Lin Fei finally called Xiao Mengshan. If he said to spend money, he was good at it, but if he said to do all this, he couldn't.

Xiao Mengshan's team and these people began to discuss how to build, while Lin Fei has quietly left.

For all this, no one on the scene expressed any objection or opposition, because Lin Fei's decentralization, non dispute and detached attitude further proved his ability.

The real strong don't have to work hard.

Lin Fei went back to bed.

After his trip to Yongle Village, what he changed was not only his mentality, but also his whole concept of life.

The next day, as soon as Lin Fei got up, his mobile phone rang and he saw that it was Jiang Yu.

Press to connect, "I'm in Jiangnan City, you come to Mingmen hotel to see me!"

"All right!"

Lin Fei hung up and got up to clean up.

Five minutes later, go out to Mingmen hotel.

When he came to the hotel, Jiang Yu sent a message telling her that she was in the meeting room with Liusheng group, and asked him to go in directly.

Lin Fei came to the conference room, pushed the door directly and went in.


In an instant, seven eyes looked.

Lin Fei looked at Jiang Yu first. He was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. He didn't look like a lot of chairman.

She was much thinner than when she left last time. She wore a pair of glasses on her face, which covered the sharp look in her eyes.

There is not the slightest smile on the beautiful face, eyebrows tightly locked together, it seems that there are endless thoughts entangled in the heart.

The whole conference room was just obviously depressed. The six presidents, who had been arrogant, were sitting there with a serious expression and a sense of respect.

Just -

"Lin Fei, who let you in, get out of here!" Ni Guanggu, chairman of Huanggui group, was the first to stand up with a fat body and roared angrily.

"Yes! Get the hell out of here. " Qu Shilang, chairman of Weirong group, followed closely.

Several other directors also clapped the table and yelled wildly.

For a moment, Lin Fei seemed like a lost dog who had been yelled and beaten, yelling and blaming one after another.

The development of Linfei's northwest and the live broadcast of the cuttlefish platform in Yongle Village were completely destroyed. As a result, they were completely abandoned. Now no one went to see their new buildings.

Originally, they wanted to go to the backstage of their respective provinces to help prevent the development of the northwest. As a result, their leaders went to Jiangnan province faster than they did. What's more, they went to the gate of the earth group and begged the earth group to develop.

It makes them feel like poor people hanging here. Thinking of the cost of every day, six people are bleeding.

Finally, six people thought of Jiangshi group. It was because of Jiangshi group that they came here to invest, so they put the responsibility on Jiangshi group.

Originally, they had a try mentality, and they didn't expect to really manage it.

As a result, Jiang Yu not only promised directly, but also promised to buy their land, which gave six people hope.

Just now, they are negotiating, but it is not smooth. Jiang Yu's principle is very clear. The acquisition is OK, but the price will not be so high. After all, Jiang's group has no money now.

For the land originally worth 100 billion yuan, Jiang Yu only gave 50 billion yuan at most, and six people were a little confused.

So, seeing the culprit Lin Fei appeared, he suddenly became angry and wanted to tear up Lin Fei and eat him.

Jiang Yu looks at Lin Fei with the same expression, but his eyes are full of banter. He seems to want to see how Lin Fei reacts.

Lin Fei's eyes swept over six people's faces, and the corner of his mouth showed a evil smile. "How, can't you afford to lose?"

In a word, directly hit the pain.


Ni Guanggu patted the table, "Lin Fei, you are a sinister villain. If you didn't deliberately play tricks, we would not be passive, and Jiangshi group would not be harmed like this by you."

Until now, he still does not forget to stir up the flames, still want to let Jiangshi group and Linfei direct confrontation.

Lin Fei sneered, "do you know why you are so passive?"


"Greed! Those lands were originally owned by our earth group. You just got them by disgraceful means, and of course you have to bear the consequences. "


Qu Shilang snorted coldly, "Lin Fei, don't say those useless. Now you are not welcome here. Please get out of here right away."

Lin Fei sneered, "it doesn't matter whether you welcome or not. The important thing is that famous hotels belong to me. I'll come if I want and leave if I want!"

"Also, you should be polite to me now, or I can give you all the compensation in Jianghai city with one word and one phone call."


Ni Guanggu wants to get angry and is held by Qu Shilang.

What Lin Fei said is not wrong. Now, as long as the earth group publishes a piece of news, it may make them completely trapped in it. Nothing else is land development. If the house can't be sold, it can make them lose money.Six people looked at Lin Fei, and for the first time they were afraid.

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