Chen Qun looked at the small robot that began to move, and knew that this product was actually only made by the young lady, who asked the engineering team to rush out overnight. Originally, a 3D projection robot he imagined was taken out by the young lady to change the surgical appearance. It's just like a fairy.

It's just that the more high-tech things are, the less reliable they are. The three-dimensional projection robot temporarily acts as the toy of the first lady, and she will improve the program.

However, there is a little difference between this small robot and the core program of the small broom, that is, the database of the small broom has been filtered again, and it has become the sunny version for girls, rather than the adult version for all kinds of old drivers. Otherwise, many of the comments made by the little broom are not suitable for children to a certain extent.

Just as he was about to continue his explanation, he saw Qi Hong's face dignified. He put down his phone and said hello to Chen Qun.

"Chen Qun, just now the emergency center sent out an emergency call for help. A patient had systemic diffuse bleeding. There were bleeding spots in his kidneys, cerebral vessels and calf muscles. Just test results, is low immunoglobulin, cardiac arrest and lung effusion, perhaps this should be able to diagnose what disease

These days, Ouyang Yang, who has been honest a lot, suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"Those guys who go to Baidu all day will definitely be diagnosed with amyloidosis. But forget a most basic standard, if it is such a rare disease, then his internal blood volume is not so high. What's more, it's a chronic disease. It won't suddenly attack in these days after being hospitalized for more than a week. "

Qi Hong opened the detailed electronic medical records in the group, hesitated for a while, and then slowly agreed with Ouyang Yang Yang's view.

"Maybe there's a certain truth in Xiao Apple's statement. If you diagnosed amyloidosis, there will be symptoms in the medical records in recent years. But he was in the hospital after the spleen repair surgery, there are all kinds of deterioration

Chen Qun is about to answer, but Du Ya's face is engrossed. He can't help staring at Qi Hong's expression. There seems to be a twinkling star between his eyes. If he has so much heart, he has so much heart. Even if I don't know what it is, my natural sixth sense must have something to do with her mirror nerve.

Mirror nerve is a new discovery in medicine in recent years. In short, it is just like quantum mechanics in the medical field. The mechanism has not been found at all, but it almost conforms to the mechanism of quantum entanglement. It is a kind of metaphysics in science, relying on free evaluation.

However, no matter what Qi Hong is doing or saying, there is a remarkable feature that her whole mind is working with all her strength to make a diagnosis of the patient's condition. If brain wave detection is carried out, the frequency of several kinds of waves must be very high.

Perhaps it was Qi Hong's mental state that triggered duya's mirror reflection and immediately began to imitate.

But no matter what diagnosis, there will be a variety of negative psychological emotions, and then continue to affect the little girl is not good. All of a sudden, Chen Qun gives orders to Feng Qiuyun.

"Xiao Feng, today we come out to bring Du Ya out to have fun, not to discuss work. But now the hospital is in an emergency, you take duya children to go around and introduce xiaoyiyun to her. I'll trouble you. Let's go back to the hospital first. "

As Chen Qun said, he winked at Qi Hong and whispered to his girlfriend.

"Xiaoxin, why don't you just accompany Mr. Du. When Qi Hong was diagnosed just now, it seemed that she had a mirror image syndrome, which resonated. You might as well follow her and take her to see your magnetic ball model. See if she'll imitate you when you're absorbed

Dongfang Wenxin understood the meaning of Chen Qun's words. It is not random for a little girl to see who imitates who, but a little demanding. In addition, she must be able to imitate things. If the knowledge structure level of medical diagnosis, she simply can not imitate, can only copy.

But for the construction of the magnetic ball building blocks, kindergarten children will, but her construction is much more complex. She just needs to find some simple types to build. Maybe she can imitate them.

Bing Xueming, a clever oriental lady, nodded her head and bit her ears at Chen Qun in the same low voice.

"Well, I'll let Qiu Yun be responsible for observing her. I'll take her to play with super blocks to see if I can teach her!"

There are so many patients in Xiangyun hospital, but none of them can surpass Du ya. Dongfang Wenxin knows that if the hospital permits, Chen Qun and Qi Hong's team will conduct a thorough examination of the little girl to see if they can find the principle of this neurological disease.

This is also the first-hand data she can find. She must monitor the whole process. In a moment, Miss Dongfang decided to take her to her toy room and record the whole process with multiple cameras to see if she could observe anything. Besides, Feng Qiuyun had been entrusted by them for a long time. It was for the sake of influencing the girl's mental state that he got to know each other."Well, I'll ask the driver to take you back to the hospital first, and then come and take us to my sister's villa!"

Chen Qun and other members of his group took the luxury business car of the first lady, but they were not idle. They continued to question Ouyang.

"I know you have a very different way of thinking, and there's always a reason for that. Now suppose the disease is not amyloidosis, how can we prove it? "

Ouyang Yang for Chen Qun's question, made a simple expression.

"We can do a double-blind trial. Isn't there a lot of zebrafish in the lab now? If the patient's condition is directly divided into before and after the onset, the only variables that he changes are very simple. It's just an operation, two units of blood and some drugs are input, and each one is tested separately! "

As soon as the words came out, Qi Hong sighed.

"You've always been the most fundamental and reliable, but the latter is hardly reliable. Do you know how many hours it takes to conduct zebrafish experiments? The latest is 24 hours. When the result comes out, the patient is dead. "

Chen Qun was silent at this time, knowing that Qi Hong's most critical problem was not a problem at all. Because he has the time pause skill provided by the system and the simulation space, he can find out the results in the laboratory.

"Then maybe we can let Chen Qun pass by, bang bang luck!"

Little apple gives a better answer!

Chen Qun saw this guy throw him out directly, can't help but stare at him.

"Ouyang Yang, you have actually answered the cause of the patient, which originated from the operation in the hospital and led to a series of deterioration later. But the only thing that didn't get worse was his repaired spleen. The patient is now suffering from systemic vascular diffuse bleeding, which is definitely a blood problem. "

"The hospital tested it two days ago. The patient is not a rare panda blood. It can't be caused by blood transfusion. It's more likely to be a drug allergy. That's the most reasonable guess. "

"This is a special case. Does it need rationality? If we can't do it, our hospital will be a township hospital. "

Small apple indignant speech let Qi Hong directly shut up, this word sounds a bit awkward, but it is really such a thing. If Xiangyun hospital can't reflect the patient's situation from a reasonable logic, their hospital is just a township hospital, or even worse.

"Go to see the patient first, and then make a diagnosis!"

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