However, six people thought that Jiang Yu had agreed to buy their land, and their waists suddenly hardened.

"Lin Fei, we lost, but Jiangshi group will take revenge for us."

"Well! We are very happy to see Jiangshi group making money. "

"Yes! What you earn is the one trillion yuan you invested in the development of Jiangnan Province, or your money. What can you do if you win? "

Six people in unremitting efforts in anger, want to finally crazy stimulate Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei is very calm, looking at Jiang Yu, "do you buy their land?"

Jiang Yu helped his glasses. "I want to buy them, but my secretary just called. Now Jiang's group has only 30 billion yuan in cash."

With that, he looked disappointedly at Ni Guanggu and said, "I'm really sorry. It's not that I don't want to buy it. It's our limited ability of Jiangshi group."

Six people on the spot muddled force, just joy, just high on the moment disappeared without a trace.

Eyes full of pleading to see Jiang Yu, "Jiang Dong, you give us 50 billion, we sell you, would rather lose, OK?"

Qu Shilang is more direct, "Jiang Dong, after this time, our company will face the capital chain fracture, but we are willing to bear it ourselves. You just need to help us buy the land and let me get back a little cost. Do you think that's ok?"

Lin Fei's decision makes them despair. They know that once Lin Fei really wants to attack them, he can make them bankrupt by using a little money. So now he is very urgent and hopes to get away.

Jiang Yuchang took a breath, "ladies and gentlemen, when you just disagreed with 50 billion yuan, we directly used 20 billion yuan for an investment. Now we really don't have any money. I'm sorry!"


All six of them are blue now.

Ni Guanggu finally gave a cold hum, "Jiang Dong, 30 billion yuan, you buy it, we sell it to you."

After that, he turned to the other five people and said, "six of us will take this money and invest together in the future, and we will surely make it back soon. I'll keep the green hills, and I won't worry about firewood. "

Finally, looking at Lin Fei, "this trip to Jianghai City, we admit defeat, you win, but the Jiangshi group that earned in the end is not you."

Ha ha

At the end of the day, laugh and let out your ecstasy.

Lin Fei did not speak, still smile.

Jiang Yu took out the contract, "let's sign the contract!"

At the moment, six people suddenly found out that when Jiang Yu came, he was ready to buy it at the price of 30 billion yuan. The so-called 50 billion yuan was just to lower the price in their hearts.

"Jiang Dong, you are going too far!" Ni Guanggu's eyes contracted.

Jiang Yu sneered, "if you sell it, sign it. If you don't sell it, there are people waiting for you. Your land is rotten in your hands."


Ni Guanggu looks at Jiang Yu and his heart is in a mess. This woman is even more cruel than that Liya. She is just cannibalism.

Qu Shilang pulled Ni Guanggu, "forget it, let's sign and sell it!"


Ni Guang Gu snorted coldly, "you are cruel!"

Finish, sign directly.

The other five signed one after another.

Jiang Yu threw the contract in front of Lin Fei, "Lin Fei, I don't have money to buy or build. What should I do?"


At the moment, six people are confused and have nothing. This is -

Lin Fei still smiles, "I'll buy the land, and you set the price."

"Good! What do you think of 200 billion? "

"No problem, that's 200 billion."

Lin Fei said, directly to Jiang Yu transfer money.

Six people listen to two people's conversation, heart innumerable grass mud horse is running.

I can't believe it when I think of the two families fighting each other on the Internet and the stock market some time ago. In the twinkling of an eye, they are like a family.

What's more irritating is that even if you are a white wolf with empty hands, even if you can make money, can you not make money in front of us?

There are no intermediate procedures. No one even knows whether they have 30 billion yuan.

Lin Fei is a fool, so they are the biggest fool.

This is the land that they spent 100 billion to buy.




Like the tide, six people feel like they are being steamed and roasted in a pressure cooker.

Ni Guanggu's fat body has become a tidal wave, and the two rolling faces are even more undulating.

The other five are not much better.

I think they just scolded Liu Fei and scolded him. I thought Liu Fei didn't dare to respond to his smile. Now I know it's because I'm too stupid to talk to you.Poof!

Ni Guanggu directly spouts out a mouthful of blood.

"No! Here's your check. " Jiang Yu left 30 billion checks in front of six people.

"Jiang Dong! Hard enough for you! We remember it Ni Guanggu raised his hand to wipe the blood of the corner of his mouth, and said angrily.

Jiang Yu sneered, "am I cruel? It seems that someone is more cruel than me? "

His eyes have been on Liu Fei.

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