"It's very kind of you, Xiao Hong."

Hearing that Xiaohong promised to send her a little fox, Sun Yi happily kisses Xiaohong on her forehead. Then he squatted down and held the fox in his arms.

"Ye Ming, what do you call her?"

Sun Yi tilted her head and looked very cute.

"You don't have to think about it. Her name is Xiao Hong."

Ye Ming is not angry. He is a little jealous.

Ignoring what ye Ming said, Sun Yi thought for a moment, then brightened her eyes and said, "yes, I'll call her Xiao Yi."

Ye Ming: "it's better to call Xiaoyi directly."

The little one that Sun Yi is holding is the most lively one among the three little red foxes. Her character is very similar to that of Sun Yi.

Since Xiao Hong promised to give Xiao Yi to Sun Yi, Sun Yi has been holding her, eating, sleeping, even going to the toilet. Fortunately, Xiao Yi is a mother.

After nearly two days of driving, Ye Ming and his family were very tired, so they had an early rest after dinner. The next morning, there were guests at home again.

"Lingling, why are you here?"

Ye Ming looks at Li Lingling whose little hands are red and frozen in front of her. He quickly steps forward and holds her hand. Then he breathes and says, "in the morning, I'm not afraid of freezing. Let's go and get warm in the room."

It's still bright and the sun has just come out. Ye Ming got up so early to exercise, but he didn't expect Li Lingling to come to him so early.

He took Li Lingling to his room and poured a bowl of hot water for her to warm her hands.

"Lingling, are you looking for me?"

Li Lingling looked at him shyly, and then whispered, "if it's OK, I can't come to you."

Ye Ming a Leng, immediately pull up her hand, gentle way: "of course, you can find me any time." Then he took Li Lingling into his arms. They just hugged each other and didn't talk.

After a while, Li Lingling took the lead in saying, "Ye Ming, do you have time? I want to show you my parents."

Ye Ming looks at Li Lingling with a shy face. He is a little surprised. He didn't expect that Li Lingling's character would say such words. Instinctively feel that Li Lingling may have something to hide from him.

Ye Ming calm face: "Lingling, you tell me the truth, in the end how."

Li Lingling looked up and saw something shining in her eyes: "you, don't you want to?"

Ye Ming touched Li Lingling's head: "fool, of course I'd like to. Just because of your character, you won't take the initiative to say such words. Tell me what happened."

"Well, it's nothing," Li Lingling lowered her head. "My mother found me an object, and she came to our house yesterday. My parents were very satisfied and said they would promise me to him."

Gently hold up Li Lingling's face, looking at her red eyes, Ye Ming heart a burst of heartache.

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"I'm afraid you won't agree to meet my parents with me."

"What a fool. How could I not agree to meet your parents with you? You are my girlfriend."

Li Lingling raised her head and a little surprise flashed in her eyes.

"When did I become your girlfriend?"

"Is it too late for me to express myself now?"

Looking at Ye Ming's teasing eyes, Li Lingling leaned shyly against his arms.

"Lingling, why did you come here so early?" Although Lingling's family and his family are in the same village, it is obvious that something happened to let Lingling come to his home so early.

"It's Zhao Jun. he came to my room in the morning. I was afraid, so I ran to you."

"Zhao Jun? What do you want from your family? "


Zhao Jun? Ye Ming's eyes flashed a glimmer of cold light. He ran to Lingling's room in the morning. Ha ha, this light, here you are a capital crime.

"Don't your parents care?"

When it comes to Li Lingling's parents, her eyes are red again.

"My parents would like him to cook mature rice with me."

"Baby, don't cry. I'm here."

Gently wipe away the tears for Li Lingling, Ye Ming can't help but have a big opinion on Li Lingling's parents.

With Li Lingling's character, she should be a kind of good girl at home. Obviously, her parents have gone too far. Otherwise, how could Li Lingling come to his home in the morning.

After staying with Li Lingling for a while, everyone almost got up. After a simple breakfast, Ye Ming told Ma Junmei that he would accompany Li Lingling to his home. He wanted to see what happened to Li Lingling's family.

Li Lingling's house is not far from his. It's only ten minutes' walk.

As soon as Ye Ming arrived at his house, he heard the people inside talking noisily.

"Where has Lingling gone? How can you make Xiao Zhao wait all the time? Other people's time is precious."

"Her second aunt, don't worry. Lingling may have gone out for some air and will be back soon."

"That is, her second aunt, Lingling, is always obedient. She won't object to us."

"Uncle, aunt, you'd better look for it. Brother Jun can't stay in this mountain village all the time. His time is very precious."

"Dad, mom."

When the yard was in a row, Li Lingling appeared. She stood quietly at the door, like a blooming kapok. Unfortunately, there was a black charcoal beside the kapok.

"Lingling, where are you, girl? Don't hurry in."

Looking at the room, Ye Ming looks at the situation.

On the left side of the room stood two middle-aged couples, both with rough faces, rickets and somewhat similar eyebrows to Li Lingling. It should be Li Lingling's parents.

On the right side of the yard stood two men and a woman. Two young men, a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman had a strong make-up and a snobbish taste. One of the two young men looks like the woman's son. The other looks like she is wearing formal clothes. The shinning shoes should be Zhao Jun in Lingling's mouth.

Gently holding Lingling's hand, Ye Ming walks slowly towards the party.

"You, where are you from? Let go of Lingling's hand."

See Ye Ming holding Lingling's hand, others have not said anything, that should be Lingling two aunt people first anxious, staring at the eyes a pair of want to eat Ye Ming.

Ye Ming ignored her and led Li Lingling to his parents with a proper smile: "Hello, uncle and aunt. My name is Ye Ming, Lingling's boyfriend. I'm here to propose marriage to you."

Looking at this young man holding Lingling's hand, Li Fugui and Cai Juhua look at each other and are surprised to see each other's eyes.

"You, are you boss ye?"

Ye Ming smiles a little. As a contractor of the whole mountain, Ye Ming expected that Li Lingling's parents would recognize him, so he was not too surprised.

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