"River rain!"

Lin Fei whispered.

There was no answer.

Step forward, river rain does not move.

Lin Fei realized that it was wrong. His hands were conscious. His body shape was back and waist, but his hands were wet and sticky.

Lin Fei quickly takes out his mobile phone, turns on his flashlight and looks up. Jiang Yu becomes a clay figurine.

Looking at the front, eyes pupil dilated, obviously saw the frightening things, produced extreme fear.

This -

Lin Fei quickly looked forward.


The phone flashed twice, the flashlight turned off, and the screen went black.

It's too late!

Lin Fei's back is cold. This is a cell phone that has just been fully charged. How can it be out of power?

At this moment, Lin Fei felt a chill in his neck, and his whole body was cool in an instant. Isn't it


Lin Fei waves naturally.


Suddenly there was a cry of pain.

"River rain!"

Lin Fei turned to look.

A black object came straight at him, like a black cloth, and seemed to want to wrap it all at once.

Lin Fei was so surprised that he stepped back.


The body hit a hard object again.


Another light call came from behind.

"Jiang Yu..."

Lin Fei turned his head again, and the black cloth came down from the top again.


Lin Fei brain a roar, instantly understand, "damn!"

The body jumps up sharply, then blows forward.


It's like hitting a stone.


The gentle cry of Jiang Yu came.


"Don't go on deceiving me. I won't be fooled."

"Lin Fei, what's the matter? Why am I covered with mud? "

Jiang Yu suddenly opens his mouth.

"Jiang Yu, is it really you?"

Lin Fei ran quickly.

Just as he approached Jiang Yu, the overwhelming black cloth came from the top down again.

If Lin Fei is escaping, he can escape, but Jiang Yu will be caught.


At the critical moment, Lin Feixin speeds up, picks up Jiang Yu and rushes forward.


Lin Fei felt that his body hit the iron wall. With a roar, a door opened, and then the lights were bright inside.

Looking into my arms, Jiang Yu is making green clay on my body.


Jiang Yu sees clearly and vomits directly.

Lin Fei's hands and body were also full of clay, and the green mucus trickled out from inside.

He didn't care to clean up and went inside.

It's like a palace, but there's a huge red coffin right in front of it.

On both sides, there are five stone figures, each with different facial expressions and movements.

They have a common feature, that is, the soil on their bodies seems to have just been coated, very wet.

"Lin Fei, we have never come in here."

Jiang Yu couldn't get rid of the green soil and gave up.

Lin Fei nodded, "let's have a closer look."

When he came to cangjia village, in addition to this piece of land, it was more important for him to find the sky soil. Since the system told him that he could find it, he believed that he would find it.

Jiang Yu did not speak, but also follow the left and right to find.

It's just a pity that I didn't find anything after a long time.

"Let's open the coffin!"

Lin Fei spoke before Jiang Yu said.

Jiang Yu nodded.

Two people came to the coffin near, Lin Fei let Jiang Yu stand behind, he went to the coffin near.

I don't know how old the coffin is, but it's well preserved. The nails used to seal the coffin are all intact.

Lin Fei put his hand on the interview and did not move.

"We don't have tools." Show regret.

Looking around, I didn't find the right tool.

Jiang Yu came near, looked at it carefully, took out his pistol and pulled the trigger directly at one of the nails.


A crisp sound.

Nail missing, coffin shaking.

On the left side, a stone man crashed to the ground and became a handful of clay.


Jiang Yu looks at Lin Fei and mumbles.

Lin Fei nodded.

Jiang Yu aimed his pistol at the second nail and pulled the trigger again. Another nail disappeared, accompanied by the collapse and fragmentation of a clay figurine on the right."This..."

Both of them spoke, but they didn't go on. They were surprised in their eyes.

Jiang Yu's anger rises. He points his pistol at the remaining nails and starts shooting.

The nails disappeared one by one, and the stone man on the ground collapsed one by one, leaving only the last one.

Kneel on the ground like a pregnant woman.

"There are no bullets!"

Jiang Yu began to prepare to change bullets.

Lin Fei goes to the coffin, and the intact coffin has been damaged.

He put his hand on the edge of the coffin and tried to push it.


The lid of the coffin flew straight up to reveal the inside.

A intact female corpse was lying in the coffin, smiling and natural.

Lin Fei's eyes were straight on the spot.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Yu is curious to come over, just one eye, also Leng in situ.

as like as two peas in the river, the only difference is that she wears ancient costume.

Jiang Yu grasped Lin Fei's arm subconsciously.

Lin Fei's eyes look at the female corpse's body. Her abdomen bulges. She is a pregnant woman.

Looking at the only clay figurine left outside, Jiang Yu suddenly howls out

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