People have desires.

Whether love or not, there will be primitive desire, not to mention the face of a true love of their own people?

Compared with Mu Xinxuan's unclear consciousness at the beginning, Lin Fei is very clear.

Two people started this love marathon because of a one night stand, but there was no second one.

Today, in such a desperate situation, two people even started a second time, did not expect.

By the time Mu Xinxuan gets warm and understands what it is, she is so ashamed that she completely loses herself, and finally buries herself in Lin Fei's arms.

Black ball and white ball also began to merge.

The power of black is transferred from Lin Fei's body to Mu Xinxuan's body, and a little bit integrated into Mu Xinxuan's body.


"It's quite a man!"

Little Lori's voice with the smell of vinegar rang out in Linfei's ear.

When Lin Fei thought about what he had just done, he was also a little surprised, even hard to believe. He felt as if he had taken the strengthening drug in the legend.

"What's going on?"

"Your body has absorbed the power of the Millennium Monument and has been completely changed. I'm afraid that no one in the world is your opponent now."

"So powerful?"


"Does that mean you can't bully me in the future?"

Little Lori rolled her eyes in anger. "Do you want to try?"

It can only scare Lin Fei now.

"I, I want to try!" Lin Fei is telling the truth. I want to know if this force can really control the system.

"Lin Fei! You want to die! "

With that, little Lori waved her hand to Lin Fei. Suddenly, Lin Fei felt dizzy and fainted.


Little Lori took a long breath and kept beating her chest, "Damn it! It's a good thing that when they were together, the system absorbed enough power, otherwise it would not have deterred him! "

However, thinking that Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan control the power respectively, the system can no longer be separated from the two people who are united in the future, little Lori can't say how depressed she is.

In particular, Lin Fei, the upgraded perfect man, was originally made for herself, but now she is mu Xinxuan's. she is a little angry and unwilling.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan fell asleep one after another.

In this process, the black ball and white ball in the body are constantly absorbing the outside force.



Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan screamed at the same time.

two people as like as two peas, and they all see the same thing, they all fall on the ground, surrounded by iron chains, and the ground is a map of eight diagrams, just like the outside village of Yongle, but only four reduced versions.

Mu Xinxuan hurried to tidy up her clothes.


With a long breath, Lin Fei finally helped her tidy up.

Looking at Lin Fei, his face is more bashful, but it shows tenderness. Thinking that Lin Fei is crazy for her again and again, he should have been with Lin Fei for a long time.

"It's great that you're all right!"

The snake spirit of the Millennium leaped over.

Lin Fei didn't have as many ideas as Mu Xinxuan. He helped Mu Xinxuan up and looked at the Millennium snake spirit. "The cold here has disappeared."

The Millennium snake spirit nodded, "yes! I think the outside world has disappeared, and we can finally be free. "

Thinking of these snakes trapped in them for thousands of years, my heart is filled with innumerable emotion and complexity.

Lin Fei holds Mu Xinxuan, and his eyes scan here. He thinks of the hardships when he came in, the terror and danger in the process, and the fact that they have finished the second time in their lives. Lin Fei even looks forward to the third time.

However, if Mu Xinxuan knew about it, it would definitely have a psychological shadow. Is it still human?

"Let's go out!" Lin Fei embraces Mu Xinxuan and goes to the Millennium snake spirit.

Looking at two lively people, the Millennium snake spirit can guess what happened, but it can't imagine where a just big entity went?

"Get out!"

The Millennium snake spirit couldn't figure it out and didn't want to continue to think about it.

She pushed at the waist and flew straight up.

However, to her surprise, when they came here, Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan were very heavy. They had to work hard to control the descent process. Now when they go back, they seem to have no weight and become very relaxed.

Could it be that -

the snake spirit of the millennium was shocked in his heart, and even timid to two people.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan hold each other's hands, but they don't know what the Millennium snake spirit thinks.

When you come to the ground, Yongle Village, which used to be foggy, is now full of sunshine, which makes you feel like a spring breeze.

Three people suddenly came out of the dark, obviously uncomfortable.WOW!

"It's no longer cold!" A thousand year old snake spirit utters a cry of surprise in its mouth.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan were also shocked when they looked at everything in front of them.

Especially Lin Fei, looking at the mountains in the distance, he did not know who sealed the Millennium Monument here, nor did he know who controlled this force, including the system.

Thinking of the person who can subdue this kind of power, Lin Fei has a strange tension in his heart. This is the real terror.

"Lin Fei!"

Ruoxue, Longnv, Changkun and other snake spirits feel the changes and come in one after another, just to see them.

Ruo Xue pours directly into Lin Fei's arms, embraces Lin Fei with both hands, and buries her head in Lin Fei's chest. It seems that she is afraid that she will lose her hand.

Lin Fei thinks of what just happened with Mu Xinxuan inside, and his face suddenly shows tension and guilt. Mu Xinxuan stares at Lin Fei and pretends not to see it.

Longnv is more reserved. "Lin Fei, are you ok?"

"All right! There's nothing in it. "

Before the Millennium snake spirit, Lin Fei covered up the past with words.

The Millennium snake spirit immediately understood Lin Fei's intention and didn't speak any more.


Suddenly someone in the crowd called out, and then saw the whole Yongle Village in full bloom, everything revived, like a fairyland on earth.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

The thousand year old snake spirit stares at Lin Fei and wants to know why. Lin Fei shows his hand and makes an expression that he doesn't know.

"Wow! How beautiful

"For thousands of years, I have never seen such a beautiful world."

"We are free at last."

The snake spirits began to dance in the flowers and give out joyful laughter.

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