Ruolin's exclamation immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Fei and long Nu run towards Ruolin shouting at the same time.

Longnu was first in front, but Lin Fei soon overtook Longnu.

When Lin Fei came to Ruolin, he saw that Ruolin was surrounded by three foreigners.

One of the foreigners is trying to touch Ruolin's jaw.


Lin Fei felt that his anger was pouring with a bucket of oil.

Flaming, filling the chest.

He rushed directly to the foreigner, raised his hand and slapped his mouth, directly fanning the foreigner to the ground.

Next moment -

the other two want to come up, and the Dragon girl has arrived.

Facing two people, Dong Dong means two feet. Two people cover the bottom with their hands. They beat like monkeys and scream like pigs.


The Dragon Girl scolded angrily, slapped her hands again, and fell to the ground.

All three of them lay on the ground and began to cry.

"Is Ruolin OK?" Lin Fei quickly walked over and asked.

Ruolin was moved when she saw Lin Fei.

Quickly ran to Lin Fei's side, "it's OK! I don't know where the three villains came from

Ruolin said it was ok, but Lin Fei could see that her body was still shaking.

Lin Fei's anger was even colder, and he even bullied his friends.

Eyes cold stare at three people, "who are you?"

Three people have just been knocked down by Lin Fei, and their hearts are not equal.

"Boy! You immediately give me an apology, and then give this woman to us, let's play enough for you, or you'll wait for bad luck! "

The first person who was knocked down by Lin Fei said to Lin Fei angrily with his stiff longguoyu.


Lin flew up to her and said, "that's nice, isn't it! Is that enough? If you don't say enough, you can continue to say it. If you don't even say enough, you can continue to say it. "

"You can think freely. I don't mind what other people think. I only care if you have the ability to think."




"You are looking for death!"

Foreigners began to shout at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei raised his foot to his mouth and gave him a thump.


The man screamed, spitting out a mouthful of blood, which mixed with white teeth.

Lin Fei raised his hand and pointed to Ruolin beside him, "tell you! She is my friend. If you move her, you will move me. If you have anything unconvinced, you can come to me. My name is Lin Fei. "

Lin Fei said, turned and took Ruolin away.

The Dragon Girl's eyes fell on the three people's faces. She remembered the three people's appearance and followed Lin Fei.

But she dialed a phone, and soon the three people's information arrived on Longnv's mobile phone.

Longnu was stunned to see that the three people were the stock fund investors of M country, but she didn't say it. Instead, she suppressed her inner doubt.

Lin Fei and they rush to the hotel where Lu Qing and others live.

Along the way, Mu Xinxuan and Zhao Ya were like sisters for many years. They had a very happy and natural conversation. They had no sense of distance at all.

This makes Zhao ya feel very comfortable and deeply moved by Mu Xinxuan.

Such a woman is worthy of Lin Fei, such a woman is really excellent woman.

Even she felt that she was far behind Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan.

This makes her love Lin Fei more unrepentant, more sincerely want to love.

They returned to the hotel and went directly to Lin Fei's room. Feng Ke and others went to check in.

At the moment, Lu Qing downstairs has got up from the bed, looking at the embarrassed bed, and then looking at the bright red on the sheet, her heart suddenly becomes very complicated.

There is not only happiness, but also a kind of unspeakable light sadness.

At this time, I suddenly heard a lot of footsteps in the room upstairs, very messy.

Her first reaction was, who was Lin Fei up there with?

Thinking that she was Lin Fei's woman, she quickly began to dress and hurried upstairs.

It's Zhao Ya who knocks on the door.

When she saw Mu Xinxuan, Zhao ya, and long nu in the room, she was embarrassed and in a dilemma.

Especially when I saw Mu Xinxuan, the joy of being with Lin Fei disappeared in an instant. Even I felt a kind of unspeakable tension in my heart, just like stealing other people's things.

On the contrary, mu Xinxue seemed to understand something. He walked over with a smile and gave Lu Qing a hug with open arms. "Qingqing, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Lu Qing's face flashed an unnatural smile, but she soon hugged Zhao ya."Yes! I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard Lin Fei say you are coming. I didn't expect you to come so soon. You know, I will meet you personally. "

Lu Qing said politely.

However -

just then, Lin Fei's voice rang out, "welcome? How do you greet them? Can you get out of bed? "

Lu Qing

Face began to black, green, white, it is simply colorful.

She didn't expect Lin Fei to be so direct.


Mu Xinxuan looks at Lu Qing and smiles.

