
Mu Xinxuan let out a low cry, then put his hands around Lin Fei's neck.

At the moment, although she is controlled by the Millennium snake spirit, her body is still herself. Looking at the woman she loves, Lin Fei feels very painful. If it wasn't for little Lori's repeated reminders, she really wanted to find a chance to kill the Millennium snake spirit.

Feeling Lin Fei's kiss, Mu Xinxuan seems to find warmth in the cold, and more like a thirsty marcher in the desert. She hugs Lin Fei tightly. After a long time, she slowly releases her arms. Her face shows satisfaction, and her pale face is ruddy.

"What is this?"

Millennium snake spirit curiously looked at Lin Fei and asked.

"This is my love for mu Xinxuan. You won't understand. After that, take Mu Xinxuan's hand and walk forward."

Just close to feel bone cold, now really close, but don't feel any cold, just like to come to a black bottomless hole, in addition to the dark, there is no other situation.

Thinking that this is a system task, Lin Fei once again faces the cave, and has no initial aversion. "Is there a way down?"

"You come with me!"

With that, the thousand year old snake spirit, who occupies Mu Xinxuan's body, pulls Lin Fei and jumps up and down.

Lin Fei doesn't know any lightness skills. His body is falling rapidly. At the beginning, he inhaled continuously to control his body falling sharply. But after a few attempts, he found no effect.

On the contrary, Mu Xinxuan, who holds him by the hand, slowly descends under the control of the snake spirit. Several times, Lin Fei almost drags Mu Xinxuan down. It's because he doesn't fall freely with the help of the rock nearby.

There was a lot of pressure below. Lin Fei tried to open his eyes, but he still couldn't see anything.

Snake spirit is much more sensitive than him, cleverly avoid all kinds of danger.

I don't know how long it took to land. At last, Lin Fei felt that his feet were on the ground. He felt a sense of sureness.

However, just stepped on the ground, the sole of the foot on the cold, the body's heat quickly spread, resist the cold.

When he just came down, the snake spirit, who was very relaxed, jumped directly onto Lin Fei, clamped Lin Fei's waist with his legs, and clasped Lin Fei's neck with his hands. He was obviously afraid of the cold.

Lin Fei hugs Mu Xinxuan and looks forward. It's dark. "What's in it?"

The Millennium snake spirit looked around and pointed straight ahead, "go straight, remember not to turn, let alone deviate. You are walking on the line of life and death, and you may die on any side."

Life and death line?

Yin Yang cave?

Lin Fei's heart is infinite curiosity, but also full of infinite tension.

Since little Lori refuses to tell herself what a Millennium Monument is and gives herself the source of her life, it means that it is very dangerous here, otherwise she would not attach such importance to it.

Although Lin Fei could not see clearly at his feet and in front of him, he walked forward with his feeling.

But what surprised him was that the sole of his feet was smooth, not like a cave, just like a road built on purpose.

"Does it feel good to go?"

The thousand year old snake spirit asked.

Lin Fei nodded, "it's true."

"It's like life. The more difficult it is, the stronger it is to live. On the contrary, it is to lose oneself in comfort."

"Cut! Do you understand life? " Liu Fei can't help but speak directly.

Millennium snake spirit controls Mu Xinxuan's hand and tightly pinches Lin Fei's neck. "Don't challenge my bottom line, be careful, I will kill you directly in anger!"

"I'm not scared. Be careful to scare yourself to death."

"I'll be afraid of you?" Millennium snake spirit sneers.

If my wife and I are in the field, you and I will say, "are you and I in the forest?"


The snake spirit of the millennium is in a mess. I didn't expect that Lin Fei would be so shameless.

It's really hard for her to answer this question. If she doesn't come out, her soul is trampled. If she comes out, she will become a spectator.

Lin Fei talks on his mouth and walks at a fast pace all the time.

Although the Millennium snake spirit didn't respond, Lin Fei knew that she was afraid. She put it down in her mind and finally found a way to overcome him.

Lin Fei thought that he could get out of here soon, but when he really got up, he found that it was like a road without an end.

Moreover, people's attention and mental state can only be highly concentrated in a certain period of time, after which time, it seems that they will be distracted.

During this period, one foot slightly deviates from the straight line, and the whole body and soul seem to be drawn out of the general pain.

Under his feet, Lin Fei's body almost fell down. At the critical moment, the Millennium snake spirit helped to control Lin Fei's body and achieve balance.

Finally, Lin Fei holds Mu Xinxuan in his arms. He doesn't know how far he has gone, and a huge circular space appears in front of him.

Like a round plate, the only strange thing is that the middle of the disc is separated, forming a yin-yang pattern.It was dark on the left and a little light on the right, just above it.

Is this what little Lori said about Yin Yang cave?

Lin Fei was more and more curious.

The thousand year old snake spirit who occupied Mu Xinxuan's body struggled to jump down and looked around. "Lin Fei, do you find that this is the same as Yongle Village above us?"

Lin Fei listened, looked at it carefully, and nodded, "except for the eight trigrams array in Yongle Village, it's almost the same."

"That's right, because if there is no eight trigrams array, the cold here will make the mountains near Yongle Village a piece of ice and snow."

"Do you mean that the Eight Diagrams array controlled the cold and sealed here?"

The Millennium snake spirit nodded, "that's it, but I'm curious about what it is that needs to be sealed like this."

Although Lin Fei was clear in his heart, he pretended not to know. Looking around, he was also looking for the Millennium Monument.

At this moment, the ground, which was originally still, suddenly began to rotate rapidly. Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan, who had a thousand year old snake spirit occupying their body, were like two small balls on it. Under the action of centripetal force, they were staggering and spinning.

And the two central points of yin and yang are like jumping notes, jumping back and forth.

"Be careful! Life and death line, life is not necessarily life, death is not necessarily death, do not be affected by them

The thousand year snake spirit pulls Lin Fei and reminds him in a loud voice.

Lin Fei's eyes are tightly locked on the jumping Yin and Yang points. If the line in the middle is the fulcrum, where will the power of their transformation be?

Looking at the ground, the whole disc like ground tells us the rotation. Where does the power come from?

Is it the power of the Millennium Monument?

Is it like a magnet with North and south poles, which can change and change all the rules?

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly jumped up

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