Early in the morning, Qianhuan was woken up by the noise from the room. Originally, she was scared. She thought there was a thief in the room. After careful thinking, it must be Ye Ming again.

Yesterday, Ye Ming had to have the key to her room. Qianhuan had no choice but to give it to him.

Anyway, even if ye Ming gets the key, she is not afraid of what ye Ming will do to her. After all, Ye Ming is just an ordinary person with high medical skills in his eyes. She can stab Ye Ming to death with a finger.

Hearing the sound of dingdong coming from the kitchen, Qianhuan was upset.

He knew that Ye Ming must be busy in the kitchen, trying to cook for her and please her. But ye Ming may have made a mistake.

She is good at everything, but she can't see other people show off their cooking skills in front of her, especially those men who use their cooking skills to please her.

It has to be said that Ye Ming took great pains for this meal. Moreover, in order to enhance the flavor of his family's condiments, he specially lost his true Qi in the meal. Of course, adding true Qi to the meal was his own idea. As a kind of energy, true Qi can make the things in Ye Ming's meal play the greatest role to a great extent.

Busy nearly half an hour, Ye Ming finally prepared his love breakfast for Su Yue.

"Xiaoyue, come to dinner soon. What I make is your favorite food. You should eat more."

Ye Ming's words reveal the taste of conspiracy, but Qianhuan didn't hear it.

Ye Ming brings the three dishes to the table, and Qianhuan frowns. He didn't expect Ye Ming to make such a rich thing for her in the early morning, but she doesn't care. The food is just for her life.

"Xiaoyue, try this pickled fish. It's your favorite. You should eat more."

Ye Ming looks at Qian Huan with a flattering face, hoping that she will eat the pickled fish first.

Thousand unreal face expressionless, he Sheng half a bowl, and then picked up the spoon began to eat up.

Ye Ming looked at something obviously wrong with the thousand magic frowned "what's the matter? She seems very unhappy? "

Ye Ming can see that Qianhuan is not unhappy. If she is just in a bad mood, she will never show it in front of Ye Ming. After all, she is afraid that things will show up.

But now this fake Su Yue, not only does she hide her emotions, but she seems to have a heartfelt aversion to the dishes Ye Ming cooked for her.

Ye Ming secretly shakes his head. Now Su Yue's mood makes him a little helpless. After all, if Su Yue keeps such a state all the time, Ye Ming can only watch. But isn't she afraid to expose herself?

Qianhuan looks at the fish soup with pickled vegetables in her hand and wants to throw her out, but considering that Ye Ming is still sitting in front of her, she gives up the idea.

Gently drink a mouthful, thousand magic fierce cough twice, and then drink in the mouth of fish soup and spit out.

The thousand illusions, which were already uncomfortable, broke out completely.

Ye Ming is obviously making trouble for her. Well, the fish soup can't be described as hard to drink. It's just poison. After a sip, she feels that all the cells in her body are trembling. Besides the acid, there is a strong smell in the soup. If it's not fast, Qianhuan is really afraid of being poisoned.

Taking up the fish soup in her hand, Qianhuan is about to pour it on Ye Ming's face, but when she is about to get rid of the fish soup, she is stunned.

The next moment, her hands holding fish soup were shaking slightly.

"I, did I just taste sour?"

"I, I can taste it?"

"Well, isn't that true?"

Qian Huan carefully drank another mouthful of fish soup.

Or the disgusting taste, but Qianhuan slowly swallowed the fish soup.

Without any omen, Qianhuan cried.

"Taste, I can taste it."

At this time, Qianhuan really felt like she was dreaming. She actually tasted the taste.

For Qianhuan, there are a lot of fun and misfortunes in this world.

For example, her family background is very unfortunate. Her parents have both died since childhood, leaving only her brother who has been living with her. However, her brother also had an accident at the construction site when she was ten years old. Since then, she will be the only one left in this indifferent world. If she hadn't stopped taking her, she would have starved to death in the street now.

Compared with the vast majority of people in the world, Qianhuan's life experience is very unfortunate, but in fact, Qianhuan feels that the most unfortunate thing is not her life experience, but her lack of taste since childhood.

Yes, Qianhuan got a strange disease. No matter which hospital he went to, it was said that he could not cure it. That is, congenital taste failure.

Since childhood, Qianhuan has lost one sense than others, that is taste.

When she was a child, the first time she found her taste failure was when she was in kindergarten. When the teacher talked about the word taste, Qianhuan was very confused, because she didn't understand what the teacher meant by taste, why the teacher said that apples are sweet and lemons are sour. In her own opinion, lemons and apples taste the same in her mouth.

Simple Qianhuan told her parents who were still alive at that time about it. Her parents soon found out that it was wrong and took her to the hospital for treatment. However, the explanation given by the hospital was: "Qianhuan's taste failure involves genetic diseases, and they can't treat it."

From then on, Qianhuan knew that she was different from others - she had less of something called taste.

After joining the organization and working for a few years, Qianhuan also had a lot of savings, so she spent a lot of money looking for experts in this field to help her with treatment.

However, no matter how many doctors Qian Huan changed and how much money he spent, Qian Huan came to the conclusion that there was no rule of law.

After a long time, Qianhuan herself despaired, so she gave up the plan to cure her taste. But from then on, she was very annoyed that other people mentioned something about taste to her, especially some men who thought they could cook and earn money in the organization showed off their cooking skills in front of her. Usually Qianhuan would beat such people violently.

People have three main senses: vision, hearing and taste.

One of the most common is visual and auditory failure, few people taste failure.

It is said that anyone who is busy, whether he is blind or not, at least after he is blind, he can exchange any price for the chance to regain his light.

Some people once thought that this game was just an exaggeration. After all, there are more things in the world that are more important than vision. But is it really just an exaggeration?

Normal people can never imagine how eager blind people are for light. If it is possible to regain light, they may really do whatever it takes.

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