Min Qian chuckled: "then I'll pick up the young master tomorrow morning. If my boss calls, do you know what to say?"

"Don't worry, I know." The foreman said with a flattering smile. Min Qian waved to the man, then closed the door of the private room and slipped away. As soon as she thought about the miserable appearance of this person who would be tortured by these masseuses, she felt very funny and swung the car keys as she walked. However, after a few steps, she heard a clear mechanical sound behind her. Although the sound was not very loud, min Qian was acutely aware of the danger.

This is the sound of guns, she stood in the same place, nervous feeling around the murderous.

At this time, min Qian took a long step back, and I was really relieved to see a person behind

The man said, "I think I've put you out to be free for too long, so you forget your identity at all?"

"Don't worry, sir. I'll never forget it." Min Qian respectfully said.

"In that case, don't take part in Tang Qi."

"But Sir, once the night Star Stone continues to flood, it will..."

The man interrupted his words, lightning came to her, one hand pressed her shoulder, min Qianli felt a kind of incomparable pain, tears in her eyes, dare not speak.

"OK, that's all I want to say. Go back to find brother Dong immediately. Don't help Tang Qi any more."

Min Qian had no choice but to follow him. As she walked, she thought, how can I let Tang Qi know my situation? We must think of a channel for reporting.

Here, Tang Qi and Zhong Yaxin have found the place near the original stone processing plant according to min Qian's tips. It's a vast area with few people, and basically no one lives here. It's very open.

After driving for a while, there was a pile of rubble in front of the car. There was no road at all. They had to go down on foot.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhong Yaxin said strangely, "why does he want to build a factory here? The traffic is inconvenient, there are no related shops, and the transportation is inconvenient. What's the reason?"

Tang Qi looked around and said with a smile, "it's just that he wants to hide something, which is good for us."

"Well, I hope we can find a way to restrain them."

As they walked and talked, they soon passed through the rubble pile. In front of them was a large courtyard. From time to time, there was the roar of machines. It was probably the original stone processing plant.

Even a person is walking, stepping into the opposite road, heard the sound of the car engine, Tang Qi quickly pulled her to hide behind a piece of grass. A white car passed, full of stones. Driving past them, a piece of dust immediately rolled up on the dusty road. Seeing the stone on the car, Zhong Yaxin's eyes widened. Just as he was about to speak, Tang Qi covered his mouth: "shh. Don't say


After the car left, Tang Qi said, "have you seen all this clearly? If it's revealed, he'll be finished. "

"I didn't expect him to buy such a stone! It's killing people It turns out that the stone they saw in the car is a kind of grey rock specially used for making fake jadeite. This kind of stone is very brittle and soft, and can be easily carved into different shapes. Soaking in strong acid, the rudiment of jadeite can appear in a week. This is a very insidious method. The appearance and color of the jadeite produced by

are very similar to the real jadeite, so buy it back After that, wearing it on the body will not only do no good to the body, but will increase the risk of cancer.

Other gem shops use gem powder at most, or add some gum to inferior jadeite. This guy even uses worthless things to make jadeite!

How dare Minka transport such stones in this way? How can we not be shocked? "He's really bold. I think he just looks down on us Chinese people. He's coming here to cheat money by relying on his wealth." Tang Qi also lamented the misfortune of some Chinese people and was angry. Everything is about taking advantage, making a fortune overnight, night star stone or jade like this, it's all those who cheat.

Zhong Yaxin asked, "but where are these stones going? He doesn't have a jewelry store himself

"He can threaten Zhong's jewelry. Naturally, he can also threaten other families. Even if he doesn't threaten to sell it at a very low price, many people are willing to buy it back!" They walked through the dust together.

Tang Qi took out his mobile phone to take photos and look for evidence. Zhong Yaxin suddenly grabbed Tang Qi and said, "someone is here!" It turns out that there are dozens of young people walking around with batons in front of the yard, and there are surveillance cameras constantly scanning the surrounding environment to prevent anyone from entering. The main gate is a large iron gate more than 30 meters wide, and there is a high iron gate behind itAfter observing the watchtower, someone was also looking at it with a telescope.

At this time, it was already sunset, and it was cloudy today, so they hid in the grass and were not found.

"That's arrogant. It's like a turret! " Tang Qi sneered.

"How are we going to get in?"

"If you can't, you'll have to break through. You'll be waiting for me here

Zhong Yaxin nervously grabbed Tang Qi's arm: "no, the other party will definitely kill you!"

Tang Qi laughed: "even if you want to kill me, you have to see if they have this ability."

