
Zhao Ya keeps looking at the mobile phone, with tension in her eyes.

Although Lin Fei said very easily, even with a joke told her nothing, let her directly say is Lin Fei's wife, but she really dare not.

On the one hand, her face is not so thick, and on the other hand, she does not know what kind of person Mu Xinxuan is?

She only knew that the beauty of Mu Xinxuan was beyond her reach, and what she needed to look up to.

Since she is such a beautiful woman, how can she compete with others.

So it made her nervous.

At this time, Lin Fei's hand on her shoulder, "what's the matter? Still nervous? "

Frank Zhao Ya nodded to Lin Fei, "I'm really nervous. Thinking of her coming, I can't tell what it's like. I'm even worried about being beaten on the spot."


Lin Fei was directly amused by Mu Xinxuan's honesty.

"You are so honest! Happy to have a woman like you. "

Zhao Ya had a bitter smile on her face.

"Don't worry! Mu Xinxuan is not such a person, and she also knows that as my woman, she needs to have this kind of tolerance, and you are not the first one around me, you are already the nth one. "

When Zhao Ya heard these words, her face turned red.

Nodding to Lin Fei, "if that's good, anyway, I don't pursue anything. Even if she wants, I can give her the house you bought for me."

"I just want to have a kind of plain life, as long as you can come to see me when you think of me."

"Then I will write my love into a novel, a story and a memory in your absence. I think it will be a beautiful legend novel."

Looking at Zhao Ya's dementia, Lin Fei was slightly moved.

A woman has her own persistence and perseverance, and her inner pursuit, which is really not easy.

Raise a hand to help her arrange the hair in front of her, "all your requirements, I will meet you, even you can follow me, always together."

Zhao Ya Yang starts, on Fox's face, that pair of single eyelid eyes stare at Lin Fei, "am I worth your paying like this?"

Lin Fei said with a smile: "as a woman of mine, it's worth my efforts. Otherwise, why would she become my woman? You can rest assured that since I, Lin Fei, have chosen you, you will never escape in my life. "

Zhao Ya was full of sweetness in her heart, but she said deliberately: "it's really overbearing. It sounds like a bad guy, a big sex wolf!"

"Whatever you think, just as casually. You see Lu Qing scolds me every day for being a big sex wolf. Finally, she scolds me to bed."

Zhao Ya looked at Lin Fei's complacency, "you are really bad enough. Last night, you could go to other people's bed openly. In the end, you didn't go directly to your room. At last, you went furtively. If it was me, I would be angry."

Lin Fei raised his hand and touched his nose. "That's true, but you know this girl, it's not easy to conquer her."

"If only she could be as open and open as you are, wouldn't she? The key is that she can't think of it. She has to make me work so hard. Alas, it's a waste of time. I feel so tired when I think about it! "

"If it were you, I would have been able to go back and forth many times."

"I hate it! What do you mean? You mean I'm cheap? Or do I not know

When Zhao Ya heard Lin Fei's words, she couldn't help being coquettish.

Lin Fei raised his hand and held her hand. "Nothing. I'm just saying what I really think."

Zhao Ya's face showed a happy smile, "anyway, I am very happy, I am very satisfied, anyway, I do not pursue anything."

Zhao Ya once again reiterated her point of view.

Lin Fei looks at Zhao Ya and raises his hand to touch her face. "A woman like you is a real fox spirit. Only a fox spirit can say what a man likes to hear."

"If I were a fox, then I would fascinate you all my life, make you never leave me, and make you my only man forever."

Zhao Ya said deliberately.

"I'm afraid not."

Lin Fei said with a smile, has released his hand.

Zhao yashun, looking at Lin Fei's eyes, saw a woman who was more than 1.75 meters tall, wearing black high-heeled shoes, a long black skirt and black sunglasses. Her hair floated behind her head and came out of the airport hall.

I can't see my face clearly, but my temperament is noble, charming and radiant.

She was followed by a dozen people.

However, the most prominent is a woman dressed in sportswear. Her long hair is tied with a horse tail, which is thrown on the right shoulder. Her eyes look from time to time to the left and right, and her face shows vigilance.

When Zhao yatun was a little nervous, he grabbed Lin Fei's arm subconsciously, "is she Mu Xinxuan?"Lin Fei nodded with a smile, "she is mu Xinxuan! You can call it sister! "

Zhao Ya's face suddenly became more nervous. She even held Lin Fei's arm tightly.

Lin Fei smiles and claps her hand, "it's OK! Don't worry. What are you afraid of? "

Lin Fei said that he had gone to Mu Xinxuan.

