
Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan look at Mu Qiaosheng nervously as if they were stung by a bee.

One is that he has stolen someone else's daughter; the other is that he has gone against the wishes of his family and pursued freedom of marriage.

Jiang Huihao looks at Xiang Mu Qiaosheng with a smile in their eyes, but everyone can see that there is anger between them.

Especially in Jiang Huihao's eyes, it was a kind of humiliating anger. Mu Xinxuan, who was in full dress, should be his daughter-in-law. It should be their Jiang family.

Just as he said, he would rather give his daughter to Lin Fei than let Mu Xinxuan be robbed by Lin Fei, but this is the reality.

Lin Fei robbed Mu Xinxuan.

"Muqiaosheng, don't you think we should apologize to the Jiang family for this?"

There was a deep displeasure in Jiang Huihao's voice.

Muqiaosheng faintly smiles and looks at Lin Fei, "the Jiang family needs to apologize. Is it better for you to apologize or for me to apologize?"

Jiang Huihao's face was suddenly gloomy. "Muqiao Sheng, don't you think it's too much? Is the face of our Jiang family so worthless? "

Muqiao Sheng laughs, "Jiang Huihao, you are wrong. It's because your Jiang family's face is valuable that I find Lin Fei. Because Lin Fei is a local rich man, only he can buy the land that your Jiang family bought with 30 billion yuan and 200 billion yuan. If you find a beautiful woman with 100 billion yuan, you can find 1700. You can see how beautiful your Jiang family is in his eyes What matters is how valuable your daughter is. "

Jiang Huihao's face became a little ugly.

Mu Qiaosheng suddenly patted his forehead and made a sudden realization. He looked at Lin Fei and said, "you stinky boy, you are willing to stir up the wind and rain when you have nothing to do, which makes the stock of Jiangshi group go up and down. At last, you pay to help others settle it. Aren't you tired?"

Lin Fei raised his hand to scratch the back of his head.

Jiang Huihao's face has become iron blue.

Mu Qiaosheng looked at Jiang Yu, "I grew up watching you from childhood. I know you are a strong child. Being able to accept Lin Fei's help shows that I really recognize Lin Fei and accept him."

"Ah! It's just a pity! Love needs to be grasped and cherished. You accidentally miss such an excellent choice. "

Turning to Xiang Mu Xinxuan, "I've known about Lin Fei. How can I say that? It's very affectionate, but not promiscuous, so it's right for you to choose such a man. "

With tears in her eyes, Mu Xinxuan looks at her father and nods heavily, deeply moved.

Next to him, Jiang Huihao's face became more and more unnatural.

It shows that Lin Fei is talking about his son Jiang Dongyuan.

Recalling that Jiang Dongyuan made the Jiang family a mess, if it wasn't for Jiang Yu who gave up his future at the last moment and came back to be the chairman of the board.

Had it not been for Lin Fei's emotional card, the Jiang family would no longer exist.

Jiang Huihao sighed, "muqiaosheng, your Mu family has won. I wish you well."

With that, he turned to open the door, "Jiang Yu, let's leave."

Jiang Yu's face was always calm, "goodbye uncle mu. Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan, best wishes to you. "

Smile, get on the co pilot, the car started to leave.

Mu Qiaosheng looked at the back of Jiang Huihao's car, with a faint smile on his face.

The enemy of a lifetime, who are not willing to admit defeat, he left, it really admit defeat?

He doesn't believe it!

This is related to the honor of the Jiang family for a lifetime, and Jiang Huihao will definitely not.

Muqiaosheng looked at Lin Fei, did not say, not to point out, some things, to solve their own to improve.

Mujoson enters the banquet hall.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan clench each other's hands and look excited.

Sitting in a Rolls Royce car, Jiang Huihao took out his mobile phone and sent out a message.

After receiving the reply, he turned off the screen of his mobile phone and looked at Jiang Yu, "do you think Lin Fei will really rise?"

Jiang Yu nodded, "yes! Sure! He is the most enterprising and broad-minded person I have ever seen

"Are you so confident in him?"

Jiang Yu's eyes look ahead. The night is tantalizing, the lights are bright and noisy.

"In his body, there is a kind of rare temperament of men in the world, which can make him successful."

Jiang Yu's eyes retracted, his hands clenched into fists, his eyes blurred.

"What a pity!" Jiang Huihao looked out and said to himself.

Jiang Yu is a Leng, "Dad, what do you mean?"

Jiang Huihao shakes his head, "it's not interesting. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it."

Jiang Yuxin is just a click.

"Dad, are you going to attack Lin Fei?"

Jiang Huihao light smile, "move him? I'm afraid it's not up to me to do it

Jiang Yu looks anxious. She doesn't believe her father's words, but now she doesn't know how to help Lin Fei."Calm down! If Lin Fei can't stand the storm, let him go with the wind. Of course, if Lin Fei can really go through this storm, I will never do it. I won't care if you become friends or lovers or marry him in the future. "

There was a cold wind and rain on my back.

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