At six in the evening, Li Lingling woke up. She walked out of the room and saw Ye Ming playing the piano. Without disturbing her, she sat at the door and listened to him.

One song after another, the time is getting later and later. When Lei Jun comes back at seven o'clock, Ye Ming stops playing the piano. Seeing Lei Jun coming, Li Lingling immediately stood up and said, "doctor ye, I have something else to do. I'll go back first." Then he turned and ran away.

Lei Jun looks at Ye Ming with a smile, with a sense of treachery. At this time, he sees the fox growling at Lei Jun.

He went to touch the fox's hair: "good, my own people, it's OK."

However, the fox didn't relax at all. Ye Ming couldn't help but feel strange and looked at Lei Jun: "brother Jun, have you ever seen this fox?"

"I seem to have some impression that he went to your field to dig things the day before yesterday, and I turned him out."

"No wonder." Ye Ming understood and looked at the fox: "don't be angry with him. He knew you at that time. He didn't know the situation. You can forgive him. "

Lei Jun looked at Ye Ming talking to the fox and asked curiously, "can this thing understand you?"

"Of course, maybe... I'm better than you."

Lei Jun looked incredulous, but he said to the fox, "I'll call you Honghong, OK?"

See the fox nodded, he was proud of the head: "red, dance to him to see."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Honghong standing up and writhing, which shocked Lei Jun“ The fox is too clever I thought, maybe the fox is smarter than himself.

Ye Ming whistled to Honghong and immediately stopped. He happily grasped his paw: "come on, let's wash our hands and eat."

Just watch Honghong run back to the nest, take out its small rice bowl and put it in the kitchen door. Lei Jun looked at Ye Ming in shock: "brother ye, how did you do this?"

"It's very simple. After you get familiar with it, it can understand what you say and do what you say

He gave Honghong a bowl of vegetables and a bowl of rice. After mixing and cooling, he put them in front of Honghong's nest and drank the water from Lingshi.

After dinner, the four began to tease the Fox family. Little fox lies lovingly on Ye Ming's leg, while Honghong is watching Ma Junmei doing needlework. Lei Jun is studying the trend of the nearby mountains, preparing to build a large-scale underground platform. Hu Zi is studying hard, holding the bronze man of acupuncture and moxibustion in his hand, watching the little fox crawling back and forth on Ye Ming's body, touching with his fingers from time to time, and the little fox arched into his arms.

The night is deep, three people sleep one after another, Honghong takes her children back to the nest. Ye Ming came to the space of the jade pendant and searched the whole mountain carefully. Only then did he find that he had not searched this place well once. However, he found nothing else after walking all over the mountain. He had to go back to the small house on the top of the mountain.

He opened the door, looked at the stone wall in front of him, touched it little by little, and explored it with his own divine sense. But in addition to the words on the wall, I read for a long time, but found nothing. So, he began to search along the room one by one, under the flapping of one brick by one. After Ye Ming pressed a stone on the floor of the alchemy room, he saw that the wall in front of him split into two pieces.

He tried to go inside, and the whole corridor went down, dark and silent. Ye Ming turns on his cell phone flashlight and walks down slowly under the bright light. He sees the lights on the two sides of the wall come on row by row. He looks at the wall and counts it carefully. There are nine doors in all. I tried to open a door, but I didn't move. One by one, he found himself unable to open the smallest door.

I sat on the ground and had a rest for a while. It didn't take long for me to slow down. Try to run with real Qi and push it with both hands. It seems that the stone gate has absorbed its own hands. No matter how you pull it out, it's useless. After a while, he found that his true Qi was exhausted, and he could not resist at this moment. Until after half an hour, his hands slowly felt a trace of Qi flowing back.

Ye Ming found the problem of backflow. Assuming that the original Qi was river water, now it is like clear drinking water. The level has been improved by more than one level. Although the number of genuine Qi has decreased a lot, its strength has increased instead of decreasing. Now the running speed of Zhenqi is twice as fast as before.

At this time, the door opened abruptly. Looking inside, the room and the door were in the same proportion. It was very small, and it was a bit crowded when I stood in.

There was only one stone platform with a token standing on it. He went forward to take it down, and suddenly felt that his mind was like the contention of animals. At this moment, he wanted to break his head, and finally he fainted.

When he woke up again, he felt his mind was clear. The token floats on his head and takes a close look. There is a beast character on the front and a tiger roaring on the back.

He felt and understood in his mind how to use the token: white beast order. As long as people have strong mental power, they can control all animals in the world and drop the blood of spirit beasts to talk with them.

Ye Ming looked at the eight rooms in the back and thought, "but the babies in the first room are so strong. I'm afraid the ones in the back are stronger than this. But in the present situation, even the second door can't be opened.

However, he had to withdraw from the jade space first. At this time, it was more than five o'clock. Ye Ming takes a look at the sleeping tiger and Ma Junmei. Without disturbing them, he puts on his clothes and goes out.

When he came to the yard, he found that Honghong was still sitting in the yard, looking at the sky. He heard the sound of opening the door, looked back and saw that it was him. He called in a low voice.

He went to pat Honghong and sat down beside her. He took out the token and poked it with a silver needle. A drop of blood fell on the token and saw the token absorb quickly. At this time, Hong Hong screamed, but what he heard was: "what are you doing with the needle?"

Ye Ming is surprised to laugh, this really can. He said to Honghong, "I need a drop of your blood so that I can understand you."

Honghong couldn't help but dilate her pupils: "can you understand me now?"

"Yes, I'll do the same to your children later, and I can understand them."

Honghong nodded, got up and sat beside Ye Ming for a few minutes. Ye Ming took up the red hand and sat like this, watching the sky become white and bright.

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