Tang Qi was waiting for these people in the conference room, but half an hour later, only a few sporadic people came in, all of them were the leaders at the bottom, and none of those big shareholders with real power came. All waiting to see Tang Qi how to deal with it.

The people in the financial office sent the account book to Tang Qi, and peeped to see Tang Qi's reaction. He sat there looking at the account book, looking not worried at all. He was calm and calm.

"When will those people arrive?"

"Director Li said that there are important customers here today, and they need to meet and accompany them in person, so they have no time to attend the meeting. Several other directors also have important things, so they can't come to the meeting."

Tang Qi raised his head and said, "so they are all not in the company?"

"I don't know," the man said with a twinkle in his eyes

"All right, you go out." Tang Qi continued to look at the account book. This person quietly retreated, this boy seems to be different from what we imagined. He is not angry and not worried. Is it OK? Several people present were also very nervous. They were all low ranking and timid people. I'm afraid I'll be implicated. At the same time, I'm worried that if this person takes over the company just because of his relationship with Zhong Yaxin, his ability will be in a mess. It's estimated that if he comes to the board of directors this time, he will be regarded as a boon. In the future, he will be retaliated by other antiques, so he's on pins and needles and very nervous.

Tang Qi looked up at several people: "are you all from the finance department?"

Several people nodded. Tang Qi said, "what do you think of the recent situation of the company?"

They were stunned for a moment and said: "the company is not very good..."

Bang! Tang Qi dropped the account book on the table: "don't you know that the company is helping another financial company to launder money recently?"

Several people all looked at Tang Qi in shock: "this We are not... "

Tang Qidao: "as a person in the financial department of the head office, I don't know about the accounting problems. Is that reasonable?"

One of the oldest was: "Mr. Tang We are just small characters. Why do you embarrass us? "

"I don't mean to embarrass you. I just want to say, is it true or not?"

Tang Qi's tone is very flat, but his eyes are beyond doubt. Several people nodded.

"Yes, but it is said that this matter is decided by the company leaders, so We don't have any strong opposition... " "So it is." Tang qixindao, it seems that the leadership of Zhong Zishan's company is very clear that he didn't make the decision alone. It seems that these people have been bribed by mingka. They are not only not against it, but also happy to see it come true. What Zhong Zishan, the boss, has done is quite aggrieved.

"Well, if you decide not to hold the meeting, can we leave?"

"Who said that?" Tang Qi said with a smile: "my business has not been done yet. I'm in a hurry. You take me to the offices of several shareholders, and I'm going to have a look. " He said, throwing the account book on the table and standing up.

These people were all stunned: "what are you doing?"

"Since they can't come, I'll go and have a look. Let's go." He said he walked out quickly, and several people quickly followed him. They were all in a dilemma. What should we do? Tang Qizhi has been here several times and knows that the offices of these direct leaders are all downstairs of Zhong Zishan's office. He went to the door of a deputy manager's office first and it was locked. Everyone was relieved. If they didn't go up in case of bumping into him, wouldn't the scene be too ugly?

Tang Qi said, "what did this man do?"

"He said he's on leave and won't be here for a week. I don't think it's as good as us... "

But before they could persuade Tang Qi to leave, he kicked on the gate.

Bang! With a loud noise, the secret lock inside was kicked open directly, and several people were so scared that they cried out: "it can't work! What if the vice president knows? " Tang Qi doesn't speak either. He goes straight to the desk. Although all the drawers on the desk are locked, he can't help pulling them. They are all opened. All the books in them are taken out by Tang Qi. He also opens the computer conveniently and keeps taking the things out. The bottom drawer contained a lot of cash and jewelry, all of which were taken out by Tang Qi. There are about one hundred thousand, and the value of jewelry is also very high.

Tang Qi picked up a jade and looked at it: "if it's Zhong's jewelry, are there any original records of the original stones purchased?"

"Yes, there are." These people swallow their saliva nervously: "you What are you doing? "

"Naturally, it's better to find out the source of his things, to find out what the code number of the jewelry is, and if it's taken directly from the company, record it for me. And we must find out what happened to this sum of money. "

"But in that case, will something big happen?"

Tang Qi said with a sneer, "there's no big deal except death. Besides, I don't know them. What if I die? Hurry to check. Don't you want to do these things? ""No, I'll do it now!" One of them ran out with the jewels.

These people began to have a sense of foreboding. This Tang Qi is definitely not a small white face who can only trick women, but a rather difficult person to deal with. It seems that Tang Qi is not afraid of anyone and doesn't care if they will hate him. I dare to do it.