"Sorry! My husband has given you so much trouble. Unexpectedly, he left me for a few days and turned into a free man. It seems to have brought you a lot of trouble, but thank you for looking after her for me these two days. "

Mu Xinxuan said with a smile.

Lu Qing and Zhao Ya are shocked.

Looking at Mu Xinxuan in front of him, I can't understand him.

Because her thanks are from the heart.

This makes Lu Qing's face more unnatural.

How to reply?

Should we say you're welcome, or should we say it's ok?

Lin Fei saw the embarrassment of the two women and said, "what are you afraid of?"

Lu Qing and Zhao Ya rolled a white eye to Lin Fei at the same time. How can they say that they are so reasonable?

My family?

They also know that they are all Lin Fei's women.

But how can we say it's our own family?

They didn't dare to call themselves family members. They even felt that they were just a lover of Lin Fei.

In the Dragon Kingdom, lovers are unacceptable to many people, and many women are extremely angry.

Now, Lin Fei's attitude is like saying to them -

it's a great honor for you to be my lovers!

Don't worry about my wife!

This kind of feeling, even if Lu Qing knew that Lin Fei's side woman is many, moreover is very familiar, all some embarrassed.

I don't know if there will be any other conflicts in the future, so she is very cautious.

Now it's clear that she doesn't know how to face the problem?

And Zhao Ya relative to her, may be more simple, may not think so much!


Just then, the door was knocked.

Dragon girl went to open the door.

Feng Ke appeared at the door, but now Feng Ke's face was full of anger, as if he was very angry about something.

"What happened?"

Lin Fei asked.

Feng Ke looked at Lin Fei, "Dong, just when we checked in, the hotel told us that there was no room left. Let's look for a room again."

Lin Fei frowned and asked: "no room?"

"Said there was no room." Feng Ke nodded for sure.

Lu Qing quickly said, "no! We've all reserved rooms and paid for them before. "

Knowing that Mu Xinxuan and his family are coming, Lin Ke'er arranged all these things in advance.

Lu Qing is aware of this, suddenly heard that there is no room, so shocked.

Feng Ke shook his head. "I don't know, but I feel it's very strange. It seems that someone has done something behind his back."

Lin Fei frowned and remained silent for a moment. "I'll go down and have a look!"

Lin Fei stood up and went to the door.

Zhao Ya takes a look at Mu Xinxuan, "I'll fly with Lin!"

Then she followed in a hurry.

Mu Xinxuan didn't go out because he knew that as a local, it might be more convenient for Zhao ya to go down.

When Lin Fei came downstairs, the front desk was answering the phone.

Seeing Lin Fei hang up the phone, he said, "what can I do for you, sir?"


You're welcome!

For Lin Fei, she dare not offend, after all, people live in the most expensive room in the evening.

Seeing Lin Fei's displeased face, the front desk was immediately nervous.

For guests like Lin Fei, that's God.

It's too late for her to flatter!

Lin Fei looked at the front desk and said, "call your manager."

The tone is not high, but there is a strong pressure.

Front desk is a Leng, quickly look at Lin Fei, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"I asked you to call the manager, don't you understand?"

Lin Fei's tone increased.

There was tension on the front desk's face. "What's the matter with you, sir?"

The front desk is still asking.

Lin Fei is angry and displeased. "I have something to do. Now I'm checking out. All the rooms we ordered have been checked out."Lin Fei said and looked at Zhao ya, "you are responsible for handling, and return all our rooms."

The front desk saw Lin Fei serious, immediately nervous, "Sir, if you have anything to say, I will help you deal with it."

He looked subconsciously at von Ke.


Lin Fei sneered, "can you help me deal with it? Do you have that ability? "

No mercy, face to face.

"I, I, I can still do it."

The voice of the front desk is not very confident.

"I don't want to be able to, I want to be able to deal with it! Are you sure you can handle it? If you can't, I think you'd better find someone who can handle it! "

Lin Fei raised his voice and said.

"What do you want to deal with? I'll deal with it for you! " Just then a voice of yin and Yang came.

The voice is sharp and the tone is full of pride.

Lin Fei's eyes, a 30-year-old young man slowly came down.

But I don't know.

Lin Fei's face showed a smile of surprise. He thought it was the Li family or the Zhang family who were looking for trouble, but he didn't expect it. This made Lin Fei a little surprised.

He laughed!

He's interested!

The man who came over looked at Lin Fei, with the same smile on his face. He didn't have the slightest fear.

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