A few minutes later, Qi Hong's voice rang throughout the operating room.

"The patient's vital signs are gradually recovering!"

By this time, Chen Qun had finished the whole operation and was sticking a large band aid on the patient's groin. Only a little more than one centimeter of the wound stood out on the large hemostatic patch.

However, Chen Qun did not announce the completion of the operation at this time, but issued a strange order.

"Qi Hong, scan the patient's tumor again. Xiao Xin, I have to trouble you to re calculate the data and re display a more accurate 3D image. Maybe we can use the same method to solve the tumor problem in patients

"Then why not operate now?"

As soon as she came down, the interested young lady immediately waved her arm and glared at Chen Qun with great dissatisfaction.

"The patient's condition is very bad. Even if the operation is needed, it will take a week or two. What's more, if we really need to complete the operation, we need to make some improvements. First of all, we need the holographic structure of the patient's tumor to ensure that all cancer cells are removed. In addition, we have to do a few tests to see if his cancer cells have spread

Liang Shaoming calms down beside him, stares at Chen Qun, and asks his biggest question.

"Can such a large tumor be completed by IVR? How long does it take for the ants to move the mountain

Chen Qun shook his head.

"For such a large tumor, IVR surgery, as you said, is an ant moving the mountain. Before the surgery is completed, the patient may also have a variety of life-threatening complications due to too long anesthesia time. So we can do it with colonoscopy

Dongfang Wenxin takes a look at the image on the three-dimensional projection, jumps up and turns pale.

"There's nothing I can do about this operation. You'd better have another one!"

Chen Qun laughs and knows what his girlfriend is afraid of.

Miss Da doesn't want to be a "dung digger" of other medical staff. Besides, if it's colonoscopy, it's definitely the most convenient and dangerous way to enter the anus.

"What are you afraid of? This is not what we are going to do. We just provide a perfect operation plan for the center, so that ordinary doctors can complete it. I think, even if you don't do it, there are doctors rushing to do it. If the patient's condition improves after half a month, it can even be completed by endoscopic surgery, which is less dangerous. "

Liang Shaoming listened to the quarrel between the young couple. He stuttered twice and swallowed the words that he almost said, "I'll do it.". If he dares to open his mouth, I'm afraid before he can get out of the emergency center, the chief directors of the two departments of gastrointestinal department will block the door and scold him bloody. Maybe he will say anything ugly.

He is a chief director of the Department of respiration and the Department of Gastroenterology. Even in the hospital meeting, he doesn't have the reason. He is not the director of the emergency department. He can grab patients with the emergency sign.

However, the big director thought of something in a twinkling of an eye, quickly accompanied by a smiling face like a dog leg, and began to discuss with the big lady.

"Miss Xiaoxin, can you give me a video of today's operation, and I'll take it back to have a serious look and learn!"

"Are you going to get paid if you don't do anything as an assistant today?"

In the face of the soul torture from the young lady, director Liang admitted it seriously.

"Not only that, but also I'm going to destroy the evidence. If other colleagues know that I'm accompanying Xiao Chen to have an operation, it's a useless background. I'm afraid I'll lose face."

The young lady is not interested in talking to the middle-aged old man. She greets Qi Hong and Zhao Xue directly“ Well, the operation is over. We still have half of the lobsters left. Go back and destroy them! "

This is intentional!

Chen Qun knows his girlfriend's sinister intentions and waves.

"You go. I'll finish the rest. I feel like I've found a new idea. It's formed in my mind, but I can't find it anywhere. I just remember to send me a snack instead of lobster. I'm allergic to that thing! "

Zhou Lin squeezed out a smiling face beside him and went forward to please him, "can we boys go over and act as a bucket or something to help you eliminate the leftover food, and leave Chen Qun here to practice in seclusion."

The first lady immediately refused.

"It's girls' night, but if you have a sex change operation right now, we don't mind if you join us!"Zhao Xue yelled at once,

"Sister Xin, don't you want me to find a new boyfriend? Zhou Lin, get out of my way, don't come with me! "

After several girls walked out of the operating room, Liang Shaoming also took Chen Qun to the console next door and began to ask technical questions.

"Xiao Chen, what's your idea? Can you tell me?"

Chen Qun gave him a direct shut in.

"Now I can't say. I need to be quiet and sort out my thoughts, so I won't send you out!"

Liang Shaoming saw that Chen Qun was not polite to him at all. Instead, he knew that Chen Qun at least made friends with him. Besides, he didn't like social intercourse, which was just telling the truth. If he has anything to do in the future, just come to him and tell him the truth.

Chen Qun, looking at Liang Shaoming's back, certainly won't tell the chief director. The idea he came up with at this time has nothing to do with the operation in front of him. His thinking has long shifted to his big business of making money plastic surgery. He can use the simplified version of optical tweezers to complete more plastic surgery.

It has always been experimental, and there is nothing wrong with the use of optical tweezers, but in order to earn more money, he needs to follow the market principles and reduce working hours. Li Bing has the most say in this matter. Let him come to discuss it another day. He will never refuse.

Chen Qun opened the resumes of the cosmetic surgeons who had been shelved for a long time in the group and studied them carefully one by one. After reading a few copies, I found that there was a hidden data in the computer, which was encrypted. Curiosity came at once.

Know the computer here, as long as his girlfriend and he have full control, that is, Qi Hong's authority is also a little less. What's more, it's impossible to hide any information on the Department's computer with the female Xueba's personality. That's what my girlfriend did.

The so-called Curiosity Kills the cat. After experimenting with the passwords commonly used by girlfriends for several times, the folder was successfully opened. In fact, there were only a few physical examination reports of girls in it. Although there was no name, there was no need to ask. They were all girlfriends' own.

Chen Qun doesn't want to care about these personal things. When he was about to close the folder, his eyes inadvertently fell on an X-ray examination slice. When he looked at it, he felt that there was a big problem.

Although it's just a few CT photos with no name on them, for Chen Qun, just looking at the outline of the skull, they all recognize that the owner of the photos is Su wanting, the president of the beauty company.

For a moment, Chen Qun felt that he was really too difficult. If he called to make it clear, he would definitely be branded by his girlfriend. If he didn't, it was related to the safety of Su wanting's life. The earlier he found out, the better he would be treated.

Finally, Chen Qun suddenly clenched his teeth and sent a message to his girlfriend.

"Xiaoxin, whose folder is there for physical examination on the operating room computer? I think 029 may have spider web non-invasive breast cancer

My girlfriend replied immediately.

"You wait, I'll be right here!"

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