"OK, the information has been uploaded. When you leave, you will be able to get your own customized handmade. Now, let me introduce to you the main professional direction and some basic information of this Alexandrian Institute. Allow me to introduce you to this latest mobile diagnostic database. "

Miss Roland, as a tour guide, launched a small mobile console from the side. Unlike most other hospitals, the flat screen on it is also transparent with a trace of blue light. Although only the shape of the monitor has changed, it gives people a sense of science fiction that has been advanced for decades.

"Oh, forget that I don't have access to the database. I need Dr. Chen to put your finger into that tube and confirm the DNA activation. Then you have all the research data of our institute. Of course, it also includes the most advanced timely patient monitoring system. "

Roland points to a port of the flat panel diagnostic car and indicates. Chen Qun does not hesitate to put his finger in. He only feels a slight pain in his fingertip. On the front floor glass wall, a huge screen immediately appears, showing countless data and network connections.

"This is a fingertip blood test device. In addition to activating Dr. Chen's access rights, it also establishes a perfect personal data file for Dr. Chen, grabs search information from the Internet, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of your personal physical condition. Rest assured that all the information is confidential. Only with the authorization of the chairman of the board of directors, the president of the Research Institute and the head of the fund preparation group, can we be qualified to enter the network and obtain complete information. "

Chen Qun smiles and stops talking. Anyway, the most comprehensive, complete and advanced understanding of his personal information in his system space is the simple equipment in front of him. He is not a superhero. He has any mutant genes. Naturally, he doesn't mind collecting his own physiological data under various names.

"Dr. Chen, you see, this is the patient control center of our institute. Whether it's CT scanning, MRI or color Doppler ultrasound, you and the patient can know all the information at any time about all the images and test results. And the most intimate thing is that during the non diagnosis and treatment period, no matter where the patient is, the information will be sent here through the data collection bracelet to realize real-time monitoring. "

Chen Qun didn't think much of this new medical records management center. After all, with the caution and care of those really rich people in the world, they will never disclose their whereabouts to a clinic. However, for those rich second generation and rich third generation, this kind of real-time management center of medical records can be used.

To put it bluntly, this is to extend the control center of the hospital to the whole world through the Internet. It's no surprise. Chen Qun can even guess that this model should not be the first to be established or the last. This may be the fundamental reason why this private clinic is flourishing among the rich.

Roland is introducing, see diagnosis panel suddenly appeared a middle-aged man with glasses, hair a little messy, make a welcome gesture to this side.

"Chen has already come. That's great. I'm discussing an interesting case with Sir Victor. I think you may have more say. Come to our diagnosis room right away for our first consultation. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Dudley, the science geek here. "

The picture disappears, and Roland, as the guide, immediately makes an invitation gesture.

"Please follow me. The management of this research institute is very human. There are no superior and subordinate offices, and there are not too many complicated procedures. As long as you are a member of this place, you will have the opportunity to express your views and wishes, and you will not suffer unfair treatment just because you say something wrong. "

Hearing that the tour guide spared no effort to recruit herself, Chen Qun knew that he might have been sold by some headhunting company for a long time. Especially for Asian Americans, among the top scientific research teams in the west, it often means lower salary, better work and less requirements.

If you have a laboratory, you will do everything you can to attract skilled young people.

It's a pity that everything in front of him seems so advanced, but in the final analysis, it's only for a few people, and it's never the object of his choice. In the outside world of capital, it is true that being rich means being willful.

More than 20 minutes later, Chen Qun came to a hall that covers an area of two basketball courts. There are all kinds of sofas in it. The style is completely out of tune and full of personal color. It looks like a large lounge or something.

Only on the big screen in the middle is a group of data displayed. On the right is a picture of a young girl sleeping.

Dr. Dudley, who was dressed in a mess, was standing in front of the big screen, pointing to the picture and making a speech.

"Our comatose young patient, Christina, has been in our hospital for six months and still shows no sign of waking up. She can't talk, she can't move, she can't open her eyes. This situation may continue, even for decades, so we need to change our mode of thinking. We can no longer wait for a vegetative patient to wake up. ""What we need is to take the initiative to see if we can wake up patients directly from the activity of cerebral cortex and brain waves. Maybe we need a brain wave machine of Professor X to wake up our Sleeping Beauty Princess from deep sleep

Chen Qun looks at the girl's situation on the screen. He can't help but frown and release it in a twinkling of an eye. This is a real vegetable. If you don't have a way, you can't. In other words, at least now, humans have not found a real way to wake up the vegetative.

This is a terminal disease.

"In fact, in the last century, the research on the brain and brain waves has already begun. Countless people want to complete the ability of teleportation, which is also the frontier subject with the most investment and the longest research time. However, with decades of efforts, human beings still find that they know nothing about the brain, and all schemes fail without exception. "

"But in the ruins of failure, we accumulated a lot of experience and data, so I made a little change to the original device used to study teleportation. We don't need to transmit one person's thinking to another person's mind. We just need to find the person's brain wave and excitation center. Maybe there is a way to wake up the vegetative person. "

Chen Qun and several other young people, listening to this passionate treatment plan, were also slightly infected. They knew that no matter what he did or how unreasonable the plan was, it represented the most cutting-edge technology in medicine, which was worth encouraging.

For Chen Qun, he immediately denied this plan in his mind. At least people still don't understand the whole brain. Whether it's bioelectrical stimulation or hormonal stimulation, the plan to wake up vegetative people needs to take a chance.

"Next, let's invite Dr. Chen from the east to start this special treatment for us. After all, Dr. Chen is the first magical doctor in the world to cure atresia syndrome. Of course, what he is more familiar with is his throat operation for Miss Emily and the face change of Miss Lillian. "

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