"Qi Hong, what do you think?"

Miss Chen Qun did not pay attention to the eyes of consternation, directly to the back of the operation of CT Qi Hong put forward a question, style learned enough of a TV boss.

The female student bully gave an accurate answer after a little thought.

"Maybe the tumor of sigmoid colon is very large, and there is a lot of blood flow. For ordinary contrast media, when it reaches that part, it will be stained, and it looks like bleeding. On the contrary, for the structure of the small intestine, its bleeding is intermittent, so sometimes it can't be clearly shown in CT angiography and can't be detected. However, the accuracy of personal guess is a little lower than that of computer calculation. We can make a better judgment when your demonstration image comes out. "

"Don't rush. Damn it, there's only one projector. I'll show the other two on the big screen. You can compare them. As for the most likely image, I'll show it on the projector."

Chen Qun stopped quickly and put forward his opinion calmly.

"Maybe I'll take another photo to see what's wrong. What's more, if you do another angiography, the data will be more comprehensive and more accurate for real-time imaging. I went back to the ventral aorta, and then I went up, and I inserted a catheter into the superior mesenteric artery, and I gave me the contrast agent to locate the bleeding in the small intestine

At this time, Dongfang Wenxin doesn't argue with Chen Qun, and regardless of her imaging results, she directly gives new instructions.

"I'm going to do a 3D image of the superior mesenteric artery entrance right now."

Liang Shaoming, who made up a lot of interventional knowledge, looked at the vascular projection on the screen and couldn't help expressing his worries.

"The entrance is too narrow. What kind of catheter is needed to get in? It seems that you are already using the thinnest catheter. Is there a thinner one

Chen Qun is busy in his hands and does not forget to give an answer.

"Yes, there are three smaller ones, but they are almost not used on weekdays. They are all in my operating box. Now it seems that I can't use it. I can use the conventional catheter to complete the work, which is mainly to save time. OK, I've entered the superior mesenteric artery. Don't change the image on your big screen. Get ready to shoot. 4 ml of contrast agent per second for 20 seconds! "

"Set up, shooting started!"

Qi Hong in the next operation screen, familiar with Chen Qun's instructions.

At this time, Liang Shaoming had time to pay attention to the pictures on the 3D projector. He saw a pile of colorful blood vessels of different sizes and thicknesses appear in the field of vision like a mess. In the middle, there is a little red pipe, indicating Chen Qun's real-time route, which is almost in sync with the black line on the big screen, There was no delay difference.

Even if Liang Shaoming has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs walk. Knowing that this is the most difficult part of all interventional operations, we need to find a channel in a pile of cobwebs. If we go wrong a little bit, all our previous efforts will be wasted. This requires not only patience, but also excellent spatial three-dimensional perception, which can not be accomplished by experience.

What's more, the most depressing thing for all of us is that many scheduled angiograms may not be able to find the real bleeding location. If we look for it several times, the depression and anxiety can directly crush many doctors and collapse on the operating table.

Chen Qun was quietly staring at the big screen at this time. With his solid clinical experience, he directed the guide wire to swim in the small intestinal artery. The picture on the big screen was bright and flickering, constantly adjusting its position, and the picture became an increasingly complex towering tree. Almost at the same time, a more complex capillary network was drawn with the same blue light on the nearby 3D projector.

"I found the bleeding point. Look at the upper left corner. The plush place in the picture is the location of blood penetration."

As soon as Chen Qun's voice fell, the black line leading to the past capillaries immediately turned pale red, and the other peripheral blood vessels also turned green, which was very clear on the black and white CT images. Next to the 3D projector, the same rose red blood vessels appeared, and green branches grew around.

Liang Shaoming's mouth is wide open. He knows that there are only black and white on any hospital's CT projector. If there are color pictures, they are definitely processed pictures. Although they are just simple color development, there are huge computing power hidden behind them. It can be said that black technology is absolutely true.

The machinery and equipment of Xiangyun hospital are the most advanced in China, which is also the first-class level in the world. At most, there is a little technical deviation. But even if such a machine completes a 3D image, it will take half an hour for the computer to complete the calculation.And the big lady can do real-time imaging. No matter the computing power or the most important programming behind it, it can't be bought with money at all.

In the future, the frontier of medicine lies in this direction. It's no mistake for him to keep up with Chen Qun's general direction. After ten years of hard work, and with Chen Qun to learn from, it's not only a matter of selecting an academician, but also a leader in the world's respiratory department. He will create a technological revolution for all doctors in respiratory department, There's no way to bypass his presence.

This is his greatest ambition buried in his heart!

"Chen Qun, keep going straight ahead, turn to the left at the divergence point in front, pass through the circular blood vessel in front, you can see the bleeding point. Slow down. Don't run to the side road. There are three roads in the same position! "

With a wave of her hand, the young lady magnified the image of the projector twice and indicated the way forward with her middle finger. Chen Qun naturally followed the instructions of the first lady.

For Chen Qun, he didn't carry out any exercises in the system space at all. For him, the exercises are not very necessary. He almost has a non conditioned reflex on the human body structure, and many operations have become habitual reactions. Before he can understand, he has completed the walk through.

"More slowly, after this bifurcation point, the catheter will reach the bleeding point."

"We've reached the position, start shooting!"

With more and more clear structure in the image, Chen Qun's hand stopped, and a tangled tissue structure appeared in front of rose red blood vessels.

As a video player, Qi Hong let out a exclamation, "is this arteriovenous malformation of the small intestine?"

"Yes, it should be congenital. It exists before birth, and the proportion increases with the growth of the body. It's this vascular malformation that bleeds at this time, causing bleeding in the small intestine. I need to use an endovascular coil to stop bleeding, Xiao Xin. Let the computer estimate the distance of the bleeding point. "

Dongfang hears that Chen Qun is white. He knows that this guy deliberately asked her to perform. Otherwise, with Chen Qun's "rich clinical experience", he would not ask a nurse for any advice.

The young lady's fingers made two strokes on the stereoscopic projection, and finally gave the answer of computer judgment.

"Prepare 1.5mm diameter and 3cm long spiral ring!"

The first lady gave the answer while performing her duties as an instrument nurse, and then she felt a big loss.

"Here, Mr. Chen Qun, the spiral plate is right in front of you. You don't even reach out and take it yourself. You have to squeeze a little nurse. Do you have to wait for me to feed you when you eat?"

Chen Qun put on a serious look and answered calmly.

"Nurse, please abide by the rules of the operating room, do not violate the procedures! Well, I'll tell you the truth. I'm afraid I'll do it myself. You say that I've deprived you of the pleasure and responsibility of an instrument nurse. I'm also very difficult! "

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