"Emperor Zhenwu?"

This time, the two people heard clearly, but they were sure that they could not see anyone. To be exact, they were in the air.

Damn, it's a coincidence to come. I wish Yan scolded secretly in his heart.

"Dare to scold me in my heart!" Invisible Lin Fei and Zhu Yan's four-year classmates, for his expression to understand what meaning, directly see out.



Zhu Yan's explanation hasn't finished, has already covered crotch to call.

Lin Fei has been very angry with Zhu Yan for a long time. He kicks directly at his crotch.

At the moment, but valiant, high spirited, Lin Fei this foot even if the strength is not big, also put Zhu Yan pain face white, cold sweat DC.


Hao Juan turned pale with fright and knelt down on the ground

This is either an immortal or a ghost. Otherwise, who can be invisible?

"You, how do you know I scold you in my heart? Are you really a fairy? " Zhu Yan covered the pain with one hand, wiped the forehead sweat with the other hand, and asked with a frightened look on his face.

"Do you doubt the identity of Ben Da Di?"

"No, I just want to worship you."

Zhu Yan looked at the air in the direction of sound, showing a devout face.

"Well! Don't think I don't know what you think. If you want to worship, kowtow to me! "

Zhu Yan

He just wanted to know whether it was a person or a ghost. To be exact, he wanted to know if someone was teasing him.

Kowtow on your knees?

How is that possible?

"Animal things, if you don't respect the great emperor today, I'll abolish you, so that you won't abuse women and do such a disgraceful thing."

At the end of the speech, a water cup on the table suddenly suspended in the air, and then turned into a white light.

Zhu Yan wants to avoid, it's too late.


Hit Zhu Yan on the head.

Zhu Yan feels a black in front of his eyes, then faints.

Lin Fei pulls Zhu Yan to the side.

Because he is invisible, encounter Zhu Yan, Zhu Yan also follows invisible.

"I'm a curfew. Can you despise me?"

Hao Juan was shocked when she saw everything just now.

Seeing that Zhu Yan disappeared out of thin air in front of him, he was even more afraid. His whole body trembled, his hands supported the ground, and he could not care about the spring. He kowtowed and said: "God, spare your life! God, spare your life



Think of two people is you love I wish, Lin Fei eyes full of disdain.

However, seeing Hao Juan kowtow her head, her two huge eyes would swing back and forth like a swing, which was also a burst of excitement.

He quickly suppressed his evil thoughts.

"As a woman, you don't obey the law of womanhood. You even want to be with your students. There are other things you don't want to be with. It's more a crime than a crime. I want you to accept the coolest punishment."

"Don't be angry, Emperor Zhenwu. My daughter is wrong. Originally, I just wanted to make some money from his father Zhu Butong. I didn't expect that Zhu Butong was obsessed with me and possessed me. In order to revenge Zhu Butong, I was together with Zhu Yan. It's really not my fault."

Hao Juan was flustered and said it half true and half false.

"Are you with his father?" Lin Fei, who is invisible, almost appears and slaps Hao Juan.

This kind of thing can be done.

"I was forced to come."

Lin Fei also wants to talk, suddenly thought of Hao Juan see Zhu Yan father?

Suddenly, I felt as if I had found some important clues.

"Why did he force you? Why did you see him? You don't want to recruit me from the facts


"The great emperor can go to heaven and earth, let all the immortals help me find out. If you lie to me, I will make you die hard, and then fall into the animal way, and experience the most extreme torture." Lin Fei worried about Hao Juan's words, then added.

Hao Juan was in a panic.

"Emperor Zhenwu! I don't dare to lie. I'll tell you the truth. "

"Come on, then."

Lin Fei seems to see a glimmer of light in the dark. He waves his fist excitedly, takes out his mobile phone and turns on the recording.

Hao Juan doesn't know what Lin Fei has done. She is worried that Lin Fei will really be able to verify it, and even more worried that Lin Fei will kill her.

Her voice trembled and she told Zhu different about her plan to steal the paper. She didn't even hide what happened in the private room of the hotel.

Lin Fei was so angry that his lungs exploded.

He always wanted to clean up Jiang Yezhong. After all, he falsely accused himself of bribing Zhang Guodong.

But I didn't expect that in order to avenge Zhu Yan, Zhu Butong even planned this move, which is not only revenge for Lin Fei, but also revenge for Ren Feifei.

I feel sorry to think that Ren Feifei was implicated because she accepted herself as her student.This made her hate Hao Juan and Zhu Butong more.

You can never forgive yourself for hurting yourself.

It's unforgivable to harm teacher Ren Feifei!

At the same time, Lin Fei also deeply blames himself for being locked up in the Jianglian hotel for three days. He is isolated from the outside world. When he comes out, he helps Jiang Yu copy Tao Te Ching. He has no time to surf the Internet, so he knows nothing about these things. Otherwise, how can he

"Let's talk about what other animal behaviors you have done."

Hao Juan was even more frightened when she heard Lin Fei's anger.

For the Zhenwu emperor in Lin Fei's mouth, she is 100% convinced that it is not human power that can make Zhu Yan disappear out of thin air.

"Don't be angry, great emperor. I say it all now, all of it."

Hao Juan said that, and then she told her story about her quarrel with Kong Deyan, and Kong Deyan's suggestion that Jiang Yezhong plant Zhang Guodong.

Lin Fei nearly blew up his lungs after listening!

"What's the evidence for what you said?"

"I have the recording in the private room and the recording in Kong Deyan's room

"Listen to me."

"Yes, yes Although Hao Juan knew that the recordings were very explicit, she quickly agreed that her life was at stake.

Of course, she was also lucky in her heart. If the great emperor moved his heart, he could take a fancy to himself and pity himself. Even if he was his slave, he could make himself an immortal or live a long life. Life is more important than money.

This woman is extremely greedy.

Until now, I still have fantasy.

Lin Fei didn't know, otherwise he would throw Hao Juan two mouths.

Hao Juan picked up her cell phone from the coffee table and began to search. She quickly opened a different recording.

There were two people's voices immediately. When he heard the two people talking while they were moving, Lin Fei almost vomited.

Of course, as a normal man, he also wants to pee.

"I see. What about Kong Deyan's recording?" Lin Fei couldn't bear to listen.

"I'll play it right away."

Hao Juan finished, and then she opened it again. This time, it was more popular. Lin Fei almost ran away.


Can we still be human?

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