"Come in!"

Kong Deyan immediately put away his smile and sat in his office chair, looking at the door.


The door was gently pushed open.

People do not see, a secreting fragrance has come.

Kong Deyan's heart is a sudden jump, quickly probe to see the woman coming in?

Sitting in his position, Zhang Guodong is below and above others. Many people ask him to do things, and many female teachers have been in love with him, which makes him happy.

The first thing Kong Deyan could see was a black leather sandal, white feet and red toenails, which made his heart beat twice -


Then there are white bell bottoms, and then there are white shirts

The woman who came in seemed to be deliberately guessing with him, but what didn't show was his face, which made Kong Deyan scratch his heart and liver.

I want to rush over and see the woman immediately.

Face out, face out!


However, his eyes were in the position of a white shirt.

"Hello, principal Kong!"

The woman who came in was Hao Juan. She had a panoramic view of Kong Deyan's expression and immediately said.

Kong Deyan has stood up. "Hello, Miss Hao! What can I do for you

The question is very serious, but the light in the fundus is flashing.

The best dress, enchanting to the extreme, if not experienced the battlefield, for young students, it is estimated that just her amorous feelings, can make men immediately crazy.

"Headmaster Kong, didn't they come to report their thoughts to you? Isn't it unwelcome? " Hao Juan said on purpose.

"Reporting ideas? welcome! Of course, welcome! However, I am a vice president with limited ability. "

"Yo! President Kong, you are wrong to say that. "

"What's wrong?"

"Men can't say they can't do it!"

Hao Juan deliberately said in a coquettish voice, and her eyes showed a touch of amorous feelings.

"Ah? Ha ha... " Kong Deyan smiles, but his smile is very obscene. "Women can't be too casual!"

"Principal Kong, are you sneering at others?" Hao Juan immediately pretended to be very aggrieved.

"It's a joke! It's all a joke! Sit down, Miss Hao

Kong Deyan pointed to the sofa beside him, but his hand touched Hao Juan's arm inadvertently.



Just like soft cotton.

Kong Deyan's heart is very happy and his eyes are full of light.

Hao Juan pretended she didn't find anything at all. She turned around and sat down.

Kong Deyan went to the side and poured a glass of water for Hao Juan.

"Come on, drink water!"

"Principal Kong, how can I ask you to pour water for me?" Hao Juan pretended to be flattered and quickly reached for the water.

As a result, accidentally spilled the water, just spilled on the pants under Kong Deyan's belt.


"Principal Kong, I'm sorry!" Hao Juan quickly reached for Kong Deyan's pants.


Hao Juan's hand has been put on it, but her hand feels very special.

A strange color flashed across Kong Deyan's face.

Hao Juan's hand stopped there, pretending to be stunned.

Kong Deyan is worthy of being an old hand. He takes the opportunity to reach out and hold Hao Juan in his arms.

One is standing, the other is sitting, this height is just right!

Two people, did not speak, but the heart is clear what it means.

Hao Juan is able to be a fish in water between Zhu Difeng and Zhu Yan's father and son. She naturally knows what to do. Her hand has been stretched out on her own

And Kong Deyan's hand also moved.

Two people, no redundant language, only action, soon became a reality

After a long time, the two were quiet, but they still held each other tightly.

Kong Deyan's eyes were full of satisfaction and his face was full of excitement and smile.

Hao Juan's eyes are like silk. She lies in Kong Deyan's arms and doesn't speak.

"Baby! If you have anything to do with your work in the future, just open your mouth. "

At the moment, when Kong Deyan thought of the phone he had just answered, he was even more confident.

"President Kong, Ren Feifei plagiarizes his thesis. Now if President Zhang doesn't come back, won't he deal with it?"

Kong Deyan immediately understood Hao Juan's meaning, but he didn't immediately express his position. He wanted to see if Hao Juan had other ideas or methods.

"I want to deal with it, but now I don't have a chance. Besides, I'll deal with it when headmaster Zhang is not here. It's not a good name and it's not a good word."

"I heard that Mr. Jiang Yezhong is still looking for evidence everywhere to sue headmaster Zhang.""Oh?"

"The investigation of president Zhang is the result of Jiang Yezhong's real name report."

As soon as Kong Deyan's eyes turn, he knows the reason why Zhang Guodong was investigated, and he knows that it was Jiang Yezhong's real name who reported the case. But he didn't expect that Hao Juan also knows. Could it be that

"I didn't think of it."

"I also heard about it because I had dinner with Mr. Jiang before and I was familiar with it."

"Familiar? How familiar is it? "

Kong Deyan's hand gently pinched Hao Juan and asked.

"I hate it! Of course, I'm not as familiar as you

"That's fine!"

"Hee hee! You are jealous

"What's the news?"

"You tell people, are you jealous?" Hao Juan said coquettishly.

"Well, I'll prove it with my actions."

Kong Deyan finished and pushed Hao Juan down again


Kong Deyan asked as he moved.

"You are so bad! He lacks evidence now. "


"You have a lot of experience in this field. Can you help him?"

"Let him come to see me!"

Kong Deyan said calmly with a strategy.

"All right! Hee hee... "

Half an hour later, Hao Juan walks out of Kong Deyan's office.

"Mr. Zhu, I've met President Kong. He has already agreed with Jiang Yezhong."

At the moment, although Hao Juan's whole body is weak and her walking posture is strange, she is satisfied with her heart and body.

In Kong Deyan's office, she didn't say what she thought, but what Jiang Yezhong thought.

For Kong Deyan, Hao Juan knows and knows that he has always dreamed of becoming a principal.

As long as he and Jiang Yezhong join hands to keep Zhang Guodong there forever, does Kong Deyan worry that he has no future?

For women, intelligence quotient and emotional quotient should be high.

It's better to take a long line to catch big fish than to make small profits.

What she is looking forward to is actually Ren Feifei's position, which is the star position of the school

"Kong Deyan is so ready to promise that you won't take any measures, will you?" Zhu asked at the other end.

"Look at what you said. They are your people. Do you want green on your head so much?" Hao Juan deliberately pretends to be puffy.

"You're kidding! You contact Jiang Yezhong. I have prepared two cigarettes, one of which has money in it... "

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