Compared with their joy, the Millennium snake spirit was calmer and looked at Lin Fei, "what's the purpose of your coming here this time?"

She knew that without anything, Lin Fei and they would not come here.

Lin Fei looked at the mountain and finally said slowly, "the outside world of the mountain is very beautiful. I want people on both sides of the mountain to be able to connect and live a happy life."

The thousand year old snake spirit looked at everything in front of him and said, "this is the place of death. Did you choose it at the beginning?"

Lin Fei nodded, "I don't know, so I chose."

"And now what?"

Lin Fei looked around and said, "it's like a fairyland on earth. I want to build a tourist attraction to let you enter the world and society."

The snake spirit frowned and said, "this is our territory. Do you choose here?"

"Just because I know this is your site, I choose to develop it into a tourist attraction here, so that people can enjoy the beauty of the world."

The snake spirit was silent for a long time. Looking at the mountain, he finally sighed, "how can you guarantee that no one will disturb us here?"

Lin Fei light smile, "you even can't solve this matter?"

"You..." The snake spirit turned its eyes at Lin Fei.

"I can promise, but you have to promise me one thing!"

"What's the matter?"

"We have difficulties in the future. You should help us unconditionally."


Think of this opportunity, also count their credit, Lin Fei heart sincere gratitude.

"Good! We have a good cooperation

The thousand year old snake spirit looks at Lin Fei with a bright smile.

At the moment, the fog is gone, the mountain is no longer isolated from the outside world, and the mobile phone has a signal.

Lin Fei's eyes fall on Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue's faces.

Mu Xinxuan's cheeks are still red because she has just gone crazy with Lin Fei. Ruoxue is a little nervous by Lin Fei.

"Have you had enough?"

Finally, Mu Xinxuan stares at Lin Fei and scolds with discontent.

Lin Fei smiles and shakes his head. "If this is enough, how about the rest of his life?"

Mu Xinxuan's pretty face turned red and Lin Fei's demeanor turned white.

Lin Fei took back his face and joked, "two beauties, how about logging on to the cuttlefish platform now and making a live broadcast here?"


Two women called out at the same time.

Lin Fei nodded, "live broadcast, live broadcast the beauty here. With your beauty and popularity, this place will instantly become a place that everyone yearns for. When you say, how will Jianghai province and the other two neighboring provincial capitals react?"

"You Lin Fei, how does your brain grow? " If snow excited run to come over, embrace Lin Fei's face to kiss one mouthful.

After kissing, he found that he had gone too far. His face turned red and he looked at Mu Xinxuan.

Thinking of Lin Fei's fighting power, Mu Xinxuan blushed and said, "I'll be responsible to sister Ruo Xue in the future, or I won't forgive you."

If you need to stare at Mu Xinxuan with round eyes.

Mu Xinxuan nodded.

Ruo Xue's eyes sparkle with tears. She didn't expect Mu Xinxuan to accept it.

Lin Fei didn't think much about these, and didn't care. He took out his mobile phone and called Gu Xuetao, general manager of cuttlefish platform.

As soon as the phone rang, Gu Xuetao's respectful voice came, "Hello, Mr. mu Feixuan!"

On that day, in the annual cuttlefish TV popular anchor selection competition, Lin Fei once made Han Bing popular, and let Han Bing cooperate with Jingzhu to beat Li Jia and Cang Yijiao to win the first prize at one stroke. His hundreds of millions of rewards directly made the cuttlefish platform's value soar, so Lin Fei was already the VIP of his VIP. Seeing Lin Fei's phone, he naturally showed great respect.

Lin Fei comes straight to the point, "manager Gu, I have two friends here. I want to make a live broadcast on the platform. Can I get ready in an hour?"

Gu Xuetao heard that he was Lin Fei's friend, but he didn't think about it. He nodded directly, "yes! I don't know who's on the air? Live what? "

"Keep this secret first. You should get ready now and start on time in an hour. It will make your platform famous."

"No problem!"

"Oh! Let Han Bing and Jing Zhu join in the live broadcast together to set off and assist them. "


Gu Xuetao almost vomited blood when he heard this request. Who is it? How dare you let your platform's No.1 and No.2 help you? It's a bit of an exaggeration!

Of course, he is more curious about whether the other party can agree?

"You should pay close attention to the technical preparation of the live broadcasting platform. I'll call Han Bing and Jingzhu."

"All right!"

Gu Xuetao is very good at being a man. Without saying much, he immediately hung up the phone and began to implement it.

Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue begin to prepare here, while Lin Fei calls Han Bing and Jingzhu in person. At first, both of them are overjoyed when they receive Lin Fei's call, but they are a little disappointed when they hear that the live broadcast is still auxiliary.However, women's arrogance makes them more curious about who can make Lin Fei pay so much attention. Han Bing, in particular, has been much thinner since she heard that Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan have succeeded hand in hand.

The four women began to prepare at the same time. Lin Fei called Xiao Mengshan and Siyu respectively to make them plan and publicize the Northwest Mountainous Area of Jianghai city.

Call Feng Ke and ask him to send his company's aerial plane to cooperate with Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue's live broadcast to carry out three-dimensional live broadcast.

After some explanation, all the people took action.

At this moment, the cuttlefish platform is boiling. For a long time, there has not been such a lively cuttlefish platform. It even started to pull banners to publicize. It also revealed that the cuttlefish platform No.1 and No.2 assisted live broadcasting, which not only aroused everyone's curiosity, but also aroused everyone's anger.

"The trough! What kind of big brand, even let the cuttlefish platform No.1 and No.2 auxiliary live

"Cuttlefish platforms No.1 and No.2 are my dream lovers. I don't know how many tissues I wasted for them. Today, I went to assist live broadcast. I'm so angry."

"Stop it! It's all tears. After a while, I'll see who dares to grab the anchor position of our dream lover. "


The live platform of cuttlefish platform has exploded.

Lin Fei arranges everything and receives a phone call from Gu Xuetao, telling him that he is ready.

Han Bing and Jing Zhu also sent a message to tell us that they are ready.

Lin Fei directly logs in to the cuttlefish platform. Just as he enters the platform, countless fans and live broadcast send private messages.

"Mumu Feixuan, I love you!"

"Mumu Feixuan, I want to marry you!"

"Mumu Feixuan, I'm going to have a baby for you!"


These people are as crazy as the world is.

Lin Fei looks at the big screen with a happy smile on his face. Here, he used to be the key auxiliary point to complete the task. Here, he once achieved himself. Here -


Lin Fei hands Click down.

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