"No!" Lin Fei stares at Jiang Yu,

"waiter, your hotel is too low-grade. I didn't order any fried cabbage just now. How can I make it to order? Forget it, give me two set meals. The price is not too low, just 30 yuan! "

"Wait!" the waiter's face is uglier than eating Xiang, almost squeezing out these two words from his teeth.

Hard left two words, a turn away.

It's the first time that I see such a forced man. I can't afford to eat because the hotel is low-grade.

"Well, I haven't finished yet! Give the lady double. Don't let her say I'm mean. " Lin Fei said aloud, the front of the waiter heard almost did not fall, at the moment of Jiang Yu want to find a crack to drill in.

"What do you mean, Lin Fei? Is that how you treat me to dinner? " Jiang Yu's eyes stand up and his voice is cold.

"Cough, officer Jiang, my money has bought meizishuang shares today. Now I have no money, so I have to investigate."

"Cut! I'm a liar without a draft. I ask you, where did your bank card earn 5 billion the day before yesterday? What's more, your bank card is always making a lot of money recently. What's the matter? " Jiang Yu stares at Lin Fei and asks coldly.

Lin Fei was stunned at first, and then looked at Jiang Yu, his eyes full of vigilance.

Jiang Yu directly ignores Lin Fei's eyes and looks at him, waiting for Lin Fei to answer.

"You investigate me?"

"Whatever you think! Anyway, you are the suspect in my eyes now. I will not let you go unpunished. "

"Oh, good!"

Lin Fei sneered and said nothing.

How did the money come from?

On the first day, I asked the system whether there would be problems with money, whether it would be illegal income, and I have received an accurate reply. In this case, what about Jiang Yu's investigation?

Lin Fei's reaction makes Jiang Yu miscalculate. In her mind, Lin Fei will certainly cover it up in various ways. As a result

At this moment, the meal has come up, Lin Fei picked up the spoon and began to eat.

Jiang Yu's heart is full of fire, and he also eats.

Every mouthful of food sent to the import is like biting Lin Fei. It's not only a way to get rid of his hatred, but also a way to get rid of his anger. It's fast to eat. In the twinkling of an eye, a set meal is finished and he is satisfied with drinking water.

Lin Fei saw that he had just eaten less than one-third of the set meal, with a smile on his face.

"The waiter orders!"

Lin Fei's voice suddenly rang out in the hall.

The waiter heard someone calling for a meal and ran out in a hurry.

It happened to be the waitress who just asked Lin Fei to order.

When she saw that it was Lin Fei, she turned around and wanted to go.


"Waiter, I want you to order!" Lin Fei always said with a smile on his face.

The waiter just turned around and was stopped by Lin Fei's shouts.

She took a long breath and depressed herself. Then she tried to calm down. She turned around and squeezed out a smile. She looked at Lin Fei and said, "what would you like, sir?"

Finish saying, the vision sweeps the plate in front of river rain body, the first reaction is to order a 30 yuan set meal again.

"Just now, you said that the three kinds of set meals, which are all sea and sky, resplendent and splendid, and full of wealth, will be given to me respectively." Lin Fei said with a smile.

As for the look in the waitress's eyes, he saw clearly, but compared with Jiang Yu in front of him, the waitress was nothing. He wanted to be more depressed about Jiang Yu_

When you're full, I'll start ordering a big meal. You'll be surprised if you're greedy!

"are you sure, sir?"

The waitress's eyes looked at Lin Fei's washed and faded clothes again and again, and there was only one thought in her heart -

I want to eat overlord's meal!

"It's a thousand eighty-eight meal, isn't it?" Lin Fei leaned back on the chair behind him and asked the waiter.


"That's right. One for each."

The waitress stood where she was, silent and motionless.

She was in a bit of a dilemma. According to the regulations, she should give Lin Fei a meal. However, seeing Lin Fei's clothes, she didn't look like someone who could afford the 8888 set meal.

"Didn't you hear me?" Lin Fei looked at the waitress and said, "I'm not happy.".

"First, sir, are you sure?" The waitress checked in embarrassment.

"What do you mean I'm sure?" Lin Fei was a little angry.

the waitress looked around, and the others were all dressed in smart clothes. Only Lin Fei was such a woodlouse.

Finally, she gritted her teeth, looked at Lin Fei and said, "please pay first, sir, and then order."

Although this is not in line with hotel management, but think of the three packages 27000 yuan, equivalent to half a year's salary, the waitress finally chose safety, chose safety.

"Oh?"Lin Fei doubtfully dragged a long sound, eyes with fun to see the waitress.

The waitress was flustered and looked at Lin Fei. She straightened up and said, "please pay first and then order."

"Is that the rule of your hotel?"


"Why didn't I pay for the package I ordered earlier?"

"That's because of the lack of money."

"Do you want to see more money and less money to decide whether to pay first?" Lin Fei's voice has brought out anger.


At the moment, the waitress has no way out, can only insist on.

"Did they pay?" Lin Fei pointed to the person at the next table.

They ordered at least six dishes at each table, at least one or two thousand yuan.


"Young man, how can you compare with us? You have a 30 yuan set meal, we have a big meal. " People at the next table looked at Lin Fei and said contemptuously.

"Yes! Don't you see that? Because you are poor, people don't believe you! "

"Yes! If you don't have any money, why don't you order a 30 yuan set meal? "


Lin Fei's words attracted the satire of the diners nearby.

The waitress took a long breath, and the crowd's eyes were bright.

Lin Fei is angry at the bottom of his heart. What he wanted to be depressed about is Jiang Yu. As a result, the little eyed waitress has such an attitude, which makes Lin Fei very dissatisfied.

He took out his bank card and threw it on the table. "Share each of the three packages, which are all sea and sky, resplendent and rich. The password is six eights."

"Ouch! It's big money

"Little girl, you have to polish your eyes. Don't be cheated."

"The code is six eight. How can it be very similar to those forced characters in my novels and movies?"


Lin Fei was once again ridiculed by the people at the next table.

However, he did not respond at all.

Although the waitress was full of disdain for Lin Fei, she still picked up the card and went to the checkout.

On the one hand, he wants to expose Lin Fei's obsession. On the other hand, he also has the idea that he is a bastard if he has money.

Lin Fei took up his glass and ignored the sarcastic eyes of the people at the next table.

He kept thinking about how to eat the three meals in his mind, and suddenly he had a decision

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