capitalists who like to be donkeys crawling around the house, not to mention such a binding game. It's a piece of cake.

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