Super Luxury King System

Chapter 73 Attack Ivan Base

"No need." Zhang xiaobai shook his head, "Since we want to play, then let's play big. I'll let my hacker friend spread the news that we were being defamed by ivan to all the arms dealers in country e, and then we'll get rid of the three people behind ivan and let all the arms dealers see that we huaxia people aren't easy to deal with."

Xu Zhengyang was slightly taken aback, then a glint flashed across his eyes, "Alright, let's do it."

"And the three of you? Do you want to do it or not?" Zhang xiaobai glanced at big biao and the three of them. He picked these three people because they were all from special forces and had a lot of combat experience, but this was something other than work, so he wanted to see their own intentions.

"Fuck." Big biao and the three of them shouted at the same time.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "Alright, everyone take a good rest now and get some rest. I'll get my friend to post the news and check where the people behind ivan are."

"Yes." Big biao and the three of them responded, and they went to rest after arranging their alert order.

Zhang xiaobai looked up at xu Zhengyang, "Brother xu, what did the arms dealers of country e call you?"

"Grim reaper, this is my previous code name." Xu Zhengyang's eyes were filled with memories again.

Zhang xiaobai was slightly stunned and chuckled, "Domineering! Let me see what my name is."

"Isn't your name young master bai?" Xu Zhengyang looked at zhang xiaobai in confusion.

Zhang xiaobai rolled his eyes. "Young master bai asked our own people to call him that when he was talking about business. Now that we're going to create a bloody storm in country e, we have to call him the name of a cattle batch!" Yes, judge, how's it going? Death, the magistrates, are the existence of the soul entrapment."

"Sure." Xu Zhengyang smiled gently.

After setting the name, zhang xiaobai walked to the side and took out his phone to make a fake phone call to secretly communicate with ling boli, "Ling boli, find out all the information about the arms dealers in country e and tell them that ivan attacked the people who bought weapons in huaxia. Death and the magistrates want revenge. Also, monitor ivan's movements through country e's satellites."

"Yes, master." Ling bo li's ethereal voice sounded in her mind.

After putting away his phone, zhang xiaobai returned to xu Zhengyang and fell asleep.

The sky gradually darkened. Zhang xiaobai and the others were having dinner by the stream while zhang xiaobai was tidying up the information from ling boli.

"Brother xu, this is the information of all the arms dealers in country e. Ivan and the others returned to one of the bases. There are blueprints of the base behind it." Zhang xiaobai transferred all the information to his phone and handed it to xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang looked at the documents carefully and pondered for a while before looking up at zhang xiaobai, "Xiao bai, can your hacker friend control the defense and attack systems in their base?"

"As long as it's something controlled by the internet, she can hack into it, but because some special weapons require a specific password and are not archived on the computer, they can be cut off or destroyed without being able to launch. As for those in the base, they can be completely controlled." Zhang xiaobai roughly explained ling boli's ability.

Xu Zhengyang's face lit up, "That's good. As long as we control the defense system and attack system of the base, we'll be left with a mob. It's nothing to worry about."

After a pause, xu Zhengyang called big biao and the others over, "Everyone, listen up. We..."

After making the plan, the five of them took advantage of the dark night to reach the arms dealer's base.

At this moment, exclamations could be heard from some hidden bases in country e from time to time.

"Grim reaper, he's here again!"

"That bastard ivan, why did you provoke him?"

"Judge? Who is it? The one with death is definitely not a good person!"

"Haha, that bastard ivan is going to be unlucky!"

Ivan, on the other hand, was now in a base that was filled with regret.

"I didn't expect that death would still be so horrible. What should I do now that I have another judge? If they were so close to death, would they come tonight? Should I run? But where can I go?"


Ivan, who was talking to himself, suddenly slapped himself in the face, "Son of a bitch! Just like the chinese people said, I've really been blinded by lard. I wanted to make a name for myself, but I managed to provoke such a god of death!"

"That's not right!" Ivan's expression suddenly changed, "Last time, death was able to destroy Boris in one fell swoop because he led him out of the base. Now, I'm in the base with an advanced defense system and so many people protecting me. I'm sure nothing will happen."

While ivan was comforting himself, the five shadows touched the edge of the base.

"Xiao bai, cut off the surveillance and lighting equipment. We each have four sentries, one for each of us. After we get rid of the sentries, xiao bai activates the attack system in the base." Xu Zhengyang calmly ordered.

"Yes." Everyone answered in a low voice.

Seeing that xu Zhengyang and the others had touched it, zhang xiaobai informed ling boli to cut off the surveillance and lighting of the base.

Without a sound, the entire base went into darkness.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"Check the distribution room!"

The base was in chaos.

Seeing the signal from xu Zhengyang and the others, zhang xiaobai's eyes turned cold. He issued an order to block the gate of the base and open the attack system.

Tap, tap, tap! Boom!

The defense system in the base suddenly collapsed, and the door was tightly shut. The attack system fired at full force. However, the target wasn't outside the base, but inside the base.

In this advanced base, except for the room where everyone was resting, all the passageways were equipped with assault weapons. At this time, those weapons were spraying fire snakes, bullets hitting the people inside the base one by one. Countless broken arms, countless broken bodies were everywhere, and the entire base turned into a forest. Hell.

When the attack stopped, zhang xiaobai and the others each had a heavy machine gun, which was placed at the gate of the base. They didn't need to aim at it, but they just had to pull the trigger at the door, so zhang xiaobai could participate.

"Open it." After xu Zhengyang gave the order, zhang xiaobai instructed ling boli to open the gate of the base.


The door opened and more than a dozen figures covered in blood rushed out.


Five fire snakes lit up, and five heavy machine guns fired wildly. The dozen people were all sent flying by the strong impact, and some were even shattered into pieces.

All the people fell down, and five heavy machine guns stopped roaring. Zhang xiaobai told ling boli to turn on the lighting equipment in the base. The five of them lay there and waited for a while. When they saw that no one came out, each of them slowly entered the base with a submachinegun.

"Oh..." Seeing the scene of flesh and blood at the door, zhang xiaobai held xu Zhengyang with one hand and vomited.

Xu Zhengyang glanced at zhang xiaobai and turned to look at the three of them. The three of them were pale, but they didn't say anything.

"Xiao bai, let big biao stay outside with you. The three of us can go in." Xu Zhengyang gently patted zhang xiaobai on the back.

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