More than ten minutes later, the waiter came back with a pile of membership cards and a pile of bank running water. His face was red, his lips were shaking, and his eyes were full of joy.

Because of running too fast, I almost sprained my foot several times.

When Zhao Chen saw the waiter coming, he said with a sneer, "hum! A membership card of one million yuan per person is really special. I see how you blow it up! "

It's more than 20 million yuan, not to mention Lin Fei. Even if he is the general manager of Tianli real estate, his current total value is less than 100 million yuan, and he can't get 20 million yuan.

Just Lin Fei?

How can it be!

Lin Fei is still silent.

Uncle Tao frowned, and his eyes flashed with displeasure.

Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Zhao Chen.

The other beggars' bodies were obviously tight and their faces were more serious.

Huang Yaxin doesn't speak. At the moment, she really wants to see if Lin Fei really has this kind of strength and explore the bottom of Lin Fei.

"First, sir, here are your membership card and bank card." The waiter is really curious about the bank card in Lin Fei's hand now. She wants to find out how much money is in it.

Just now, it's just over 20 million yuan. It's frightening to think about it.

"A million each?"


"Tell manager Zhao, who is barking all the time, if I have enough money?"

Lin Fei looks at Zhao Chen with a disdainful smile, and his eyes are full of disdain.

Zhao Chen had been waiting to see the excitement. When he heard that it had been done, it was like a bolt from the blue. He didn't respond for a long time.

"Manager Zhao, this Mr. Lin has 22 membership cards, which cost 22 million yuan in total. He has a gold card with the same color of sea and sky."

The waitress now regards Lin Fei as the God of wealth. In fact, she is indeed the God of wealth.

Lin Fei's words, she must obey. So I not only told you, but also emphasized that it was a gold card.

Zhao Chen had already reacted. His face was as ugly as Xiang. He didn't say a word for a long time.

"Give these membership cards to these brothers." Lin Fei pointed to Uncle Tao and others.

"All right!"

Driven by money, the waiter sees that uncle Tao and others are no longer bored at first. On the contrary, he has more joy on his face and wants to kiss him. Tonight's commission is enough for her to work for ten years. It's just like in a dream.

The beggars are confused, looking at Uncle Tao, no one came forward to pick up the membership card.

One hundred thousand membership cards. This is not a hundred yuan membership card. They were shocked by Lin Fei's big hand.

"Mr. Lin, your present is a little big today!" Uncle Tao put down his glass and said calmly.

"Uncle Tao, I asked you to come today. At first, I really wanted you to help me out of my depression. However, just now we sat down to drink, which made me very happy. Since we are friends now, we should treat it as my gift. "

Lin Fei looks at Uncle Tao with clear eyes, calm tone, and a smile on his face.

This let see accustomed to the ups and downs of peach uncle can't help but secretly surprised, just rising doubts completely dispel. A flash of appreciation flashed across his face, "OK! I'll make you a friend. "

With that, uncle Tao waved his hand. A beggar came forward and took over all the membership cards.

Uncle Tao Shua straightened his back. Just now, he was an old man dressed up as a hunchback blind man. In a moment, he became a man of great momentum, a strong man who exuded the upper breath.

The 21 beggars standing next to him also stood upright at the same time, showing strong momentum.

All the people in the hotel are in a daze, and the gap between them is very different.

Uncle Tao looked at Huang Yaxin and said with a smile, "there are gold, silver and diamond membership cards in the same color, right?"

Huang Yaxin is a Leng, indeed, just a beggar how to know?

However, she nodded and said, "yes."

"The cards they just took out were all silver cards. Mr. Lin's card was gold card, right?"


"What's my card, then?"

With that, uncle Tao slapped a purple card on the table.


Huang Yaxin seemed to have been punched, covered her mouth and screamed out. Her face was full of surprise and surprise.

Sea sky diamond card!

That's right! This is the same color purple diamond card.

However, since the opening of Haitian, no more than five diamond cards have been sent out. Even the leaders of the East and West committees, the government and the people's courts have not received diamond cards.

Huang Yaxin has seen the diamond card, but it was made by Li Qingfeng when Haitian Yise was established. She has seen it. Since it was made, she has never seen anyone use it.

Now, the beggar uncle Tao took out the purple diamond card, which shocked her."Sister Xin, what's special about that broken card?"

"Look at the mottled surface above. Can't it be picked up from any garbage can?"

"You are so polite to a beggar, are we not as good as beggars?"


Zhao Chen has just recovered from the shock of the gold card, looking at Huang Yaxin again and yelling.

The people who can come to Haitian Yise hotel for dinner are not ordinary people. Zhao Chen is also a person who messes up occasions. He must not let a poor loser beat him in the face. If so, where is his face?

Therefore, Zhao Chen is still in a crazy attack.

However, Huang Yaxin didn't pay attention to Zhao Chen at all. Instead, she quickly walked up to Uncle Tao, bowed deeply to him and said, "I'm sorry! Please excuse me for waiting so long

The purple diamond card that uncle Tao patted on the table is worth Huang Yaxin's respect even if it's not uncle Tao's.

Of course, if it's uncle Tao's, her respect is certainly not a bad thing.

Apart from her, no one in the hotel knows the purple diamond card.

Uncle Tao didn't speak, but his eyes showed displeasure.

"The sea and the sky are so disappointing."

"Sister Xin is so disappointing."

"I'll leave now, and I'll never come to the sea and the sky for dinner again."


Zhao Chen was ignored by Huang Yaxin and completely angry.

In his opinion, as the general manager of Tianli real estate group, he is also a person under two people and over several thousand people. The name of Tianli real estate was mentioned in Jiangnan City, and no one could deny it. Today, he was depressed by a beggar and ignored by a hotel manager. No matter how unacceptable this humiliation is.

"Everyone, uncle Tao is our distinguished guest. If you want to leave, you can leave now. If you want to return your card, you can return it immediately."

Peach uncle's displeasure, Huang Yaxin sees in the eye, the bottom of the heart starts anxious.

However, his face remained calm, but his tone of speaking to the crowd was extremely cold, even merciless.

"Sister Xin, you..."

Zhao Chen wanted to scare Huang Yaxin, but she did not expect that she should really come. Her face turned red and she couldn't get off the stage.

"Don't you understand what I mean? Now get lost. "

Huang Yaxin thinks of the importance of diamond card members to the sea and sky, and she is no longer tolerant of Zhao Chen's repeated clamour, so she gives a direct order to travel.

This time, not only Zhao Chen, but also other hotel guests are stupid.

However, Huang Yaxin's resolute attitude is in everyone's eyes.

The air seemed to solidify in a moment

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