This is Chen Qun's final conclusion. This may have no doubt for others, but he left a little more thought for the careful Qi Hong. I know his girlfriend is absolutely right. This guy's attitude towards seeing patients with his own eyes is totally different from that of seeing patients remotely.

What you don't see with your own eyes is extremely cautious; What I saw with my own eyes is that the train of thought is just unrestrained, unrestrained and flowing, and the angle is tricky. It's totally two styles!

Perhaps, this should be learned from President Liu's style of integration in their own system, to achieve the unity of opposites!

When Qi Hong thought of the unity of opposites, she suddenly felt as if she had a sudden realization that what she lacked was her own unity of opposites. She has only one pole, so now that she reaches the bottleneck, she can't save it. Her breakthrough is also used to find her other pole.

Her faults, like Chen Qun's, are that she is very careful and takes a reasonable and logical path. But when Chen Qun was in a hurry, he went completely out of his way and didn't follow the logic. When I was in my hometown county hospital, I was still a little shivering, but when I got to Xiangyun hospital, I was forced by President Liu, and my style and technique changed completely.

Then I should also learn from Chen Qun. His style change only abandons the branches and leaves and the parts of obsessive-compulsive patients, and still retains the main body. Then I should learn this style. I will start with this case and analyze it from another angle. For example, it is possible to assume from the most unlikely direction.

Qi Hong calms down and ignores Ouyang Yang's chattering about his illness. He concentrates all his energy on the idea of a flash in his mind.

The first thing is that it can be completely determined that the follow-up lesions of this patient are completely related to this operation. It's the surgical rescue that made him worse. There are two reasons, either blood transfusion or medication.

But now, after so many days of examination, no allergy has been found. In other words, conventional thinking has been confirmed to be completely wrong or out of order. The only way to do that is to open a brain hole and find out what we have missed.

Diffuse hemorrhage should be a blood problem. The simplest answer is that the blood type is wrong.

If we assume that the blood type is not right and we give blood of type A to patients of type B, most of the symptoms can be found in patients. The reason why all doctors didn't think about it from this angle is that we checked it several times, checked it several times, and finally ruled out this possibility.

Today, I'll learn from little apple. It's unusual. It's totally upside down! After all, any detection will be wrong, the probability is very small, repeated detection, in fact, is to completely eliminate the probability of this kind of error.

As if she had found some blind spot, Qi Hong calmed down, organized her thoughts, and talked to several colleagues who were making a lot of noise in the car.

"Maybe we have the wrong blood type, which leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation, pulmonary effusion and other symptoms, all of which correspond to the most unlikely symptoms. Now, we assume that the blood transfusion is wrong. How can we prove that this assumption is right? "

"Another blood type test, this time we will use the oldest method to test the blood type directly, instead of using all the later methods to test antibodies. As he is unable to produce the corresponding blood antibodies, it is an autoimmune disease. Only when the blood type is matched, the blood will produce the corresponding antibody, but for autoimmune deficiency, it may not produce that kind of antibody. This is the vast majority of cases, but in a very few cases, it will produce one more antibody. "

At the end of the conversation, all of them shut up and looked at the cautious girl Xueba and the little apple next to her. They all felt strange, as if they were completely misplaced.

Chen Qun drew a circle of fingers and made fun of Qi Hong.

"Dr. Qi Hong, are you infected by duya and let her mirror nerve spread to you, and then you just faked the little apple and said such words. But your explanation is more reasonable than that of little apple. "

When Ouyang Yang saw that he was teased by Chen Qun, he didn't want to fight back. Instead, he looked at Qi Hong and muttered to himself.

"Tell me if this kind of mirror nerve can be activated in the human body through telepathy. In other words, everyone has mirror nerve, but the vast majority of people are not activated, only a few people are activated. If the conditions are right, it may activate the next person. "

Iron Army see this guy staring at his sweetheart, can't help but hate him.

"Maybe you can be a mouse to test this theory. If this theory is correct, it is also a Nobel Prize in medicine, and may even win a prize in physics! "Ouyang Yang, who has always had a big brain hole in Chen Qun Jue, has come up with a good idea. However, now is not the time to consider the mirror nerve. It is important to save people first.

"The patient is AB blood, and the transfusion is AB blood, not O blood. To a certain extent, Qi Hong's statement is reasonable. Everyone should act quickly. Before the diagnosis of amyloidosis in the hospital joint consultation, it was proved that it was just a blood type error. At least we can not let the next radiation therapy, let his body cells produce other mutations again, then it will be difficult to diagnose again. "

Chen Qun didn't feel nervous and worried at this time. He felt that Qi Hong's statement was correct. What's more, the method to verify is also very simple. You can see the results from the patients.

He was thinking when he suddenly heard the sound of the system in his ears.

"Congratulations, one of your team members has officially entered the master level of diagnostics. He has gained 50000 experience points, a little intelligence improvement and master level logical thinking ability. Please keep up your efforts and continue to improve more team-mates to challenge the legendary mission."

As soon as Chen Qun heard this, he immediately entered the system hall and saw Qi Hong's body flashing a golden light of luck. My heart is more than happy for her, but it seems that on the team list, there are also glittering gold... And Su wanting, who is not a nurse.

What kind of promotion is this?

Chen Qun repeatedly click several times, but can't check Su wanting's information and status, can't help asking the system.

"Well... Why can't I check the status of the players?"

Time seemed to stop suddenly, and the sound of the system suddenly slowed down.

"Logic error, logic error, system self checking..."

Self check your sister, and began to prepare disgusting people. I don't know about your urine?

Although he didn't know what kind of skill upgrade Su wanting had, at least he knew that it had nothing to do with medicine, so the broken system was ready to fix the bug.

No chance this time!

"I want to exchange all the remaining money. What can I exchange?"

The voice of self-test suddenly stopped, and a large list was immediately placed in front of him, "please exchange as soon as possible, and the system will restart in five seconds!"

For five seconds, Chen Qun cursed in his stomach. Suddenly, he had an idea. He divided his gold, silver and copper coins into three grades. At the beginning, he exchanged the gold coins for an instrument that he could just buy, and then murmured to himself.

"There is still one gold coin left. Do you have anything to recommend?"

"There is not enough money to be exchanged. But... You have a lot of reputation and rank, you can borrow money from this system! "

Loan your sister!

When Chen Qun saw that the broken system was fooled. It didn't matter what kind of bug repair he could make money for, so he couldn't bear to let his children get rid of the wolf. After a while of bargaining, Chen Qun loaned 8 gold coins to make 9.98 gold coins and bought the latest optical tweezers again.

As for the time, I don't know how long it took. I just saw a light golden light on Su wanting. After the upgrade, he bought the instrument.

"You owe the system 8 gold coins, two silver coins per day interest, please repay as soon as possible, otherwise it will be personal property mortgage!"

Small sample, I know you have this move, I am ready to hurt each other! He still has several master level treasure boxes in his hand. There is a certain probability that he will give out gold coins, probably more than ten gold coins. However, in order to avoid stimulating this broken system, we should exchange it tomorrow and let it charge a little interest.

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