Tang Qi continued to search his desk: "isn't he busy and has no time to come to the meeting? You don't have to tell him Tang Qi said, one of the hands of the mobile phone snatched down, thrown on the table. As soon as he turned to see a safe in the corner, he asked them to open it.

"No, except for him, we don't know how much money is put in it."

Tang Qi laughs: "think this can embarrass me?" He immediately called brother long. Brother long is drinking and rolling dice with some pretty girls outside. Don't mention how happy he is to hear Tang Qi's voice. He sat up straight from the bed! I said you can come back. Shifu, where have you been during this time? We miss you so much! You don't know that when you're away, the business between Baozhen Pavilion and Tangmen antique is very good, and I'll tell you... " When this guy heard his voice, he immediately became a chatterbox. Balabala kept on saying, not to mention how happy he was.

Tang Qi interrupted him: "let's not talk nonsense, OK? You find me a safe first. Bring it to Zhong Yaxin's company as soon as possible. I have an urgent need. "

"No problem! I'm nearby. You wait. I'll be there in a minute Brother long hangs up neatly. Reluctantly kiss a few girls: "no, the boss is coming, I have to go."

Several girls are very depressed. Who is the boss of this man? Every time we wait for everyone to have a good time, we ask him to leave.

Seeing that the rest of them were all very nervous, Tang Qi said with a smile, "what's the matter? Don't you think I'm doing it right? "

"No, but at least let me know." "I've given them opportunities, but they don't show up one by one. I can only do that." Tang Qi went to several other offices, and also had a search. The books, bills, cash, letters and laptops were all collected. Tang Qi sat in his seat and watched one by one. If you don't understand, let these people explain to you. It turns out that many of them embezzle precious stones, collude with dealers, drive down prices, sell inferior ones as good ones, and those who take kickbacks, misappropriate public funds, and the accounts are in a mess. All these things were Fengmao a few months ago, but since Zhong Zishan was threatened by mingka, this has become apparent It's not individual, and it's getting more and more intense. It's to the extent that we can contain it.

Tang Qixin said that if it continues, even if Zhong Zishan does not have an accident, the company will not operate for long.

These shameless bastards, continue to leave you to do mischief, I am not Tang Qi! Although in the heart a regiment anger, but his hand is beating the table lightly, the facial expression is very relaxed.

The man who went out to verify just now came back and told Tang Qi that these gems were indeed recorded in the case of recidivism, but they were taken back by him in the name of inferior products.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "inferior products? Have you ever seen the real pigeon blood made of glass He took it up and looked at it carefully. It was crystal clear and could not be inferior. I don't know whether the people in charge of inspection are blind or blind.

The others were all nervous and didn't say a word.

Tang Qi said: "is the person in charge of the inspection also absent?"

"Yes He said his wife is not feeling well and needs to be at home

"Call him. Since he's not comfortable, he doesn't have to come. He's fired. If you can't tell the quality of a gem, don't you want me to give him up as a treasure?" Tang Qi said coldly.

Tang Qi made a big investigation here, and soon the news spread out. Everyone was very nervous and quietly contacted the boss who didn't come to the meeting to discuss countermeasures.

In less than ten minutes, brother long brought in a special locksmith. Tang Qi looked at him looking very honest, very humble, and not like a thief, then asked: "can he?" "Don't worry, the nickname given by others is quick lock. No matter what safe is opened in three seconds, he was in prison at the beginning for this. But don't worry, he is my best friend. He has been in the mountain for many years. If I didn't ask him out of the mountain, they wouldn't do it. Now they have their own life. I won't do such a thing. "

"Yes? What kind of business is he in now? "

"Hey, hey, they sell security doors and safes."

There are several black lines on the faces of those companies. This person's occupation really matches him.

The man smiles at Tang Qi, and then squats directly beside the safe. After a few moments, the cabinets open. Tang Qi looks at the cash, gold bars, diamonds and gems in them, and can't help sneering."This guy really knows how to plunder. He's very economic minded." It is estimated that we know that Zhong's jewelry is now in a critical moment and may be swallowed by mingka at any time. When can we not be greedy at this time? Therefore, these talents are extremely reckless and greedy.

Other staff members were also surprised. How much did he get!

"What about that? Are we going to call him and ask him to come back? "

"What's the call?" Tang said? It's not better not to come to work. Let him have a good rest. Keep looking at the other safes. " "All right, it'll be ready soon." Lock your hands and go out laughing.

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