Super Luxury King System

Chapter 74 Sir Ivan


System mission: keep walking around the base.

Mission success award: individual hot weapons proficient, 100 hit.

Punishment for failure: three days and three nights by the ocean liner of country e.

A king with a strong physique, to be able to make the bones everywhere can also be singing to the wine!

Hearing xu Zhengyang's words, zhang xiaobai was about to nod his head, but the voice in his mind made him want to die.

What the hell, three days and three nights on the ocean liner of country e? Who didn't know that ocean horses in country e had strong sexual desires? The system, if you want me to die, just kill me directly. Do you want me to die by a round of death? How did I offend you?

"Xiao bai, we're going in first." Xu Zhengyang patted zhang xiaobai on the shoulder and was about to enter the base.


Zhang xiao grabbed xu Zhengyang's hand, "Brother xu, wait."

Damn it! One side was vomiting while the other was being reincarnated. Anyway, it was all death. I chose to vomit to death!

Zhang xiaobai decided in his heart and looked up at xu Zhengyang, "I'll go in with you."

"But..." Xu Zhengyang hesitated.


Zhang xiaobai smiled lightly and fiercely punched his stomach, raising an eyebrow at xu Zhengyang, "You vomited it clean."

Xu Zhengyang shook his head helplessly and turned to look at big biao, "Take good care of him. He should have gotten used to these things a little earlier. When he arrived in africa, he couldn't adapt to such a situation. He could only choose to return home or die."

Stride forward, xu Zhengyang open the road, motor, ground mouse left and right wings, zhang xiaozhong, big puma in the back, five people presented four guarantees a wave forward.

Slap! Slap!

From time to time, sporadic gunshots were heard in the base. All the enemies were shot. This was the rule on the battlefield.


When the five of them arrived at the door of the last bedroom, xu Zhengyang pushed the door open but did not open it.

The few of them looked at each other and xu Zhengyang made a gesture. The motor and the ground mouse stepped forward to the left and right sides of xu Zhengyang and aimed their guns at the bedroom door.

Zhang xiaobai and big biao turned their backs to xu Zhengyang and raised their guns to alert them.


Xu Zhengyang kicked open the door, the ground mouse roll, the motor jump forward, two people at the same time into the bedroom, xu Zhengyang followed.

The three of them looked around in confusion. There was no one in the room?

Suddenly, xu Zhengyang raised his hand. The motor and the ground mouse looked solemn as they watched xu Zhengyang from the corner of their eyes.

Xu Zhengyang smiled and pointed at the bottom of the bed.

Motor looked down at the bottom of the bed, a man like an ostrich buried his head in his crotch is shivering.

"Come out." The motor shot the man.

The man shuddered and crawled out of the room, shouting as he climbed, "Grandfather grim reaper, don't kill me. Grandfather judge, don't kill me. I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

Xu Zhengyang stepped forward to pick the man up. When he saw his face clearly, he smiled coldly, "Ivan, you're really lucky!"

When zhang xiaobai heard this, he went into the house.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Yang, we're friends! We're friends!" Don't kill me, don't..." Ivan kept begging for mercy.

Zhang xiao bai glanced at him coldly before he turned around and walked out of the room.


With a gunshot, ivan's pleading stopped.

Zhang xiaobai and the others searched the base, took all the cash from the base, and set a fire.

Thud! Oh! Oh!

Zhang xiaobai's legs went weak as he lay on the ground and vomited wildly.

He vomited once at the gate of the base, three times in the base, and now he vomited again. Zhang xiaobai even vomited bile.

Big biao and the other two's expressions changed, and they turned around and bent over to vomit.

Xu Zhengyang smiled slightly. He knew that big biao and the other two had been holding it in.


System tip: mission accomplished.

Bonus: hot weapons mastery.

Once again, a large amount of knowledge appeared in his mind, and his body began to have muscle memories. Zhang xiaobai, who had already vomited, fainted from the shock of happiness.

Two days later, zhang xiaobai completely recovered. In the past two days, in order to make himself appear less weird, zhang xiaobai asked xu Zhengyang for advice on all the hot weapons of the single soldier. The next three days, the arms dealers of country e were completely shocked.

The five of them spent three days attacking hundreds of miles, destroying two medium-sized arms dealers' bases. In five days, three medium-sized arms dealers related to ivan were uprooted, and the arms dealers of country e were completely frightened.

When zhang bai issued a warning to all the country e arms dealers through ling boli in the name of the judge and death, all the arms dealers wrote back immediately, saying that they would forever become friends with the huaxia merchants.

When country e's arms dealers were worried that the judges and death would continue to cause bloodshed in country e, zhang xiaobai and the other five had quietly entered the land of guo gang.

"Xiao bai, you really are a monster!" In the forest of guo gang, xu Zhengyang looked at zhang xiaobai who was roasting meat with helplessness in his eyes.

Zhang xiaobai grinned, "Brother xu, you taught me well."

Xu Zhengyang rolled his eyes and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This guy was a natural soldier! In half a year's time, melee combat was no less than me.

After three days, zhang xiaobai had used his superb acting skills to successfully move from shooting newbies to shooting god. Xu Zhengyang and the others felt that it was reasonable at the same time, especially xu Zhengyang. He was already used to all sorts of incredible things happening to zhang xiaobai, and all the impossible things happened to him were in zhang Even if it happened to xiao bai, it felt like it should be.

Big biao and the three of them looked at zhang xiaobai with shock and admiration. Even now, they still couldn't come back to their senses. From the moment they attacked the first base, zhang xiaobai vomited so much that he didn't know his last name. When he was at the third base, he was able to walk around the sea of dead bodies and blood easily. Zhang xiaobai spent less than a week from an ordinary base. The improvement in his mental state made the three of them feel even more incredible than his marksmanship.

After the meat was roasted, everyone began to feast on it. Zhang xiaobai asked xu Zhengyang as he ate the meat, "Brother xu, are we not far from daniel and the others now?"

"It's not far. After dinner, we'll be there in 20 kilometers." Xu Zhengyang answered while eating meat.

Zhang xiaobai smiled wickedly, "Brother xu, what do you say we give them a surprise attack?"

"Sure, check their vigilance." Xu Zhengyang smiled and nodded.

After calling big biao and the three of them over, zhang xiaobai and the others began to plot a surprise attack on big niu and the others.

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