Gong meiqi and the others did not take the incident at the snack bar seriously. The next day, after work, the four girls came there again.

It was still the same crowded and empty table. It was the same waiter who brought them to the table yesterday.

According to the young man's instructions, the waiter told them why huo feng had kept the table.

The few of them sat down and chatted while eating.

"I don't think this snack bar is right." Huo feng glanced at the busy staff and whispered.

Rose nodded in agreement, "I don't think it's right either."

"Is that something wrong?" Gong meiqi looked at huofeng and rose in confusion.

Addie frowned slightly, "I also feel that something is not right. Every time we come here, we will be arranged here. Moreover, our dishes are the fastest."

"You're talking about this. Huateng may be trying to curry favor with us or someone who wants to repay us. Have you forgotten what I told you last time? I went to the northwest to talk about something. The waiter at a small restaurant insisted that I go to their place to eat. Xiao ying almost made a move with them. It was only after we made it clear that their children had the opportunity to go to school because of the hope primary school that we established in huateng. Moreover, their village had also taken a well-to-do path because of our cultivation. They had dragged me to eat because they wanted to thank us." Gong meiqi smiled gently.

Huo fengjiao said with a smile, "Nowadays, in huateng, everyone will give a thumbs-up wherever they go. Apart from the fact that huateng has already developed into a business empire, the most important thing is to continue to do charity, build schools, build roads, expand the channels of rural wealth, and so on. As long as the developers enter some remote villages, Which company do you work for?' if you answer anything else, not many people will talk to you, but if you say it's from huateng group, the whole village will be hospitable."

"In less than a year, hua teng has grown to such a level. Addie, mei qi, you two have done a lot of work. I wonder if xiao bai has accumulated a few lifetimes of virtue to have such a good beauty like you two. That kid still doesn't know how to cherish it." Rose curled her lips as if she was dissatisfied with zhang xiaobai.

"Rose, you misunderstood xiao bai. The fact that hua teng corporation could be here today is definitely because xiao bai has done a great job. Without him, there wouldn't be a hua teng corporation. Without him, do you think we would sit together? Like a company doing charity in the first place, the initial profit product is now the top job Without xiao bai's heart, which always rewards society, huateng group would never have achieved what it has achieved today." Addie chuckled and defended zhang xiaobai.

Rose was slightly stunned, then she muttered softly, "Has that boy done so much? I underestimated him."

"Rose, it's not easy to be the shopkeeper. Besides, it's not like you don't know why xiao bai is running around right now. That's a good thing for the country and the people." Gong meiqi smiled and looked at the rose.

Huo feng frowned slightly, "Rose, you're not the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong. What happened to you today?"

"I..." Rose glanced at Addie and gong meiqi, gritted her teeth and said softly, "When I went out to buy something this afternoon, I met a girl who said that xiao bai's enemies were going to be unfavorable to Addie and mei qi. The enemy was a foreign old man named cassas, and he was very powerful. Let me tell you something and pay attention to him."

"Someone wants to hurt Addie and maggie?" Huo feng exclaimed in a low voice, then glared at rose, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Rose said dejectedly, "I've been defending Addie and maggie, and we've always been at the company. There won't be anything wrong with so many huateng guards."

"That's right. If anything happens at the headquarters, it's useless to be vigilant. But, rose, you must tell me this earlier next time." Huo feng nodded in agreement with rose's idea, but she still reminded her sternly.

Rose knew that she was in the wrong and made a very childish mistake.

"Rose, it's alright. You just said that the girl was someone who loved xiao bai but couldn't be with him. Who is that girl?" Gong meiqi patted rose's arm.

Rose raised her head and thought for a moment before speaking softly, "That girl didn't say her name. She's pretty. She..."

Describing the girl's face, rose looked at Addie and gong meiqi, "Do you know each other?"

"It's her?" Addie exhaled and looked at the rose with a frown, "Rose, I know that you're feeling aggrieved for us, but I want to remind you that we're willing to follow xiao bai. We don't want to have any bad influence on xiao bai because of us. The girl you mentioned is one of xiao bai's women because Everyone is looking for her, and the next time you see her, you must tell me and maggie, okay?"

"Okay." Rose nodded in agreement.

Gong meiqi probed, "Yingying?"

"Okay." Addie nodded.

Gong meiqi frowned, "Since it's what yingying said, it's true. Moreover, yingying didn't hesitate to reveal her position to remind us that the old man who wanted us to take revenge on xiao bai is really strong, at least stronger than yingying."

"I remember xiao bai once said that yingying's strength is similar to that of a storm wolf, and she's stronger than yingying. Isn't that the same as xiao bai and brother xu?" Addie asked in surprise.


One of the waiters at the table next to Addie and the others accidentally dropped an aluminum bowl.

Everyone did not care and continued their own business.

The waiter picked up the dishes and hurried to the kitchen.

As soon as they entered the kitchen, the waiter immediately found the chef, "Captain, quickly inform brother qi that there are enemies that are going to harm miss Addie and miss gong. The enemy is a foreign old man, whose strength is on the same level as the chief instructor."

"What?" Everyone in the kitchen exclaimed in surprise. The chef did not dare to delay and did not ask if the waiter's information was accurate. This kind of thing was more believable than not. Their mission here was to protect Addie and gong meiqi as a stronghold.

The chef stopped cooking and quickly took out his phone to call the' brother qi' they were talking about.

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