At this moment, Mu Xinxuan has already seen Lin Fei and Zhao Ya beside him.

Her delicate face just flashed a moment after the strange, immediately showed a sweet smile.

He walked towards Lin Fei with open arms casually. Lin Fei also ran towards Mu Xinxuan with open arms.

The two hugged each other directly in full view of the public. Mu Xinxuan hugged Lin Fei's neck and Lin Fei hugged Mu Xinxuan's waist and hugged each other as if they were the only two in the world.

Mu Xinxuan felt very comfortable and happy when she was hugged by Lin Fei.

Next to Zhao ya see this scene, do not know why, the heart did not rise any jealousy.

Even she thinks that this is the real happiness of others, this is the real possession.

Instead, she blessed them.

Next to the Dragon girl looked at the two people, face has been hanging a light disdain.

Especially when she glances at Zhao ya, when she sees Zhao Ya's eyes, she has already guessed something, and her face shows a kind of disdain, ridicule and even ridicule to Lin Fei.

"Welcome to my wife!"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Don't you welcome others?" Mu Xinxuan joked with a smile.

"How could it be?"

With that, Lin Fei releases Mu Xinxuan and walks towards the Dragon Girl.

Dragon girl saw Lin Fei come, "what are you going to do?" There was a cold voice.

It's like guarding against thieves.

"Nothing! I'm looking at you coming. Do you work hard? " Lin Fei didn't say well.

In the heart secret way, makes oneself like the villain.

I want to give her a hug, but I don't want to give her a hug.

"No hard work! It's not like flying. What's so tiring? " The Dragon girl replied coldly.

"Dragon Girl, what's wrong with your hair?" Lin Fei raised his hand suddenly.

Dragon girl is a Leng, hurriedly look at his shoulder on the hair.

Next moment -


Lin Fei has hugged the Dragon Girl.

"What are you doing?" The Dragon girl is surprised to push Lin Fei away. Lin Fei has released her hand.

Looking at the angry dragon girl, I was glad that the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex's anger was not aroused.

He said with a smile, "isn't this a hug for you? Is it not welcome? "

"You look nervous, like who will eat you?"

Anger flashed across the Dragon Girl's face.

Lin Fei ignored and continued: "don't worry, I dare not eat a woman like you! I'm afraid I can't digest you. "

The Dragon Girl rolled her eyes with anger.

Long Nu has been following Lin Fei, seeing his growth, and has always regarded herself as a part of Lin Fei.

I just saw more and more women around Lin Fei, and more and more beautiful.

She gradually chose to fade out.

In the end, she became Mu Xinxuan's bodyguard. In this way, she can leave Lin Fei and live her own life.

Now, in full view of the public, Lin Fei directly embraces her, which makes her very excited, but more complicated and angry.

Mu Xinxuan is very smart and has come forward to divert Lin Fei's attention.

Looking at Zhao ya, he took off his sunglasses with a smile and held out his hand, "Hello! My name is mu Xinxuan. What do you call me

Zhao Ya didn't expect that Mu Xinxuan would take the initiative to say hello to her.

You know, I robbed someone else's husband.

He just held Lin Fei's arm in front of others, but they didn't care at all.

This mind -

means that she can match Lin Fei.

Zhao Ya quickly and excitedly stretched out her hand, "Hello! My name is Zhao ya! "

Suddenly don't know how to introduce?

Because just now Lin Fei asked her to say it was his wife, but how could she say it in front of Lin Fei's wife?

It seems that she is demonstrating with Mu Xinxuan.

"Hello, sister! I know. It must be Lin Fei who bullied you! "

Mu Xinxuan has taken the initiative to hold Zhao Ya's hand.

Zhao Ya's heart is full of inexplicable emotion. She didn't expect Mu Xinxuan to be so approachable and accept her directly.

This makes her look at Lin Fei's eyes full of complex moving.

Lin Fei didn't care. He also wanted to make the two women get acquainted naturally.He is very clear that he is a woman who he strives to conquer with charm, including Mu Xinxuan.

At this time, Lin Fei has already said hello to Feng Ke and others behind Mu Xinxuan.

"Let's go!" Lin Fei greets everyone with a smile.

Just as they were about to leave, the Dragon girl suddenly said, "no! Why didn't Ruolin come? "

At the moment, many people found that Ruolin, who came together, didn't come out.

Everyone looked around the hall, and did not see Ruolin.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed a touch of light vigilance.

The Dragon girl has begun to return to look for it.

At this time, suddenly from a distance came Ruolin's frightened cry: "help!"

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