After Zhu Yan came out, she saw Hao Juan walking in front of her.

All of a sudden, his eyes were shining and his blood was boiling.

Hao Juan seems to feel Zhu Yan's eyes, stops and looks back.

Two people looked at each other, nodded, and walked back and forth in tacit agreement.

Lin Fei is hiding in the dark. When he sees two people's expressions, he moves in his heart. Is it not that

Lin Fei is very happy in his heart. Although he doesn't know the relationship between Hao Juan and Zhu Yan, or what Hao Juan has done, he can't do without Zhu Yan's reason for his cancellation of Baoyan, so he wants to find out the reason.

Lin Fei followed them closely.

Can stealth, is handsome!


Monitoring room of Jiangnan University of science and technology.

"We are from the criminal police team. When we come here to investigate a case, we need to retrieve the latest surveillance video." Jiang Yu takes out the police officer's card and hands it to the person in charge, with a serious expression and a necessary attitude.

"Ah? Good! This way, please

The manager of the monitoring room was surprised. After reading the police officer's certificate, he immediately showed politeness and guided Jiang Yu to the computer.

It's great. It makes Jiang Yu feel good.

Suddenly, regret flashed across the manager's face and he said, "officer Jiang, I forgot to tell you that there is something wrong with our surveillance video hard disk. We just replaced it with a new one."

"New hard disk?"

Jiang Yu's brows are tight, and he has a bad feeling in his heart.

"The old surveillance video is gone?" Then he asked.

"It's all gone. There's only one hour's surveillance video."


Jiang Yu's head is several times bigger in an instant. How can it be such a coincidence?

Originally, I thought that we could investigate the evidence through video and crack the case easily, but I didn't expect this fork in the road.

Jiang Yu was on the alert immediately. In the past, in all major cases, the monitoring was often lost or destroyed.


The thought of asking for the case to be solved before work casts a shadow on Jiang Yu's mind.

Came to the computer, Jiang Yu immediately turned on the monitoring, almost nothing.

Jiang Yu was surprised.

Thinking of Liu Feng's internal clues provided by director Zhang Jun, it's even more

"Where is the bad hard disk?"

"It's smashed."

Monitoring room personnel said easily.

Jiang Yu

There's a smell of conspiracy.


Jiang Yu waved his hand and left in a hurry with the accompanying police.

The staff in the monitoring room looked at their backs, with a proud smile at the bottom of their eyes. Thinking of Kong Deyan's promised promotion, they were full of expectations.

After Jiang Yu came out, he immediately reported to Zhang Jun that he was drinking tea in the office and was sure to win. As a result, he suddenly stood up and began to become anxious in the house.

It's a matter supervised by the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, and it's related to the daughter of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee!

Jiang Yu takes people to Jiang Yezhong's former office in a hurry, aiming at his computer.

I'm afraid this is the last important clue.

Jiang Yu suddenly felt that Lin Fei was quite useful, and he blushed at making Lin Fei copy Tao Te Ching ten times!

However, thinking of Lin Fei's depression on himself -

deserves it!

In the family home of Jiangnan University of science and technology, Hao Juan walks to the floor where she lives and stops.

Zhu Yan soon followed up, two people nodded, did not speak.

It's day time now, and there are more people going in and out, worried about being found.

Hao Juan stretched out two hands, one hand clenched into a fist, and the other hand stretched out three fingers. The implication was that she lived on the 13th floor. Zhu Yan nodded.

Hao Juan took the lead to go upstairs, and Zhu Yan went upstairs after a minute.

Lin Fei hides in the dark and follows Zhu Yan.

Lin Fei and Zhu Yan came to the 13th floor together and saw that the door of room 1303 was unlocked, leaving a gap.

Zhu Yan goes over, looks along the crack of the door, directly opens the door and goes in.

Hao Juan looks back and smiles. She doesn't speak, but there are thousands of words in her smile.

Lin Fei looked up. It was only a minute. Hao Juan had changed her clothes.

Zhu Yan, in the next second, rushes over directly,


Hao Juan gave out a series of charming laughter.

"Don't laugh, Miss Hao."

Invisible Lin Fei can see clearly

Grass Mud Horse!

Although I really want to see it, I don't think I came here to watch the performance.

"Evil animal, don't you stop it?" Just when Zhu Yan was ready to attack Huanglong, the voice of invisible Lin Fei came.Ah?

Zhu Yan and Hao Juan cried at the same time.

"Who, who's talking?" Zhu Yan's voice trembled.

"Is that your father?"

"My father?"

Zhu Yan looks at Hao Juan with doubts in her eyes.

Knowing that she had said something wrong, Hao Juan glared at him.

"What? Do you want me to be your little mother? "

"Really? If only that would be good. "

Zhu Yan is not angry, but his face is full of joy.


Lin Fei almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Nima's, his speech scared a, not only didn't frighten two people, Zhu Yan unexpectedly still have such idea.

"I hate it! Why don't you see where someone is? "

Compared with Zhu Yan, Hao Juan calmed down a lot.

"Evil animal! In front of my Zhenwu emperor, I have done such animal behavior. I am going to destroy you! " Lin Fei pretended to be angry and said.


Both men called out at the same time.

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