Cangjia village.

Lin Fei and Jiang Yu are standing outside the village. Looking up, the whole village is surrounded by high walls. A door is locked tightly, and the door locks are rusted to death.

It's obvious that there was a plan for development here, but in the end it gave up.

Jiang Yu was wearing a camouflage suit today. He was as brave and valiant as Lin Fei when he first saw him wearing a police uniform.

Lin Fei is a little distracted, and his memory goes back to the past unconsciously.

"What do you think?"

Jiang Yu asked with a smile.

Lin Fei sighed, "I'm thinking, if I didn't know you at the beginning, I don't know how many crises I would be able to go through."

Jiang Yu's cheek flashed two lumps of red halo, "how do you feel owed? Why don't you marry me home? "

Lin Fei

This is what Jiang Yu often said when they first met.

If he married Jiang Fei, he would surely look at us

Lin Fei's eyes widened, thinking that he had heard wrong.

Jiang Yu continued: "my father has said that there is no fight with the Mu family any more, because we are not worthy of fighting with the Mu family, but cooperate with you."

"I think we should cooperate! If men and women cooperate with each other, it will be more perfect. "

Today, Jiang Yu is a bit unconventional and takes the initiative, which makes Lin Fei a little unnatural.

"Yes! Why do you insist on not letting others come with you

"Do you think it's convenient for me to tell you?" Jiang Yu eyebrows pick pick.

Lin Fei is noncommittal.

Jiang Yu shook his head, "Lin Fei, you still don't know me!"

"For me, if I really like you and want to marry you, I can say it directly in front of Mu Xinxuan and Xiao Mengshan. I believe none of them can object."

Lin Fei looked at the gate and suddenly frowned twice. "What's wrong with it?"

Jiang Yu nodded, "you understand! That's why I don't let anyone else in. "

Lin Fei praised, "you still keep your original intention."

"I want to learn from you. I admire your feelings for your country."

Lin Fei shook his head. "Let's not flatter each other here. Let's go in."

"Wait!" Jiang Yu holds Lin Fei. "I'll tell you in advance that you don't really need to take risks when you go in this time, life and death are uncertain."

Lin Fei looks at Jiang Yu, "this is the task Mu family hopes to accomplish. I don't think you Jiang family want to lose your name for a lifetime, do you?"

Jiang Yu default.

But still pulling Lin Fei's clothes.

"What's the matter?"

"Lin Fei, tell me, have you ever loved me?"

Lin Fei's face turned red, "always a friend!"

Disappointment flashed on Jiang Yu's face, and his hand slowly released.

Next second -

she walks in front of Lin Fei.

Came to the gate, directly from the pocket out of a pistol, bang, shot the door open, simple and rude.

Lin Fei wants to open his mouth, but in the end, he holds back his love and calls to let go. Since he left Jianghai airport, it is doomed that there will be no love between him and Jiang Yu. He can only wish Jiang Yu well.

"There was an ancient tomb in it. When it was found, people died one after another, and archaeologists could not deal with it. That's why the project was closed down."

"But because this project is very important, the news is blocked, even the Mu family doesn't know."

"This time, some people put pressure on Mujia to develop. It seems to be a good thing, but it's also a challenge, even a hopeless one. Let's both go in. Life and death are unknown. "

Jiang Yu finished, and without waiting for Lin Fei to answer, he quickly walked in.

For her, Lin Fei's refusal, heart has been broken, life and death for her, has no meaning and difference.

Even, she hopes to die here, hope to be able to use their own death, in exchange for a lifetime of Lin Fei's memory.

Lin Fei didn't know about cangjia village before. Suddenly, she heard that she wanted to hold Jiang Yu. She had taken the lead to enter the underground tomb.

Lin Fei speeded up and followed in.

I don't know how big this underground tomb is, but just when I got to the entrance of the tomb, I felt an inexplicable cold, which made people sweat.

Lin Fei came forward and grabbed Jiang Yu, "behind me!"

Jiang Yu's body suddenly shook, "don't worry about it!"

Lin Fei made a sudden effort to hold her in his arms.

Jiang Yu struggled twice and didn't break free. Finally, he leaned against Lin Fei and didn't speak.


Jiang Yu takes out a flashlight and turns it on. It lights up instantly.

Lin Fei looked up and saw that they were walking in a corridor made of bricks. It was dark and the walls were covered with moss, but they all looked like they had been growing recently.

"Before, it was very smooth here. There was no such thing at all. It was because the cemetery was opened and the air changed."Jiang Yu's brief introduction.

Lin Fei nods and stares at the distance.

All of a sudden, Jiang Yu's flashlight snapped and went out.

Jiang Yu's body suddenly stagnates, and people subconsciously lean towards Lin Fei's arms.

"Don't worry! I'm here. It's OK! "

Lin Fei said softly.

Jiang Yu didn't speak. Lin Fei thought he was afraid and went on.

All of a sudden, he felt wet on his hands.

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