At this time, the waitress has come back with her bank card.

Her face swept the arrogance just now, full of smiles, holding the bank card in both hands, bending down 45 degrees, just showing the business line inside, for fear that the gully squeezed out of Lin Fei could not see the same.

"Here is your bank card, sir! Do you need a private room


In a word, the people at the next table were in an uproar. They didn't expect that Lin Fei really paid for it.

"No, I'll eat here." Lin Fei took the card and said with no change of expression on his face.

"Just a moment, then!" The waitress said, and immediately turned to the kitchen.

The people at the next table woke up from the shock, looked at Lin Fei and snorted.

"Pretend to be a criminal!"

"Fat face, fat face!"



Lin Fei was humiliated again, but he still did not respond.

Jiang Yu has been sitting opposite Lin Fei without saying a word. After seeing the whole process, he feels relieved.

Lin Fei just looked at her and knew what she thought. He was also proud.

Ten minutes later, the dishes began to serve.

"Sir, there are too many of your three sets. One table can't fit. Look..." The waitress looked at Lin Fei with a full face and said.

"I only put the sea and sky combo on this table, and the other two combos are on the next two tables."

Lin Fei points to him and the outside of the adjacent table.

His table is by the window, the next table is the innermost table of the hotel, and the two tables on the outside are just like two doors.

"No problem."

The waitress finished, and immediately began to arrange.

Lin Fei picked up the chopsticks and began to take a big bite of them. It was a lot better than the 30 yuan set meal. He didn't eat it just now. Now the delicious smell immediately aroused his appetite.

This can be said to be the most luxurious meal Lin Fei has ever eaten in his life, and it is also the most delicious food.

However, what he didn't expect was that Jiang Yu, sitting opposite him, picked up his chopsticks. His fighting power was no worse than that of him and began to eat.

Lin Fei was shocked!

For a long time, he looked at Jiang Yu and asked, "didn't you have enough just now?"



Lin Fei felt as if he had been splashed with cold water.

I thought Jiang Yu was full, so I ordered a big meal to eat her, but unexpectedly


"Beauty, pay attention to the image, and it's easy to get fat if you eat too much." Lin Fei some depressed said.

"It's OK. Anyway, being fat is also the result of you. At that time, I'll let you be responsible. If no one really wants to be fat, I'll follow you and find a meal ticket. I don't worry about food or drink."

Although Jiang Yu has been talking, chopsticks have not slowed down at all.

Lin Fei almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

Is this woman sick?

"Oh! I forgot to tell you that we usually have a large amount of training, and we have to force us to eat fixed meat and food every day, so you can rest assured that this kind of food means little to me. "

Jiang Yu seems to feel that Lin Fei is not enough, and then said.

Lin Fei has no appetite.


Xiang Yujiang is depressed. She can't bear being depressed by the waiter and the next table. As a result, she is depressed by Jiangyu. She is just a hungry ghost.

"You eat first, I'll go to the door."

Lin Fei finished and went out.

This time, Jiang Yu didn't go out with him. Anyway, Lin Fei has already paid for so much delicious food. If he doesn't eat it, he won't eat it.

The people at the next table were eating the food on their own table, but they despised Lin Fei's 30 yuan set meal. Now they have a 180 degree turn, and they are very depressed and silent.

They scratch the nose of the liver, but they can't stop scratching the aroma of the food.

At this time, Lin Fei came back, followed by a group of people.

That's right!

It's a large group of people, more than twenty.

The security guard at the door stopped twice, but soon got out of the way.

"Wow! This is the most expensive hotel I've ever entered in my life. "

"Look at the waiters here. How sexy!"

"How fragrant! How tempting


The people behind Lin Fei just came in, and the hall was boiling.

"Waiter, get them out of here."

"Go and call security!"

"How did you let them in?"


Hula, a group of waiters came up.


Yes, a group of street beggars!

They followed Lin Fei, some lame, some blindAnyway, it's all ragged and stinky.

"They are my guests!"

Lin Fei looked at the waiter and said in an angry voice.


The waiter was silly.

Just now, Lin Fei ordered three big meals. They all saw them and came to help them. At that time, they were still complaining about Lin Fei's forcing and wasting food. This time -

they invited beggars to eat!

"Where is the food, Mr. Lin? We're all hungry. " Asked a blind beggar in his fifties, eyes closed.

"Uncle Tao! Those three tables are all set meals that I ordered. They have already been paid for. You can eat whatever you like. "


With that, uncle Tao strides to Jiang Yu's desk. At the moment, where is the blind man?

The eyes are brighter than the eyes of young people, and the food is projected in the eyeballs.

Other beggars are more on the call. As for the waiters who want to stop them, when they see the beggars rushing, they are scared to avoid being touched by them.

Although Jiang Yu is a policeman, he is really confused in the face of these beggars!

She quickly stood up and let her go.

Uncle Tao came to the table, closed his eyes, took a deep breath with his nose, and was intoxicated.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Lin Fei.


All the other beggars stood neatly on his sides.

"Thank you for your meal!"

"Thank you for your meal!"

"Thank you for your meal!"

The beggars said loudly to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was stunned at first, then answered with his hands clasping: "you're welcome! Please feel free to eat. If you need anything, just mention it. "


At Uncle Tao's command, there was a sound of chairs moving, plates crashing, and shouting for food in the hall.

Lin Fei, who is next to the table, is a fool now.

Their position is surrounded by Lin Fei's three meal tables, and now they are surrounded by beggars.

If they want to go out, they have to pass by the beggars and may even have physical contact with them.

If they don't go out, the bad smell of beggars keeps coming into their nostrils, making them want to nausea and vomiting.

Lin Fei stood beside him with a proud smile on his face.

In the past, Lin Fei was a simple student.

Today, all kinds of things met by meizishuang group make Lin Fei recognize the society.

Since the dog bites himself and he can't bite back like a dog, he doesn't mind using his brain.

Jiang Yu speaks

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