Super Luxury King System

Chapter 498 Identify Yourself


A plane from the capital city to mordor slowly landed and a young man with sunglasses walked out of the airport.

"Comeon has fought against the enemy, and his trump card is in the wild..."

Just as he stepped out of the airport exit, the young man's phone rang.

Taking out his phone, the young man took a look at the caller id and frowned slightly. When there was nothing wrong, this person would not call him. When he picked up the phone, the young man spoke in a low voice, "Hello, hunting strange."

"Instructor, I have news that a foreign old man with the same strength as the chief instructor is going to harm miss Addie and miss gong. His name is cassas." A slightly suppressed voice came from the receiver.

The young man took off his sunglasses and a cold light flashed in his eyes. It was the ghost who had just arrived at devil's city from the capital city.

The ghost said in a low voice, "Are you sure about the news?"

"I'm not sure. The waiter heard it from miss Addie and the others. They're in the snack bar right now. The person who leaked the news is called yingying. It seems that she is young master bai's woman." The curious voice sounded helpless.

The ghost muttered to himself and said seriously, "I'd rather believe it. Contact the brothers on financial street and have them set up a perimeter around the snack bar immediately. Keep an eye on everyone near the snack bar. Don't just stare at the foreigners, in case they dress up, I'll rush over immediately."


After hanging up the phone, the ghost frowned slightly and dialed a cell phone number.

"Hey, ghost."

"Xiao bai, do you know a girl named yingying?" The spirit asked tentatively.

"Yingying?! You saw her? Where is she? Zhang xiaobai's nervous voice came from the receiver.

The ghost was slightly taken aback, then his frown deepened, and he repeated the matter in a deep voice.

"Casas!?" Zhang xiaobai's exclamations came from the receiver, "Ghost, yingying is my woman. She used to be the divine guardian of the world destruction. Her news of the world destruction must be accurate. We're waiting for casas at ld right now. I didn't expect this bastard to run to huaxia. Hurry to Addie and the others immediately. Although he's just the most ordinary divine servant, brother xu and I suspect that our alliance may not be his match. You and your brothers should be careful."

The spirit's heart jolted. Zhang xiao bai and xu Zhengyang might not even be a match if they joined forces. If he were to find Addie and the others...

"I'll go find them right away." The ghost didn't dare to think any further as he hung up the phone and rushed to Financial Street.

Financial Street business downstairs snack bar.


The door of the snack bar was roughly pushed open. Three men rushed into the snack bar, and the people in the snack bar all looked up.

The three men looked at Addie and the others and breathed a sigh of relief. They walked into the bar and the other two walked out of the snack bar.

"The news confirmed that someone was trying to harm miss Addie and the others. Their opponents are very strong, so everyone should be on their guard." The hunter went into the bar and whispered to the cashier.

The cashier stood up and left to enter the kitchen.

Huofeng and rose frowned slightly and looked at each other. They saw the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

The two of them whispered in Addie's and gong meiqi's ears. A trace of surprise flashed across Addie's eyes. He used his good mental quality to suppress the shock in his heart and ate a few mouthfuls calmly.

"Waiter, check out." Huo feng called out naturally.

The waiter came to them and chuckled, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just come out with a few new dishes. Please try them for the ladies. They're free. Please wait for a moment."

"No need." Huo feng reached out and grabbed the waiter who was about to leave.

Rose took out a few hundred yuan and placed it on the table. She looked up at the waiter calmly, "We still need to go back to the company for a meeting. Leave the money here. There's no need to look for it."

Rose walked first. Gong meiqi held Addie's arm and walked in the middle. Huofeng pulled the waiter to the opposite direction and followed Addie and the others.

Rose and fire phoenix's actions were clearly seen by the strange hunters in the bar. With a bitter smile, they walked out of the bar and stopped in front of rose.

"Boss, the food in your shop is really good, but we still have something to do, so we won't taste the new dishes." Rose smiled as she looked at the curiosity hunt. A cold light appeared in her eyes. Huofeng vigilantly watched the waiter behind her, ready to make a move at any time.

With a bitter smile on his face again, hunter turned to look at Addie and the others and whispered, "Miss Addie, miss gong, I'm the captain of the shadow team, code name hunting."

Addie and the others were slightly stunned and frowned at the curiosity.

The hunter helplessly took out a delicate badge and handed it to the rose.

On the front of the badge was the figure of a judge in ancient chinese mythology. On the opposite side was a black dragon shadow. The entire badge was sapphire blue, and the front judge's figure was inlaid with gold. On the other side, the dragon's shadow was inlaid with black pearl powder, and the entire sapphire badge was made of a top-grade sapphire. The cost of the entire badge increased by more than five million yuan, and of course, the sale of 60 % of the mineral resources in f province, which was controlled by hua teng, was not worth much.

Rose took a look at the badge and handed it to Addie.

Addie took a closer look and then breathed a sigh of relief, "It's the identity badge of hua teng defending the shadow team."

Addie said softly as he returned the badge, "This is..."

"Shadow stronghold." The hunter answered in a low voice, then spoke in a loud voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, the new dishes will definitely satisfy you. The chef is cooking and cooking, so you ladies can go over and have a look. It's just right that you can give our chef some advice after the taste."

"Alright, let's go and take a look then." Addie nodded and smiled.

The hunter was in front of them, bringing Addie and the others into the kitchen.

When the staff members of the kitchen saw that Addie and the others had also come in, they all turned to look at the hunter.

"You guys are busy with your work." The hunter told the staff behind the kitchen and turned to look at Addie and the others, "When the waiter heard your conversation just now, we reported it to the ghost instructor. The ghost instructor confirmed with young master bai that the news was accurate and the strength of the person who came was very strong. Young master bai said that he and the chief instructor might not even be a match."

"What?? So strong?" Huo feng and the others were shocked.

Hunting asked with a serious expression, "Ladies and gentlemen, please wait here for a while. The serene spirit instructor has already rushed over here and will escort you home when he arrives."

Addie and gong meiqi looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"I miss you once, and I worry about you once. Is that how I look when I'm in love..."

Addie's phone rang. He took out his phone and looked at it. Addie's eyes lit up. He quickly picked up the phone and chuckled, "Yingying, is that you?"

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