At this time, brother long grabbed Tang Qi and said in a low voice: "boss, in fact, what you put in the office are all small heads. They must have no time to transfer. I think their bank account or their home is the big head. I'm going to take someone to get the money back! "

Tang Qi waved his hand: "no, what I want now is not their money. I want them to be honest. Just find out the problems and give them a warning. How much they are greedy is a small problem, because after all, the time is not long and the quantity will not be too much. "

Brother long was surprised: "what you mean by this is that you just let it go? Master, you are not such a person! These bastards should be killed directly. "

"No, now if we do it directly, the whole board of directors will collapse, and mingka will be more arrogant. We will be destroyed without him. Isn't it bad luck? I'll let them be honest first. " Tang Qi said and went out.

Brother long quickly followed him out. Several manager level safes were opened. All of them were company's valuable jewelry, cash and so on. There were also two people's boxes with their flight tickets and passports. They had decided to run away in two days. Originally, these people knew that mingka was going to start in these two days. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi took over the company by himself and found mingka's handle, forcing him to give up seizing Zhong's jewelry. And the crimes of these people are just like the stones after retreating towards the water, which are completely exposed in front of people.

Tang Qi laughed: "this is very embarrassing."

"It's really embarrassing." Brother long scratched his head and said, "it's too arrogant to steal so much money!"

"Come on, pack up and let's go."

When several people asked where to go, Tang Qi snorted: "of course, it's the conference room. Have you forgotten the purpose of my coming? Let's have a meeting, of course. " This time I'll see who else of you disdains to come to my meeting!

Elder brother long sent the locksmith away, but he didn't leave. Instead, he accompanied Tang Qi to the conference room.

Soon there was a knock on the door outside. When those people knew the news, they rushed over. Their faces were very ugly. Some were guilty, some were angry, and some were confident and fearless.

Tang Qi's desk was full of account books. He patted them with his hands: "OK, everyone has come. Let's sit down. How tired it is to stand." Everyone sat down one after another, and a middle-aged man patted the table: "Tang! Don't think that I don't know your background. You are just a farmer's son. Now you are a student of suhai University. Don't bully us at will just because you climb up the high branch. Although we are lower than you, we have been in the company for many years. It's not hateful for you to be a little white faced. What's hateful is that we'll start the operation as soon as you come. I'm not convinced! "

Ouch! How dare this guy do it? Brother long is angry in his heart. He just wants to stand up and beat him, but Tang Qi stops him on the shoulder and shows him not to be impulsive with his eyes. Brother long sat with anger, staring at the man.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I ask you, did you steal public funds and embezzle the company's jewelry?" "Yes! What about? I didn't do it alone. As you can see, all of us do this. The law is not responsible for the public. And the reason why we do this is that we all know Zhong Zishan is unreliable. He also helps people to launder money. What should we do if the company goes bankrupt and we can't get our bonus and pink? So that's the only way to do it. "

"Yes Some people quickly agreed, saying that because of Zhong Zishan's poor management, they provoked mingka, a bad man. They did it in order to ensure their rights, so it's OK to do it.

Tang Qi looked at him, heart, you are determined, attention, I will not clean up. This man has a proud face. If you dare to fire all the people at this time, I am your ability!

Tang Qi picked up the account book and looked at it: "your name is Gong Lin, right?"

"So what?"

"You are different from others. They all started to steal public funds recently because they were worried that they would not get the dividend. It is justifiable to take some money for the sake of the future. But you are different. You took the first sum of money two years ago."

Gong Lin was stunned, and then quickly denied: "it's useless! The accounts of two years ago are gone. How do you know? "

"I know without looking at the accounts." Tang Qi picked up a jade emerald from a pile of jewelry and showed it to him. "You took this. At this moment, grandma's Emerald entered Zhong's jewelry on April 11 two years ago. But next week, you said that the emerald was not pure and sold it at a low price. At that time, the profit was 700000, but the bead was still in your hand. How can you explain?"

Gong Lin's eyes twinkled: "no It's not the same... " Tang Qi said with a smile: "every jewelry has its own number code. Would you like to check it? Don't think I'm easy to cheat. Also, this ruby necklace is a first-class one. It can buy at least 8 million yuan. You sell it at the price of 300000 yuan, and it's still in your marketIt's in the safe. Are you going to take it directly abroad? " He said words suddenly hit the table, the huge noise scared Gong Lin almost fell from the seat, the rest of the people were silent. Gong Lin's forehead was sweating. I didn't expect that Tang Qi was so powerful. All the gems could be found out so quickly! If I had known that, I shouldn't have been against him. I'm going to die this time. He knows that as long as it's Tang Qi's precious stones and pearls, all their fineness and value can be known automatically, and there's no need to check with experts.

