"Ha ha, little brother, what's your name?" When Huang Yaxin came, she had a general understanding of the situation, so although Lin Fei's clothes had not changed, she looked at him seriously.

"My name is Lin Fei?"

"Lin Fei?"

Huang Yaxin after a little thought, determined that there is no such a person.

"Yes!" Lin Fei replied with a smile.

Huang Yaxin's eyes fall on Lin Fei's face again. She looks at Lin Fei carefully.

You know, it's all sea and sky. On weekdays, no matter who is a big man in the road or a childe of any family, they always have a low-key meal here. There are few people like Lin Fei.

It makes her very strange.

However, Lin Fei's calmness and self-confidence in his every move make people unable to pick out any problems.



"Hello, what's the problem with me eating here?" Lin Fei just smiles at Huang Yaxin's doubts.

Huang Yaxin's face was suddenly hot, and she had the feeling of losing her manners.

She secretly blamed herself in her heart. With her own ability and experience, how could she fail in front of a young man?

He quickly recovered his mind, cleared his throat, stood up straight and said, "no problem. As long as we eat normally, we welcome it, but..."

She hesitated a little, then said: "but there are too many of you. This hall is not suitable. How about going to the private room?"

It's very simple. It doesn't take off mud and water at all.

Not only Lin Fei, but also the other diners in the hall were shocked.

I thought it would be a tit for tat when I came here, but I didn't expect it to be a gentle breeze, even with the tone of discussion to persuade.

Jiang Yu first frowned, then immediately spread out, she understood the meaning, silent did not speak.

"It's spacious and we're having a good time." Although Lin Fei secretly praised this woman for her flexibility, her words were very relaxed.

Huang Yaxin looks at Lin Fei with all kinds of manners. You are very happy. Didn't you find that the other guests in the hotel are going to explode?

"Sister Xin, if you treat them like this, we'll leave now."

The mouth is still the middle-aged man, Huang Yaxin's face is not happy.

The middle-aged man said with a smile, "sister Xin, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Chen. I'm the general manager of Tianli real estate group. I'm also a silver card member of Haitian Group. I come here at least once a week."

With that, there was a trace of arrogance on his face, the God of wealth with the same color of sea and sky.

The consumer is God.

He is God.

"Yes! We support president Zhao. If they don't go, we'll go right away! "

"People should recognize their own identity. We are members here. We can't be with everyone."

"The sea and the sky are the same. If we continue to live in this environment, we won't come in the future."


Zhao Chen takes the lead and Huang Yaxin is silent for a moment. The room is boiling again, and many people have stood up and are ready to leave

Huang Yaxin frowned and looked around the crowd. Her face was not happy, and her heart was also uneasy. These people can't be offended.

Her eyes looked at Lin Fei again, and her face was soft. "Mr. Lin, do you think you can go to the private room?"

"Sister Xin, it seems that you are going to protect the interests of these members?" Lin Fei looks at Huang Yaxin and directly changes her address. He closes up and asks with a smile.

If Zhao Chen doesn't introduce himself, Lin Fei may feel better. His introduction makes him feel even worse.

Tianli real estate group, isn't that the company of He Jie's father?

Thinking of his collusion with Xiao tianzhe and forcing Xiao Mengshan together, he was angry and determined not to leave.

"Ha ha, my little brother is so polite. My elder sister has no way to do it. You know, these members have at least 500000 members in my store. Without them, my sea and sky can't open. You have to take care of your elder sister!"

Huang Yaxin's face is instantly covered with a smile. She looks at Lin Fei and says.

"Did you hear that? We spent half a million on membership cards."

"You're just here for a meal. You're not a member here."

"Sister Xin, we must drive them out."


Led by Zhao Chen, other hotel guests took out their membership cards and yelled at each other.

Uncle Tao's beggar stood behind Lin Fei, his face flashed with displeasure, but Uncle Tao, who was still pouring and drinking from his seat, didn't speak. Everyone kept quiet.

Uncle Tao's eyes are constantly sweeping Lin Fei and Huang Yaxin's face. He is observing. To be exact, he wants to see how Lin Fei will deal with it.Lin Fei did not disappoint him.

"You're a half million member card, aren't you?"


Zhao Chen said haughtily.

"Waiter, count the number of people here. Each of them has a one million membership card." With that, Lin Fei threw his bank card directly into the arms of the waiter who was responsible for serving him.

When the waiter saw the bank card coming, he got it in a hurry.


There was an inspirational sound.

Huang Yaxin's eyes to Lin Fei are bright. There is a touch of surprise and appreciation in her eyes.

What a big breath!

How bold!

Although uncle Tao didn't move, he shook his hand with the wine. His eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Lin Fei. Did he recognize himself?

Zhao Chen feels like eating excrement, not to mention how upset he is.

A young man pretending in front of himself?

How can it work?

"a woodlouse has a large amount of money. I think it's a rural outburst."

"Boy, where do you live? Is your house occupied and become a relocated household? I can tell you that the demolition fee is that sum, and it will be gone when it is used up. "

"In addition, you must take these disgusting beggars away with you today, or I promise you will not be able to live in Jiangnan City."

"It's not the same as pig's eight commandments to get a membership card for beggars. Ugliness can't change beauty."

Zhao Chen this next angry, to Lin Fei and beggars began to anger spray up.

They are surrounded by Taoshu and others at this table. Some people have already been nauseous and can't get out. Now that Huang Yaxin is here, he doesn't show strong power to drive these people out, which makes him very angry. He just thinks of the power behind Huang Yaxin, and he doesn't dare to get angry.

At the moment, the complete outbreak, all sent to Lin Fei and uncle Tao and others.

Lin Fei did not respond.

Uncle Tao just glanced at him. The other beggars didn't speak, but they were already close to Zhao Chen and others.

The atmosphere of the scene became more and more awkward. Some people were watching, some were angry, and some were looking forward to the breeze.

It's just -

it's always quiet.

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