"Hey, boy, let go of my cousin."

The younger of the two teenagers yelled at Ye Ming.

"Let go?" Ye Ming smile: "why should I let go, I pull my girlfriend's hand is there a problem?"

"Boy, who admits that Lingling is your girlfriend?" Lingling's second aunt was so angry that she said, "Lingling wants to marry us. Please let her go."

"Who said no one would admit it."

Ye Ming not only did not let go of Li Lingling's hand, but also extended his arm and took Li Lingling in his arms.

"Lingling, you tell her, are you my girlfriend?"

Li Lingling bit her lip, looked at her parents, and then said, "Dad, mom, I'm sorry. I like Ye Ming. I won't marry Zhao Jun."


Li Lingling's parents looked at each other and saw the dilemma in each other's eyes.

If it wasn't Ye Ming that Li Lingling brought today, they would still be able to persuade him. But if it was Ye Ming, they couldn't say anything. After all, Ye Ming not only contracted Dashan, but also opened free clinic for free. He has a good reputation in the village.

In fact, they are not in a hurry to marry Li Lingling. It's mainly because Li Lingling's second aunt brought him. This young man is said to have a good family background. He is not handsome, but he is not ugly at all. In addition, her second aunt instigated her. They thought it would be good for Li Lingling to marry such a family.

Besides, Li Lingling is already in her early twenties. It may be a little early to get married outside, but in a mountain village, it's very big not to get married at the age of 20.

If Li Lingling had not been admitted to a famous university, I'm afraid she would not know where to marry now.

Moreover, the old couple have suffered for most of their lives. Seeing her second aunt's family move to the city, they don't have to get up early and go to bed late every day. They live a comfortable life. The old couple's idea of marrying Li Lingling to Zhao Jun is that the mother should depend on the daughter.

But now ye Ming has a hand in hand, which makes them a little confused. If Li Lingling marries Ye Ming, it seems to be a good idea.

Seeing Li Lingling's parents standing there in embarrassment without saying a word, Li Lingling's second aunt was in a hurry.

The words of a match maker are what I agree with. Lingling's marriage has the final say of me, not her husband.

"Has the final say?" I heard Li Lingling's two aunt say Li Lingling's marriage has the final say. Ye Ming couldn't help squinting. Then he said in a cold voice, "what are you? When is it your turn to decide Lingling's marriage?"

"Listen, listen," Li Lingling's second aunt saw Ye Ming, regardless of her identity as Li Lingling's second aunt, scolded her in front of Li Lingling's face. She angrily said to Li Lingling's parents, "sister, brother-in-law, Lingling can't follow this little thing. She doesn't know how to respect her elders before she marries Lingling. If Lingling marries her, she won't have a good life."

"Lingling's elder? Just you? "

Before Li Lingling's parents spoke, Ye Ming directly opened up. He is not a gentleman, and he doesn't speak politeness. No matter what your status is, if you offend him, you should be prepared to bear his anger.

If the so-called second aunt is really good to Li Lingling, Ye Ming may give Li Lingling some face, but it's obvious that Li Lingling doesn't like the so-called second aunt at all, and even has some disgust. It's just that Li Lingling's good girl character makes her hard to say anything.

"Boy, you'd better be polite. Do you think we are from your poor mountain village? Scold if you want? If you say something wrong, you have to pay for it. "

Li Lingling's cousin looks arrogant.

"Oh? I'll see how you make me pay for it. "

Ye Ming holds his chest in his hands and looks at Li Lingling's cousin playfully. He would like to see what skills these people have and dare to put their ideas on his women.

"Boy, you are very arrogant."

Hehe, Zhengzhu has finally spoken.

"Which onion are you? Do you have your voice here?"

Ye Ming looks at Zhao Jun who is indifferent all the time, and then he is merciless.

Zhao Jun shook his head: "boy, you are very ignorant."

"Am I ignorant? Maybe. "

Ye Ming is also not surprised by the collapse of the sky. He wants to see the origin of the Zhao army. It's like twenty-five or eighty thousand.

"Do you know why I say you are ignorant, because no one who has some insight dares to talk to me like that."

When Zhao Jun said this, he had a proud look on his face: "but I can forgive your ignorance. A country bumpkin like you can never imagine how big the outside world is, and you can never imagine that if you say a wrong word, you may have to pay for your life."

Ye Ming speechless looking at this guy, had to say, he was shocked. He had never seen such a man as if he has the final say in the world.

"You mean you can kill me in a word?"

Zhao Jun smile: "it seems that you are not too stupid."

Ye Ming also smile: "Zhao Jun, right? I don't know who gave you the courage to say this?"

Ye Ming has decided that a man who can pretend like this can't let him go easily. He has to pay a price to let him know.

"Boy, do you know that as long as I say, the land you step on will be mine."

"That is, do you know who junshao is? He is the successor of Zhao's consortium. He can kill you with money."

When Li Lingling's second aunt saw that Zhao Jun began to work hard, she couldn't bear it. You know, her favorite thing is to look at others with a look of panic and envy.

"You said that if you make a phone call, the land under my feet is yours?"

Ye Ming's face is full of strange colors, and even Li Lingling is choking with laughter, because strictly speaking, this land belongs to Ye Ming now.

"Boy, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll give you 10000 yuan. Don't pester Lingling any more."

In Zhao Jun's opinion, Ye Ming is just like a clown. He never takes Ye Ming seriously. He is born with a golden spoon, but ye Ming is just a country bumpkin. He doesn't even have the qualification to be his opponent.

Seeing ye Ming's indifference, Zhao Jun frowned: "fellow, you are greedy, but I don't want to make trouble with you, 100000 yuan, get out of here."

Li Lingling's second aunt looked at Zhao Jun as if she were looking at a big piece of fat.

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