Tang Qi said: "I think others will have a chance to reform, but I don't think you are a habitual criminal." He turned around and said a few words to brother long, who immediately got up and arrested him.

Gong Lin struggled and yelled, "what are you going to do? Let me go!"

"Take you to the sentence, there are tens of millions of things, enough for you to spend decades in prison!" "No! I'm wrong. Let me go! " This guy finally softened up, but Tang Qigen didn't care. If the first one asked for help let him go, how could he convince the public in the future? So he didn't pay any attention to his request and let brother long drag him out and take him away. This Gong Lin was taken away by

directly, and the rest of the people felt the greatness of Yali mountain.

Tang Qi's eyes swept the room and said with a smile, "I know what you are thinking. I don't think I dare to get rid of you all, do I? Because as soon as you leave, the company will be paralyzed? "

Everyone is silent, everyone is like in the Antarctic, all constantly shaking. Tang Qi continued: "I'm only in my early twenties. What if I failed? I don't think this company is the place where I live all my life, so even if it's bankrupt, it doesn't matter. Even if I destroy it, it won't be cheap. But you are different. You have a lot of wives and children. If you don't believe me, you are not afraid to go to prison. Say, if anyone wants to fight me, go on, I'll wait! "

In fact, Tang Qi's heart is also very worried. If people really fight against him, they will be sorry for Zhong Yaxin. But he still has more than 80% chance of winning.

Sure enough, these people all compromised, one by one defeated like a mountain, all expressed their loyalty to Tang Qi.

"We really don't think the same as Gong Lin! We are really worried that the company will go bankrupt. We are really wrong! "

"Yes, you can give us a chance. We are old and young. We will certainly change our ways."

Tang Qi laughed: "yes! I'll give you one last chance to spit out all the money you've been greedy for. I'll take it as if it didn't happen before. I'll do things conscientiously in the future. Don't think that I don't have time to take care of you. "

Everyone agreed in a hurry. It's really good that we don't have to have a prison meal to survive this time!

After that, someone asked mingka what to do. It's not a day or two for him to use Zhong's group to launder money.

If he did, it would be a big problem.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "you are very worried about our company, but don't worry. He doesn't dare to deal with us. If I don't have this ability, it's not Tang Qi. Just do your job well and don't worry about useless heart." They agreed quickly, and all the money they swallowed was returned. None of them dared to cheat. After this incident, Tang Qi stipulated that the purchasing department of jewelry should grade every gem, and all the gems identified as defective should be handed over to Tang Qi in person.

"In the future, if anyone dares to sell the gem without permission, even if it's a worthless broken stone, I'll put him in prison. Listen up?"

"Yes, but you are busy with business. How can you have time to check one by one..."

Tang Qi snorted from his nose: "did you forget what I just said? Don't worry about useless things. You don't have to worry about what I'm going to do. " He said that Lao Tzu still needs to use instruments to test? It's just a matter of seconds.

"Yes." The man's face was stiff and ugly. In my heart, I scold my mouth. It's so cheap. I like Aizi bumping into the muzzle of the gun. If Tang Qi retaliates in the future, it's over? Tang Qi looked at the people present. He thought that Gong Lin was so reckless and stupid that he would not be the one who mingka arranged in the company. It's not sure who arranged it or whether the whole company was bribed by him. The future company will be the battlefield for mingka and me. When he thought of this, his blood would be boiling, so he had never seen such an exciting opponent.

At the same time, mingka already knows what Tang Qi has done in Zhong's company. The pen in his hand fell to the ground directly and tens of thousands of Swiss original pens broke directly.

He walked back and forth behind his desk, suddenly stood still and looked at his men: "did Tang Qi really do this?"

"Yes! Before those people eat all returned to go back, and they see Tang Qi, all scared with the mouse saw the cat, don't dare to say more"Tang Qi!" Minka hit the table with a fist, and everything on it was shaking gently. Originally, because of what happened last night, I had already lost ten percent, but I thought that the company was full of people arranged by myself. I could take over Zhong's enterprise immediately by looking for any puppet. Who knows that Tang Qi went there directly, but he was defeated like a mountain. He suddenly fell two big somersaults on Tang Qi. How can he not be angry!

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