At six o'clock, Lei Jun came out of the yard. Ye Ming is still yearning to practice a few moves as usual and fight with Lei Jun for several rounds. After that, he looks at Hong Hong coming out of himself.

He came forward and asked, "Honghong, what would you like to eat?"

"Anything is OK. Get some food for the three children first. They are still growing."

Lei Jun said with a smile: "you tell it this, can it understand?"

"Of course, I said. It has a better IQ than you."

Listening to Ye Ming say such words again, Lei Jun looks at him angrily. If you don't know you can't beat him through the fight in the morning, or you will go in the morning.

He looked at Honghong tenderly: "you three can have some together. I'll do it right now. You wait a moment

Honghong barked twice and fell down on the steps. Lei Jun stopped caring about him and went to have breakfast by himself.

Then ye Ming added two pieces of steamed bread with the Lingqi water soaked last night, poured a bag of milk into it, and gave it to Honghong. The three little foxes all woke up one after another, smelling the fragrance and howling. Ye Ming put down the food and went back to eat with Ma Junmei.

"This week, let's take tiger out to play. Let's go out for a few days and come back. "

Ma Junmei nodded. "OK, you has the final say. Where shall we go?"

"Hey, hey, just follow me. Since you've been with me, we haven't gone out to have a good time. This time we'll go out to have a good time. "

"Well, eat quickly. After dinner, you can go to the construction site to have a look. Recently, the first floor of the villa has begun to be built. Go and see what's not suitable. "

"OK, I'll take Lei Jun with me after dinner."

With that, he ate quickly and took Lei Jun to the mountain.

Looking at the completion of the villa, I began to repeat the original work and water the mountain. At this time, the mountain was also treated almost, the soil on the mountain was moist, there was no previous desolation. Just a lot of plants are missing. Ye Ming takes out his mobile phone and orders lots of seedlings and grass from the Internet.

He went into the space again, transplanted some younger herbs, took out the imperial green jadeite in his hand, divided it into four Jadeites of almost equal size, and buried them separately. Use Qi to pour out slowly, looking at four Jadeites conveying aura steadily.

The ants lying on the ground also let him move the idea of playing, with mental force slowly contact an ant. At the moment of contact, Ye Ming felt as if he had controlled the ant. No matter whether he wanted him to move forward or backward, he was like a wall. He began to increase mental output, slowly control the ants nearby, the more control. It's just an order to go back to the nest.

Just watch the ants around Ye Ming line up one by one, and his mental strength slowly explores the whole ant nest. I thought I had gathered enough ants, but I didn't expect that. Now I see that there are not one tenth of the ants under control.

Looking at these ants are moving forward, Ye Ming finds that they are strange. The nest of the ants is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a hole in the middle.

Ye Ming is curious to explore with real Qi. He feels that there are four jade plates under the hole, but he doesn't see them. He immediately ran to the foot of the mountain and came back with a hoe. He planed according to the empty place. Slowly, he finally found that the hole, there are mineral water bottle thickness. Continue to dig down, did not use two to see the jade. He took a look and found nothing special. He continued to dig down until he saw that the innermost thing was a jade ball the size of a fist. He took him to his hand and refilled the soil.

He took the jade ball and studied it. He found that there were small holes on the jade ball. After trying to convey a stream of real Qi to it, he saw that these small holes were growing rapidly.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

He instantly threw the jade ball into the air, and saw that there were jade needles shot out. Ye Ming's body method was beating, and he dodged. At this time, the jade ball has come back. As soon as he grasped it, he saw that the jade ball was originally green, but now it became transparent and leaked out of the middle. There was something like a dog the size of a fingernail. He took it and shook it, but he didn't find anything special.

He put the jade ball in his pocket and went back to water it. At noon, I took lunch on the mountain and went back to continue watering. During this period, Ye Ming went to the cave to have a look again. Looking at the stone flowers inside, it would only take about ten days for them to mature.

I felt the jade ball in my pocket. I felt something wrong. Take it out and see what looks like a dog inside. It seems that it has become a lot bigger, and the jade shell on the jade ball has become soft, like a ball.

Ye Ming suddenly felt the vitality inside, and again slowly carried the real Qi to the inside. He surrounded it with the four jade pieces he found at the beginning, and the little dog inside slowly grew bigger.

After looking at it for a long time, he felt that the things inside could not come out for a while and a half, so he continued to water the ground.

It wasn't long before he received a call for an order. He immediately recruited all the workers and went down the mountain to get the saplings.

Looking at the three trucks of saplings at the foot of the mountain, Ye Ming paid the balance and asked the workers to move them down and plant them in the place where he had watered them. In the afternoon, because there was no normal construction, part of the seedlings were not planted.

"Listen, everyone. Today we have an extra class to plant this sapling. Each one will get 50 yuan more."

The following people nodded with satisfaction and continued to work. As soon as I hear the increase in wages, who can still afford to eat, I want to take advantage of the evening to plant the small seedlings and settle the wages.

Now from a distance, the whole mountain is not too desolate. It's no longer all stones at a glance. It's becoming more and more complete.

After all kinds of planting, the time is more than 8 pm. Ye Ming rushed home quickly. By this time, Lei Jun had been back for a long time. Just after dinner and tiger playing, will teach tiger literacy, sing some nursery rhymes.

When ye Ming got home, hungry, he went to the kitchen to get some food and wolfed it down.

After dinner, he remembered the special dog in his pocket. He took out the jade ball and found that the dog had grown as big as the jade ball. He sent a little more real Qi. Although we can see the change of the jade ball, we still don't see the appearance that the jade ball is about to break.

He is not in a hurry. He puts down the jade ball and goes to make a travel plan. After the plan is finished, he begins to pack up with Ma Junmei and prepares to go out with his family the day after tomorrow.

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