At this time, the truck had already arrived at the gate. The people on the truck honked three times, and the door inside was quickly opened. Tang Qi wanted to rush in at this time, but who knew that as soon as he stood up, he heard the sound of the rate of knowledge behind him.

There's someone in the grass!

A shadow quickly ran to come over, Tang Qi one hand held Zhong Ya Xin, raised a foot to kick to this person. The man stepped back a few steps, then whispered, "it's me, Tang Qi!"

Hearing this man's voice is very familiar, he quickly stepped back a few steps, and then a closer look, surprise said: "it's you!"

It turns out that this man is Xiaoqin, the driver of master Tang Qi!

He gave Tang Qi a smile: "you've been in the limelight recently."

"Brother Qin, why are you here?"

"I'll help you."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I really didn't expect you to be here!" It's a surprise that the people I haven't seen for a long time should meet again in this place.

Zhong Yaxin looked at the man curiously: "but who communicated with him?"

This humanitarian: "in fact, the person who gave min Qian a billion yuan and wanted him to buy Jinzou clothes was Lord long. Just now, she called the dragon master and told us that you were coming here. The old man was afraid that it would be inconvenient for you, so he asked me to help

"It's you! So is the night star stone I saw in the toilet... "

"Yes, we did an experiment. Now is not the time to speak. This mingka is very cunning. If we don't find any evidence, he may directly move the place. Let's hurry up."

Tang Qi saw brother Qin to help, naturally increased a lot of confidence, but Zhong Yaxin is still not at ease.

"How can you two get in?"

Xiao Qin said, "who said that? How can I do it myself He said a wave, around the shadow of the emergence of a large number of shadows, a full 50 or 60 people! Everyone is fully armed, valiant, waiting for orders to finish the attack.

Tang Qixin said that he was indeed a member of the military region. When he said hello, there were so many people.

"That's great. With you, I'm much more relieved of my sneak attack."

Brother Qin said, "who said it was a sneak attack? We are going to have the documents. It is said that there is a fugitive suspected of attempted murder here. We have come to arrest him. The procedures are complete and there is no problem. " You know, this mingka is a factory set up by an international friend here, and it is protected by a lot of protection. If you grasp him directly, it may become a troublesome event. However, Mr. long is very clever and has made great efforts in recruiting these thugs. One of them hurt the other because he had a quarrel with another table customer while eating

, I'm still in hospital.

Unfortunately, the wounded man turned out to be the brother-in-law of a military region leader, so he was arrested very quickly.

Tang Qiyi said with a smile, "OK, that's great. Let's go in directly. If you arrest people, we'll do business."

"Yes! No problem! " Brother Qin takes people to the front, while Tang Qi and Zhong Yaxin mingle among these people.

We went to the gate together.

Seeing so many people coming, the people inside had already found out and stopped them immediately. The first one was the security team leader. He felt guilty when he saw this posture, but he raised his voice.

"For what?"

"We're looking for someone." Brother Qin spoke very succinctly, and then he showed the document in front of his eyes: "is Zhang Han here? We're going to take him away. He's suspected of hurting people. "

The man's eyes twinkled: "do you need so many people to catch a little bastard?"

"Ha ha, what does it have to do with you? Open the door "No. We give you people, and you stare here! " The security team leader turned and picked up the walkie talkie to talk, but at this time, two neat men sprang out behind brother Qin, one on each side, directly pressed him on the shoulder, and kicked him in the back, poop! He fell on his knees.

Brother Qin cried, "open the door! If anyone dares not to listen to us when we carry out the task, he will be punished as his accomplice! " He took up his pistol and fired into the air.

These people are all scared to shiver. Is there something else in such a big battle? But don't open the door also can't, the door slowly open, this group of people like the tide rushed in, Tang Qi pulled Zhong Yaxin also ran in.Zhang Han, who is called Zhang Han, was quickly caught from under the bed of the dormitory. Seeing that he had used so many people, he was not frightened.

"Brothers! I'm wrong. I'll go back with you. Don't kill me! "

"No nonsense! "These people drag him out like a dead dog, but catching him is not the goal. What he really wants has not been obtained, so brother Qin quickly goes out. He follows Tang Qi to look for stones everywhere.

The workshop at the back is adding a large number of highly corrosive Acidifiers into a pool, and the stones inside are also placed one by one. Some of them already have the rudiment of jadeite, and some of them have just been put there, which has not changed at all. On the other side of the warehouse, there are countless just made "jade" jewelry is drying. Bracelets, earrings. The necklace is exquisite, but the material is too rotten to be rotten.

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