When Lin Fei returned to the hotel, he saw that the door of his room was open.

His heart was bursting.

Come to the door, just a show, see Jiang Yu sitting on the sofa, hands around in front of the body, eyes staring at the door, face full of dense.

Lin Fei is scared is a shrink neck, think of the phone just now said she is chicken, know poke leech honeycomb.

"Dead Lin Fei! Get the hell out of here

River rain see Lin Fei want to escape, immediately angry shout.

"Ah? All right Lin Fei deliberately pretended to be in a hurry and ran in.

"Stand up for me." Jiang Yu pointed to the coffee table in front of him and said.

"Yes, sir

Lin Fei's hands drooped and came to standard attention.

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Yu angrily scolds, his body soars into the air, and he punches Lin Fei.


Lin Fei is so good that he doesn't hide at all.

This punch is very sincere, and it makes Lin Fei grin.

Jiang Yu was stunned. He stopped his fist on Lin Fei and forgot to take it back.

What's going on?

I don't know how to dodge.

"Captain Jiang, are you satisfied now?"

Lin Fei raised his hand and grasped Jiang Yu's fist. He put it on the beaten place and said in a weak voice.

Jiang Yu


I didn't expect that this hand is very soft and greasy, very smooth, people can't put it down!

If he was not afraid of Jiang Yu's anger, he would have been able to feel the comfort of touching the mat.


With a cry of surprise, Jiang Yu quickly broke away from Lin Fei's hand and took it back in a hurry.

His face turned red to the root of his ears.

However, adjust it immediately.

"Lin Fei, why did you come out after drinking tea?"

"I miss you, don't I?"

Lin Fei said with a smile, while sitting on the sofa.

"I'll turn on my mobile phone immediately and send it to Mu Xinxuan."

River rain cold hum of say.

"No! Captain Jiang, you'd rather tear down ten temples than one marriage. You're not that kind of person. " Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Call me what's the matter?"

"I knew that Captain Jiang was cold in face and warm in heart. He would certainly help."

"Don't flatter me!"

"Tut How did it get so fast? "

"What has become so fast?"

"What did you say on the phone just now? Now why flattery again? "

"Go away!"

Jiang Yu angrily scolded and stood up to leave.

"Captain Jiang, don't! I have something to report to you! "

In a moment of anxiety, Lin Fei directly reaches for Jiang Yu's arm. Because of the sudden accident, his hand accidentally touches Jiang Yu's rising part.


"Accident! Absolutely unexpected

Lin Fei quickly raised his hands and apologized.

"Speak up


River rain horizontal Lin Fei one eye, this guy how passed a few days, than before still hooligan?

"Here's the thing..."

Lin Fei gives a brief introduction of the situation, and finally puts forward that he wants Jiang Yu to investigate Jiang Yezhong's watching small movies in the office during the day, to see if he can find any evidence.

Jiang Yezhong must die!

Jiang Yu doesn't reply immediately, but stares at Lin Fei.

With a smile, Lin Fei touched his face and asked, "Captain Jiang, do I have flowers on my face?"


"Why do you think I am?"

"Thick skinned!"


Lin Fei is embarrassed!

"How do you thank me?"

"Money for money! Give it to others Lin Fei said very generously.

"Cut! There's some money to make you coquettish. "

"No! It's arrogant. "

"Virtue! I don't want money, I want people! "


Lin Fei held his hands to his chest. "Captain Jiang, it's not the first time for me. How about you?"


"It's a joke! It's a joke. "

Jiang Yu's face flashed a touch of pride, small sample, see how I deal with you.

"Lin Fei, you know, I was suspended because of you last time."

"Mm-hmm! I'm sorry about this. I apologize to you. " Lin Fei apologized with a look of beating.

"It's OK to suspend my post. The key is that I have to write 50000 words to check." Jiang Yu's face looks like a balsam pear.

"This Captain Jiang, do you have any instructions? " Lin Fei knows that Jiang Yu has to make conditions. He has to listen, or this girl won't help."I can help you with things, but I don't have time to check them. Look..." Jiang Yu's eyes are full of smiles.

Lin Feixin is a tremor, ya, when it comes to the key point, the original is to want to write her check, think of the original director Zhang Jun let write 20000 words check, is his mouth to say let write 50000 words, this time good, retribution to his head.

However, thinking of investigating Jiang Yezhong's affairs, he had to rely on Jiang Yu. Lin Fei had no choice. "Captain Jiang, I'll write for you!"

"How good is that?"

"Nothing! Captain Jiang manages everything every day. He should. "

What Lin Fei said was disgusting.

"Actually! Director Zhang asked me to write that the purpose of the examination is to calm down and calm down. "

"Yes, yes! I know that, too. " Lin Fei immediately nodded in agreement.

"So my inspection is simple, that is, copy Tao Te Ching!"

Lin Fei's body shakes, NIMA's, and there are others who write about the examination.

"I plan to copy Tao Te Ching ten times, more than 5000 words each time. Look..."

When Jiang Yu said this, he was a bit coy in his eyes.


What a show!

Let me just copy Tao Te Ching ten times.

Lin Fei thinks so, but he can't say so.

"No problem, Captain Jiang. I'll take care of this."

Lin Fei patted his chest and gritted his teeth.

"Ah! I really don't want to think that "Tao Te Ching" is a great wisdom, missed the opportunity to learn, missed... "

"Captain Jiang, sister Jiang, beauty Jiang, is that ok?"

Lin Fei directly interrupts Jiang Yu's words. He is afraid that he will be sick and vomit.

This girl is really black in her heart!

"All right! I'm going to work on the case now. Call me when you're done. "


"Remember to be neat! We should write in regular script so that we can't tell whose notes it is. "

Jiang Yu's eyes flashed a bad smile.

Lin Fei took a long breath. He didn't say anything but nodded.

"Write well! Just call me Jiang Yu later. "

With Jiang Yu's words, he patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and walked away.

Lin Fei looks at Jiang Yu's back as if he is smiling all over.

It's a kind of smug smile after a shady person.

Lin Fei was also laughing, but it was a bitter smile.

Jiangnan University of science and technology.

Vice President Kong Deyan just put down the phone, his eyes were full of excitement, his face was full of smile, and he casually sang "Shajiabang"!

It was a certain leader who called just now. He wanted him to strive for the position of president Zhang Guodong.

Work hard?

It's very implicit, but for these old timers, they all know what it means!

Therefore, this makes Kong Deyan very happy.

Just then, the sound of high heels came from the door, followed by a rhythmic knock

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