China is a country of etiquette. Unless we are enemies of life and death, we don't say that we will offend others.

Especially when people are at the peak of their lives, the most is applause and praise.

At the moment, Lin Fei and Mu's family are undoubtedly such objects. All the people who come to the banquet tonight are convinced in front of Mu's family and Lin Fei's money, so most of them are flowers and applause.

Almost everyone present took it as a matter of pride to have a drink with Lin Fei and say a word.

After the ups and downs, Lin Fei is no longer the past green and astringent, but also see more of the world, so he has been very calm.

The party has been going on in great harmony and happiness.

Just in the middle of the process, there was a sudden noise of confusion at the entrance of the hall.

Then two famous men and women came in with a group of reporters.

Two people walking in front, the reporter is like a valet, momentum is very strong, with a strong momentum.

The original harmonious banquet hall, because of the arrival of these people, instantly became a bit chaotic.

"Isn't that what zishizhi will do?"

"Yes! What are they doing here? "

"What else can we do? It must be because there are more rich people at the banquet tonight. They have come to collect money!"

Lin Fei's eyes look at the direction of people, and there is a smile in his eyes.

Muqiaosheng pretended not to see, and continued to have acquaintances talking and laughing.

Along the way, the two men saw the warm greetings from the crowd.

"Dong Zhao is here."

"Li Dong has become young."

"Zhang Dong has become beautiful!"

People look at two people's smile is very unnatural, for two people's praise, but also show disapproval.

But the two pretended not to see it and ran straight to the front desk center.

"Mr. Lin, we didn't invite them." Yunting came close to Lin Fei and said.

Lin Fei nodded, "I know!"

"Shall I stop them?"

Lin Fei shook his head, "since it's here, it's OK."

Yunting looks unnatural, even mixed with a touch of remorse.

They have come to Lin Fei at the moment.

"Lin Dongguo is a real talent, more handsome than in the photo." Men speak first.

The woman looks at Xiang Mu Xinxuan, "the big star of Mu is really the superstar of movies and TV series. It's so beautiful."

"Talent and beauty! There is no better description

Lin Fei mouth has been sipping a smile, quietly looking at two people.

The man grinned and showed some blackened teeth. "My name is Zhang Bin. I'm a staff member of zishizhi club. This is my colleague Wang Ling

Lin Fei nodded and looked at them.


Zhang Bin and Wang Ling are confused.

Finally, they looked at Lin Fei and said, "Mr. Lin, the earth group is now the largest group in China. We know that Mr. Lin has a heart for the people, which makes us admire him very much."

Lin Fei nodded again.

Wang Ling showed displeasure on her face, but she still squeezed out a smile. "Dong Lin's earth group's march into Yanjing market is a good opportunity to open up the market and contacts. Today, we bring reporters to help you carry out publicity."

With that, he raised his hand and pointed to the reporters behind him, "these reporters are specially invited by us to serve you."

Lin Fei nodded, still speechless.

All the people on the scene look at Lin Fei, want to see how he handles it?

Mu Qiaosheng, in particular, has confirmed his judgment at the moment. He hides behind and observes quietly to see how Lin Fei deals with it.

It's just that what everyone can't understand is that Lin Fei just nods and doesn't speak.

Zhang Bin and Wang Ling did not understand, and they couldn't hang on to each other.

In the past, they did many things like this, and many famous people on the scene were willing to bow down or even acquiesce in front of them.

Because no one is afraid of their hand.

You make me satisfied and give you satisfied positive publicity.

You make me dissatisfied, I make you feel bad, even the company closed down.

Therefore, it is the first time for Lin Fei to keep silent and not say a word.

"Mr. Lin, there are so many of us here, and so many dignified people are watching. Do you have anything to say?"

Zhang Bin's tone is not good enough.

Lin Fei shakes his head, then shakes the red wine glass in his hand, gently raises his hand, raises his neck and kills it directly.

Zhang Bin's mouth twitches and wants to get angry. He is held by Wang Ling.

She looked at Xiang Mu Xinxuan and said, "big star mu, Dong Lin may not be in this circle and don't understand this. Don't you have anything to say?"

The naked threat.Although Mu Xinxuan doesn't know what Lin Fei means, she knows that Lin Fei will never do things for no reason. "What we do in our family is what Lin Fei says."

A Taiji, light and weak, but almost let Zhang Bin and Wang Ling spit blood on the spot.

Ha ha

Yunting came out of the crowd and looked at Zhang Bin and Wang Ling, "now that you're here, you're going to give me face. Let's have a drink and have fun together."

During the conversation, two glasses of red wine have been served by the waiter.

"Happy?" Zhang Bin gave a cold hum, then raised his hand high.

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