Just like the vision, losing the sense of taste is almost always tormenting Qianhuan.

If you lose sight, you may get used to it for a long time. But if you lose taste, you can imagine that you have to eat every day, but you can't feel the taste of food. What kind of torture will it be.

And Qianhuan has lived to the present under this kind of torture.

Originally, Qianhuan thought that she would never have the chance to experience the taste of other people in her life, but now, the bowl of fish soup in her hand made her realize what she most wanted to do in her life.

Although the taste of the fish soup is hard to drink, it is more precious than anything for Qianhuan at the moment.

Ye Ming was completely confused at this time.

As he wished, Qianhuan took a mouthful of fish soup and showed a complicated expression.

Well, yes, it's all expected by Ye Ming, but your expression is too complicated.

First, an angry face, well, this expression is OK, but you are angry well, how suddenly become a moved face, and what do you cry for? Is that food so bad that it becomes psychotic after a bite?

However, the next move of Qianhuan was even more difficult for him to see through.

See a thousand illusory face Happy tasting fish soup, and then with a trace of hesitation to eat that salty to inhuman cold dishes.

After eating, well, simply hold the cold dishes in your arms, and then go to eat tiger skin pepper, although the hot eyes are red, but still a force to the mouth.

"You, are you ok?"

Ye Ming took a look at Qianhuan, then asked with a little hesitation.

Who knows, Qianhuan has no time to pay attention to him, just holding three dishes, just like a beggar holding three hundred million, the things in his arms are the world.

Ye Ming is speechless. Now he really can't understand what Qianhuan is thinking.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Ming decides not to let Qianhuan eat any more, because he may really have an accident after eating.

Let's just talk about spicy food. If a thing is really spicy, people will not say how much damage it will cause to the body if they eat it. The feeling of death and immortality can torture you.

Moreover, Ye Ming decides that Su Yue is really crazy. Ye Ming can clearly see that her mouth is swollen. At the same time, she is coughing constantly. Obviously, her stomach can't stand it.

But even so, Qianhuan kept stuffing things into her mouth. Even the beauty pepper Ye Ming added to Hupi pepper was eaten by her.

Ye Ming quickly takes the pepper plate from Qian Huan's hand. However, Qian Huan seems to be crazy and pours at Ye Ming: "give it back to me."

Ye Ming slightly dodged, and escaped the thousand illusions.

See Ye Ming easily evade her, thousand magic hand power soar, unexpectedly is directly used the real Qi.

Ye Ming's face changed: "Damn, this woman is really crazy."

There is no time to hesitate, Ye Ming also carries the true Qi, and then connects the points on his hand to control Qianhuan's acupoints.

Qianhuan struggled hard, but in vain.

Stay for a while, thousand unreal direct cry.

Ye Ming frowned at the woman, thinking about what to do next.

Originally, a good plan was interrupted by this crazy woman. Now, I know that Ye Ming has real Qi, which is much stronger than her. I think Qianhuan already knows that Ye Ming has seen through her identity. Otherwise, the strength Ye Ming shows now is enough to sweep all the people in the cruise ship that day.

Ye Ming does not speak, frowning at Qianhuan, thinking of countermeasures, and Qianhuan does not speak, just crying quietly.

About an hour later, Qianhuan was the first to speak.

"Ye Ming, kill me."

Her voice is very flat, like saying something that has nothing to do with her.

Ye Ming rubbed his forehead: "you can kill me. Can you tell me what's the matter with you first?"

Seeing that Qianhuan closed his eyes and didn't speak, Ye Ming said, "you don't have to be like this. Anyway, you are going to die soon. You should be able to say some words, so that you can feel better before you die."

Qianhuan opens her eyes, and there is a struggle in her eyes. But when she meets Ye Ming's eyes, she still opens her mouth.

"I'm from the black forest, code named Qianhuan."

Ye Ming nodded, which was closely related to his guess.

"My task this time is very simple, fake Su Yue, and then get the power of Su family."

Ye Ming waved his hand: "I know all you said. What I want to ask is, what happened to you just now?"

Hear ye Ming say just now of affair, thousand unreal eyes flash a glimmer of gloomy.

After a long silence, Qianhuan still spoke.

"I'm not born with taste."

Qianhuan's voice was very low: "when I was a child, before my parents died, they told me that one day when I was cured, I would taste the sweet scented osmanthus cake made by my mother. I ate the sweet scented osmanthus cake. I ate it before my parents died, but I never knew its taste."

"My brother left me a big lunch before he died. Most of it was soup, because my brother knew that I like soup, because soup is less involved in taste than other things."

"Brother, they all died, leaving me alone, but fortunately the organization took me in."

"But the organization doesn't raise waste. I can't become a member of the organization through the selection of the organization, because there is a taste sensitivity test in the organization's test."

"In order to survive, I had to steal a senior's face changing technique in the organization, but fortunately, I succeeded and became the best face changing expert in the organization."

"I thought I didn't have to work so hard in the future, but who knows, the leader's son took a fancy to me. In order to avoid his entanglement, I took the task."

Ye Ming looked at her for a long time without speaking.

Ye Ming finally helps Qian Huan to solve the acupoints. Ye Ming can't bear to start with such a poor woman.

"Why did you eat those three dishes so hard just now?"

Looking at being untied the acupoint, but still a face indifferent thousand illusions, Ye Ming know, her heart died.

"You, why did you eat those three dishes so hard just now?"

Say here, thousand unreal gray eyes finally had a trace of expression: "Ye Ming, thank you, that is my life to eat the best three dishes."

Seeing Qianhuan's face full of satisfaction, Ye Ming knows that things that may seem ordinary and incomparable to ordinary people are more precious than anything in the eyes of some special people.

"Did you taste from those three dishes?"


"Your taste is restored?"

"No, at first I thought my taste was restored, but I took a sip of the drink on the table and found that I could only feel it when I ate those three dishes."

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