"You are so bad!" After listening to Zhu's different suggestions, Hao Juan said with a special style in her joy.

"And worse! Next time let you taste it Wish different obscene smile to say.

Hao Juan felt her body shaking, and she was expecting something.

"All right! I'll do it right away. "

"See you in the evening!" I wish you could finish and hang up.

Hao Juan listened to the beep inside the phone and felt very happy.


A bunch of goons!

Being played with by oneself.

But at the moment, she still has to work hard.

Hao Juan immediately contacted Jiang Yezhong. Half an hour later, Jiang Yezhong appeared in Kong Deyan's office.

At the moment, Kong Deyan is sitting in his office chair with a very serious look.

"Headmaster Kong, I was expelled that day and you were not here. I want to see you all these days. Only you can get justice for me in this school. You have to decide for me!" When Jiang Yezhong saw Kong Deyan, he immediately pretended to be more unjust than Dou E and began to complain!

Kong Deyan frowned. He was also very clear about Jiang Yezhong's reputation and looked at Hao Juan.

"Don't complain, Mr. Jiang. President Kong is the most fair and just president. If you can prove that this matter is unjust, President Kong will certainly seek justice for you. " Hao Juan advised.

Hao Juan is very suitable for the opportunity to further elevate Kong Deyan's identity, which makes Kong Deyan secretly happy, but he doesn't speak. He wants to keep his dignity.

"I believe in President Kong." Jiang Yezhong stopped his grief immediately. "Principal Kong, the culprit in this case is Lin Fei. If he hadn't bribed Zhang Guodong, Zhang Guodong would not have fired me. Just a week before the dismissal, I gave two cigarettes to president Zhang, but he didn't accept them, but he knew what I meant to him. "

Jiang Yezhong finished and put two Chinese cigarettes on the table.

Kong Deyan's eyes are bright.

"Principal Kong, these are two unusual cigarettes." Jiang Yezhong continued.

"Then you didn't think of a way to send it?" Kong Deyan asked solemnly.

"Did not find a chance, he and Lin Fei jointly fired me."

"Oh! I think it would be better if you sent it. "

Kong Deyan said very implicitly.

"I'll do it, but I hope President Kong can vindicate me, cancel Lin Fei's qualification of research guarantee and relieve my hatred." Jiang Yezhong said with gnashing teeth.

"Food should be eaten one by one, and things should be done one by one."

Kong Deyan didn't make a statement. With that, he picked up the water cup and pretended to drink water.

Jiang Yezhong immediately understood that Kong Deyan wanted to see off his guests and wait for his own action.

"Mr. Kong, please be busy first. I'll go first."

"Go! If you have a chance, I'll let you come back and continue to be a teacher. "

Have a chance?

Kong Deyan's words are very artistic. When Zhang Guodong is the principal, Jiang Yezhong certainly has no chance.

Then, his chance is to be the principal himself. If he becomes the principal, Zhang Guodong will not come back. To achieve this goal, Jiang Yezhong's action is needed!

"I see! Thank you, Mr. Kong

Jiang Yezhong was very excited and immediately nodded to thank him. With joy on his face, he went out.

Hao Juan and Kong Deyan look at each other, nod to each other, and immediately follow each other.

Twenty minutes later, Kong Deyan received a call from Hao Juan, and the matter was settled.

His eyes flashed a smug, quickly picked up the phone on the table to report to his above.

When the other party heard about it, he didn't make a statement. He just said he knew and hung up.

Kong Deyan was sitting in his office, lost in wishful thinking.

Half an hour later, Kong Deyan's phone rang. It was the person above who responded and informed him to act as the principal temporarily to deal with the matter about Ren Feifei's plagiarism of Zhu Yan's thesis.

Kong Deyan was very excited. He hung up the phone, clenched his fist, waved a fist in the air, and his face was full of excitement.

I've been waiting for a long time until today.

Jiangnan University of science and technology, from now on, is the world of Kong Deyan.

Kong Deyan calmed down, picked up the telephone on the desk and began to arrange

Inside the police station.

Ren Feifei came again and looked at the staff who had taken notes for her and asked, "Hello! How is the investigation of my thesis stolen? "

The police are very polite. "Hello, Mr. Ren! The case is currently under investigation and there is no progress

"It's been more than three days, and you haven't made any progress yet?" Ren Feifei is in a hurry.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ren. This case has been handed over to the criminal police team. Changjiang Yu, the criminal police team, will investigate the case herself. With her ability, the case should be solved soon."

Ren Feifei shook her head helplessly. "All right!"

At this time, her mobile phone rang, see the phone number is the school office staff call, she is very reluctant to press answer.Don't know what the other party said, Ren Feifei said angrily: "no matter how to deal with it! Anyway, I didn't plagiarize my paper. It was stolen. "

With that, hang up.

Ren Feifei saw that the investigators in front of him were doing business, and he was very polite. He had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Looking at Ren Feifei's back, the investigators shook their heads and grinned bitterly. They said to another person nearby: "it's really strange. The leaders urge the other cases to be closed quickly. This case is good. The boss calls in person to tell them to solve the case slowly."

"There are all kinds of strange things in the world!"

Ren Feifei didn't hear the two people's comments. If he heard them, he would be depressed and furious.

She drove to the west yard to find her father.

In the hotel.

Lin Fei copied Tao Te Ching bitterly. His tired hands were sour and he only copied it three times.

After each copy, he calls Jiang Yu to inquire about the progress. The answer is that he is investigating. Lin Fei has no choice.

At the moment, Jiang Yu is sitting in the office, drinking coffee leisurely, looking at the website of Jiang Yezhong's landing, which is sent from the table. She really admires it, all of which are heavy taste.

She is analyzing, and wants to see if she can find clues to crack down on online pornography through these websites

Conference room of Jiangnan University of science and technology.

Kong Deyan is sitting on the throne and is presiding over the meeting. Now it's his turn to speak.

"Teacher Ren Feifei's plagiarism of Zhu Yan's paper has aroused great attention at all levels. Especially, Ren Feifei's article was also published in the reform pioneer magazine, which has a very bad impact. Therefore, I suggest that teacher Ren Feifei be expelled, deprived of all her titles, and then publicly apologized to the society..."

At the moment, Kong Deyan is upright. All the inside and outside of his words are ethics and human nature. There is no lewdness in the office.

Hao Juan sat down and listened quietly. She was already in full bloom. She wanted to hug Kong Deyan and kiss him.

"What other opinions do you have?" Kong Deyan finally asked.

"I suggest that Lin Fei should be disqualified from the research. Ren Feifei decided at that time that he might be bribed." A teacher arranged in advance by Kong Deyan was the first to make a speech.

"That's right."

There was immediate approval.

"I also suggest that the dismissal of Jiang Yezhong should be cancelled, because everything is the result of Zhang Guodong and Ren Feifei's conspiracy."

The teacher continued.

"Yes! It should be

Once again, it was agreed.

Kong Deyan sat on the throne, smiling and looking at the door from time to time. He was waiting for people to appea

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