"Why do Westerners like to build the most advanced scientific research institutions on small islands? Is it not clear that the farther away from industrial civilization, the higher the cost of science and technology?"

Zhao Xue, who just came down from the private plane, couldn't help asking Qi Hong about the problem that she couldn't understand. As for this truth, sister Xin and President Su heard about it.

Qi Hong did not answer, Zhou Lin explained next to him.

"It's called style. Why do you think so many billionaires like to buy small islands as their private property? I don't know which billionaire this island belongs to? "

Chen Qun, who was invited by Dr. Dudley, finally discussed with Qi Hong, and decided that only four people would come, which met the quota of five people on the invitation card. In addition, this is mostly a place to show his skills, so he was asked to bring his most familiar colleagues.

As for the private plane, Su wanting provided it, at least not to let him lose face. However, looking at the two resplendent private airliners on the edge of the airport, Chen Qun feels that this face has long been gone. However, it's just a small island with a radius of several tens of kilometers. It can't park so many private planes. Most of them have to fly to Hawaii International Airport to park.

As soon as he got off the plane, Chen Qun found something different from other places. Both the buildings on the island and the small airport in front of him are full of a very modern style, even a little like the pictures of science fiction movies, which is very pleasing to the eye.

I don't know who wrote these designs, but they are definitely masters of architecture. However, Chen Qun was relieved in the twinkling of an eye. With the ability of a good doctor, he really doesn't lack any friends. After all, everyone will get sick, so you have a chance to make friends.

Dr. Dudley makes it like a private club, which needs more sponsorship and more products to sell.

He's a high-tech guy, at least one or two grades better than Dr. George.

These buildings, even using some basic elements of psychology, emphasize the most simple and hard core theme - beyond the times!

"Dr. Chen from the East, please follow me!"

A young asian woman, wearing a cheongsam, came over and waved to a group of four people who had just got off the plane. She motioned to a hovercraft like tour bus nearby to get on.

Chen Qun walked in and found that it was a hovercraft... The tour bus made him laugh. If history is still an antique in front of him, he has absolutely no say. But how to show off technology?

To paraphrase the well-known line of the game: "you are looking for your own death!"

There are so many black technologies in system space that he is used to them. What are you doing with a hovercraft? The ability to get a maglev car out to meet is the ability.

Chen Qun despised it in his heart, but knew that it was also to sell a core idea.

I have high technology here!

Unfortunately, for men who have systems and are used to all kinds of high technology, it's a bit ridiculous to teach others how to teach others. However, these ostentations are necessary, just as Xiangyun hospital can only introduce robots. In fact, technology is not complicated, but the packaging is novel, which gives people a different understanding.

"My name is Roland. I'm your full-time guide. I'm responsible for meeting any of your needs. Now let's ask Dr. Chen and Dr. Qi, Dr. Zhou and nurse Zhao to put your fingers on my tablet

This Asian girl, obviously with a little mixed blood, took out a tablet computer that looked like blue glass and put it in front of several of them. In the corner of the sky blue screen, a thumb pattern is displayed.

Ha, even the tablet computer is the most advanced technology product. It's really rich enough to make Dr. George's mouth water with envy.

Chen Qun took a look at the next-generation tablet computer in front of him. He was not surprised at all. He naturally put his finger on it and glanced at it. What's more, he saw that the model of this computer had a rare Latin name.

When Chen Qun took back his finger, he took it between his fingers and gently clicked on another control button. "There should be a Chinese system. Oh, I found it. I replaced it with my own language. It's more convenient."

While speaking, I once again despised the designer of this computer system. What's wrong with the word? I prefer to use traditional Chinese characters. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to make some mistakes? However, I also understand this setting. After all, it is only in recent years that new domestic billionaires have emerged, and they have no access to this circle.

"I forgot that if Mr. Chen wants the simplified Chinese system, we will replace it in three hours!""No, it would be a little more convenient for us to switch to the English system. We only have one nurse whose English level is not so good, but there should be no problem with you

Chen Qun naturally handed this novel laptop to Qi Hong. Although the three young people around them were a little surprised, they had psychological construction when they came over. They also saw some similar black technology products in Dongfang Wenxin. They saw this kind of tablet and naturally recorded their thumbprints.

"Your rooms and pass cards are all done directly with fingerprints, and you don't need any keys. At the same time, it has the right of passage in most areas. As for Dr. Chen Qun, Dr. Dudley hopes that you will have the permanent right of way of our whole island. Later, you need to follow me to the terminal building for 3D scanning to obtain higher right of way. "

Speaking of three-dimensional scanning, Qi Hong and Zhao Xue look at each other and immediately think of the magnetic ball device of the first lady, which is a three-dimensional scanning instrument. They have operated, and they are completely familiar with the principles, so they do not turn into local bumpkins.

However, it seems that they are treated as bumpkins here.

A few minutes later, the four of them saw a similar device in a slightly dark room. The three pillars formed an equilateral triangle. Chen Qun was scanned up and down by a blue laser in the middle, and it was finished.

Of course, Chen Qun knows that this is to establish his own information file, but it doesn't matter. At least Dr. Dudley, who has such reputation and influence, doesn't need to use his fingerprints and other information to transfer money to the bank.

The half breed, Roland, with a smile, also raised his hand to the three young people to stand up.

"In fact, this machine is used more often, that is, we can build a real-life version of the hand-held computer based on our own scanned data. Although I don't have the right to open the whole island to you, I have the right to create a real-life version for you. Who will come first, ladies

Before Qi Hong could speak, he heard Chen Qun laughing.

"Cher, come first. Don't you like all kinds of dolls best?"

So Zhao Xue went in muddleheaded. Under the guidance of the guide, she put on a very nice look. Even she felt satisfied and looked forward to it.

Qi Hong knew that Chen Qun didn't care about the scanning results, but wanted to see how realistic the hand-made model was. This is a difficult problem that Miss Dongfang has not solved.

"I'll have one, too. Can you make it a little bigger?"

"No problem, we provide the handmade here, the highest is four feet! I'll make you a four foot one! "

After hearing this, Qi Hong was quite relieved. Even if there was something to hide, he could only make a one meter hand-made model. Compared with Miss Dongfang's ability to build a magnetic ball several meters high, the amount of computation was not of the same level.

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