People, living is for a face.

They come to eat at sea and sky because of their face.

Now, driven out in public, he has lost the slightest face, and his face has become extremely ugly.

Although these people were dissatisfied, they didn't leave immediately, because they came here for dinner for another purpose, that is, to curry favor with Li Qingfeng. Registered members let Li Qingfeng know that they were giving him face and showing kindness in disguise.

Zhao Chen's face was gloomy, and he didn't really leave.

But now his face is hotter.

Because -

all the other guests in the hotel gave him a venomous look.

Seeing Huang Yaxin's fierce attitude, Zhao Chen said with anger:

"sister Xin, do you really believe that diamond card will be this beggar?"

"Maybe they stole it, or they picked it up in the garbage can."

"Sister Xin, your vision is getting worse and worse."


Zhao Chen's words just fall, has been silent for a long time peach uncle suddenly tone flat said: "I don't want to see them now."

At the end of the speech, 21 beggars Shua, and their momentum changed again. It was obvious that they wanted the rhythm of Qingren.

"A beggar is so arrogant. Don't you call the police in your hotel?" Zhao Chen is still roaring.

He was completely infuriated and lost his mind.

"Shut up! Disappear at once

Huang Yaxin again mercilessly under the order.

"Manager Huang, you have gone too far. We are your members."

Some people can't stand it and help Zhao Chen to refute it.

Ha ha

Uncle Tao suddenly laughed.

"Don't be complacent, old man. I promise you that if you don't get a bite in Jiangnan City in the future, you will have to starve to death in the street."

Zhao Chen roared angrily.


Words just fall, 21 eyes cast in the past, a pair of want to turn Zhao Chen into ash momentum.

Zhao Chen was not afraid, but straightened his back and said, "do you still want to commit murder in public?"

At the moment, Zhao Chen knows that if he continues to lose face, he will not be able to get along in Jiangnan City, so this is the only fight.

Uncle Tao waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

The other beggars looked back as if nothing had happened.

"People need vision and mind to live in the world. The reason why some people don't succeed in their whole life is that they lack these two points."

"Mr. Lin, he not only has vision, but more importantly, he has mind. Even if you have 20 million yuan, will you give us membership card?"

"Today's Mr. Lin has realized a transformation in his life, and also made my life a transformation."

With that, uncle Tao raised his hand and slowly took off a human skin mask from his face, revealing his true colors.

"Uncle Tao?"

The real face under the mask of human skin was just exposed, and a cry of surprise immediately rang out in the room.

Uncle Tao is the same name as Uncle Tao, but everyone's eyes to Uncle Tao are completely different.

Huang Yaxin was shocked.


Just now, Zhao Chen, who was extremely arrogant, knelt directly on the ground, his lips wriggled, and he didn't say a word for a long time. His body was shaking like chaff.

Lin Fei didn't know, so his eyes were full of curiosity.

But Jiang Yu, who has been watching, has a bright look in his eyes, and his face is also full of surprise.

"Uncle Tao, which play are you singing?"

Some people at the scene asked, others began to retreat, ready to flee.

Uncle Tao, he is the real underground king and the real boss of the city, but now he has been washing his hands and living a fairy like life every day.

In addition to attending meetings and public welfare activities, he enjoys life at home every day.

There is a saying in Jiangnan City that it is possible to enter dongxiyuan, but impossible to enter taoshuyuan.

That is to say, uncle Tao never meets outsiders at home. Besides on-the-spot communication, he does not see anyone.

Because of this, uncle Tao is very mysterious and plays an important role in Jiangnan City.

Of course, his greatest role is to ensure the stability of Jiangnan City.

People are like this. The more mysterious they are, the more curious they are. Therefore, uncle Tao has become a legend and the object that everyone wants to curry favor with.

But I never dreamed that I would see such a scene here.

Huang Yaxin secretly thanks Lin Fei. If he didn't apply for the membership card and really drive out uncle Tao, maybe the sea and sky would be closed tonight.

"Now is there anyone who doubts that my membership card is fake?" Uncle Tao's eyes swept the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

Just in a word, a kind of upper breath instantly shrouded in the people, many people can't help but beat a spirit."Tao, uncle Tao, I'm sorry. I'm blind."

"Uncle Tao, please forgive me."

"Uncle Tao, spare your life!"


At the end of the day, someone has started to kneel down and cry for mercy.


"Uncle Tao, I've ruined my eyes. Can you spare me?" Accompanied by a smell of urine, Zhao Chen pitifully begged.

Uncle Tao is a legend in Jiangnan City. Many people even say that uncle Tao killed countless people in his life and grew up on the corpse of the enemy.

Today, they directly offended uncle Tao. They were worried that if they didn't go out of Chaoyang District, qingfenghui would take out steam for uncle Tao.

"Ha ha, what are you doing? I'm not a tiger! Besides, as I have just said, Mr. Lin has taught me what a mind is. I have a mind. Of course I won't care with you. " Uncle Tao glanced at Jiang Yu and said with a laugh.

He knows Jiang Yu's identity. If he doesn't, he won't be uncle Tao.

Of course, at his age and height, he disdains to fight or kill. Otherwise, ten zhaochen would have been thrown into the river to feed the bastard.

Everyone felt relieved.

"Thank you, uncle Tao."

"Thank you, uncle Tao."

"Thank you, uncle Tao."


Zhao Chen said as he kowtowed to Uncle Tao.

"Don't thank me! Thank you, Mr. Lin. it's the man who really wants to have him Uncle Tao said casually without looking at Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen quickly squeezed out the besieged beggars, came to Lin Fei, and plopped down on his knees.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Lin Fei.

"Zhao Chen, why do you thank me?"

Zhao Chen

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have offended uncle Tao, would you?"


Zhao Chen feels Qi and blood surge up, blocking his chest. His eyes turn black, and he almost breathes on the spot.




Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing behind him.

Uncle Tao and others couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle Tao said that life needs transformation. Today is your lucky day. Forget it!" Lin Fei said with a strange smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

Zhao Chen although hate to death in the heart, but still keep a flattering smile on his face said.

Lin Fei can naturally see Zhao Chen's ideas, but he has more

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