When returning to the willow tree again, the controlled Mu Xinxuan looks at Lin Fei, "are you curious?"

Lin Fei shook his head. "There's nothing curious about it, but I can tell you not to hurt Mu Xinxuan. If she does any harm, I will sacrifice your life."

Ha, ha

"It means you love her very much!"

Lin Fei ignored, "what shall we do next?"

"If someone turned into Mu Xinxuan and appeared in front of you, what would you do?"

"If you don't stop my warning, you can try, and I'll give you the answer."


With the help of Mu Xinxuan's body, the snake barked. Instead of saying any more, it walked forward.

Lin Fei follows behind. He is on high alert and vows that if there is any danger, he will fight to ensure Mu Xinxuan's physical safety.

Little Lori disappears, leaving him helpless for a moment. He doesn't know how to wake Mu Xinxuan up. Otherwise, how can he agree to the snake's request?

One by one, the other by the other, went inside. From the top, the Yongle Village looked like a pan, and the village was just above the pan.

When they came to the northern edge, although Lin Fei was prepared and even had a strong ability to resist the cold, he still could not help shivering. It was too cold.

If you enter Yongle Village from outside, it's like entering winter from summer. At this moment, it's like coming to the north and south poles. It's so cold that people can't help shivering.

Looking at Mu Xinxuan, his face was also pale.

Lin Fei quickly steps forward and hugs Mu Xinxuan from behind to give her warmth.

"Below, I don't know what it is. It's like a cold cave. Endless cold comes out from below. Although it doesn't spread further, it has made the whole Yongle Village seem to fall into the ice cellar and into the bone marrow."

As a cold-blooded animal, snakes are obviously unable to adapt.

"You asked me to come here just to test what's inside, right?"


"You have been practicing for thousands of years, but you have not become an immortal. Why can't you resist the cold?"

"I can live for a thousand years because of this environment. The reason why I have not been able to make greater progress is also related to the environment here. "

Mu Xinxuan's body is shaking violently. Lin Fei is almost close to her, but still can't resist the cold.

In fact, Lin Fei is reluctant to resist, but for mu Xinxuan's safety, he can only resist. "Why don't you go out first and I'll go in and find out for you."

The Millennium snake spirit immediately shook his head, "no! Today, we have only two choices, either you accompany me in, if it's dangerous, I will accompany you to die together. Or I'll kill you as if no one knew the secret. "


Lin Fei takes a breath and looks at the Millennium snake spirit that occupies Mu Xinxuan's body. It seems that he is under unbearable pressure and must solve everything today.

"I see. Just a moment!"

Lin Fei's divine sense enters the system and starts to look inside the store for any life agent or human skin mask. It seems that none of them can resist the cold. In his anxiety, Lin Fei shouts little Lori at the system.

He yelled three times in a row, but there was no reply. In anger, Lin Fei scolded "damned woman!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard giggling. Then little Lori's figure appeared in front of Lin Fei. She was still a child, but she seemed to grow higher.

"I thought you were dead!"

Think of this period of time, there is no news at all.

Little Lori laughs. I'm going to digest the power of the sky bowl and the hundred million year pearl you gave me. If you hadn't scolded me, I would not have come out.

Lin Fei made the posture of spitting blood, "you are not afraid that I will die, and your cultivation is also in vain."

Even if Lori shakes her head, you can't live now


Lin Fei was directly stimulated by little Lori's words and said, "is that the hell? A snake spirit even occupied my wife's body and forced me to come to a cold ghost place. I don't know what's outside? "

Lin Fei could not help muttering.

Little Lori laughs, "are you angry or worried about your wife's safety?"

"All of them! I can't stand the cold. How can you make Mu Xinxuan's body bear it? "

"So come here to look for something that can be used. If you find it, you scold me for being damned, don't you?"

Lin Fei was asked speechless, acquiesced.

"Asshole! Be careful, I also learn snake spirit, occupy your wife's body, and then force. When I see you, are you happy with me or her? "

Lin Fei's eyes rolled straight and depressed. How could he be a pervert?


The system prompts that the sound is on.

"Husband, the task is coming!"Lin Fei is a Leng, said the previous problem has not been solved, in a twinkling of an eye to the task, just want to speak.

"A Millennium Monument was built in the Yin Yang cave."

Lin Fei looked at little Lori, did not immediately respond, "what task is this?"

"This is a cave of yin and Yang. Yin dominates death and Yang dominates life. Yin and Yang change and the seasons alternate. But because the Millennium Monument is immersed in the cold and Yin things below, it turns Yin and Yang upside down and loses the alternation and turns into cold."

"What is the Millennium Monument?"

"Now you don't need to know what it is, just go in and get it."

Lin Fei stares at little Lori, "what do you mean? Just use me as a tool and a coolie, don't you

Little Lori laughs, "cut! Isn't it for you? Otherwise, the pressure is too great for you to bear, and I'm afraid you will lose your life. "

Lin Fei vomited blood. "The thousand year old snake spirit has occupied Mu Xinxuan's body and has to go down. Is there any way to resist the cold?"

"There must be a way to resist, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"You can't kill the Millennium Monument until you get it!"


In fact, Lin Fei now wants to kill the Millennium snake spirit, which occupies Mu Xinxuan's body and has violated his bottom line.

"To get the Millennium Monument, we need it!"

Lin Fei stares at little Lori and nods for a long time! I promise you

"Don't worry, you are my man too. How can I let you die?"

With that, little Lori threw herself into Lin Fei's arms and gave him a kiss. Then Lin Fei felt a burst of heat in his body, and the cold just disappeared completely.

"This is the source of my life. I'll lend it to you. After you go out, you can kiss Mu Xinxuan and share some with her. In this way, you won't hurt your body because of the cold."

Little Lori said, the body seems to instantly recover to the past, shorter, the light in her eyes is also weaker.

"You're not in danger of your life, are you?" Lin Fei expressed concern.

Little Lori waved her hand. "Go! Remember to hold back the Millennium snake spirit. "

Lin Fei nodded and his mind jumped out of the system.

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