
Everyone's eyes are on zhangjiaming.

Zhang Jiaming is a talented man in a suit.

When he came here, he was very nervous, but he thought that he had to be strong in the face of Lin Fei, otherwise he would be chased by Lin Fei, so he dressed up and looked very energetic.

Just now, although he didn't hear the specific discussion, he always believed that his father had a way, so he was so arrogant.


Brother long chuckled and looked at Zhang Tian, "you see, your sons are more men than you. They have to agree directly. What are you still talking about? Hurry up

Zhang Tian's heart is very uneasy. Lin Fei's gambling method is an outlaw's gambling method, but it's not Lin Fei who plays with his life, it's him.

Once he loses, he will lose completely. He will lose completely and nothing.

Zhang Jiaming looked at his father, "Dad, what do you need to do? You can deal with it directly and let Lin Fei know what it means to be shameless. "

With that, he looked at the police next to him. The implication was that there was no need for police to be afraid of anything.

Brother long thought of Zhang Tian's domineering attitude, gave him a thumbs up and said with a smile: "tiger father has no dog! Do you think zhangjiaming is more aggressive than you? You should learn from your son

Stimulate Zhang Tian again.

Zhang Tian's face began to sweat.

It's not easy to deal with this matter. He wronged Lin Fei, and even deliberately disgusted him.

But now Lin Fei really gambles with him. He's a little afraid.

"We sign a contract, I can not be at this gambling table, as long as the whole video can."

Lin Fei continued to say calmly.

Zhang Tian's hand kept clenching and opening, several times in a row.

"Dad, how is he going to bet?"

Zhang Jiaming now has heard some, can't help but ask curiously.

"Lin Fei, you mean we can monitor gambling when you are not at the scene?"

Lin Fei nodded, "yes! You can arrange a place for me, and I can watch it remotely to bet. "

Zhang Tian looks at Tang Lingling and asks. After all, Tang Lingling is more familiar with this casino.

Tang Lingling nodded. Zhang Tian had the confidence and looked at Lin Fei, "OK! We'll bet as you say. "

Lin Fei nodded with a smile, "then sign the contract!"

Zhang Tian immediately arranged for someone to draw up the contract, and soon the contract was signed. Zhang Tian asked Tang Lingling to arrange a special monitoring room for Lin Fei.

Lin Fei enters the monitoring room and looks around. Everything is appropriate. He can see the gambling table clearly.

Lin Fei looked at Zhang Tian, "the environment here is OK. One of the things you need to do now is how to ensure the authenticity of the surveillance video and the legal effect in the future."

Zhang Tian's eyes flashed depression, although Lin Fei's words are very peaceful, but the meaning of others is very obvious, that is, people don't believe you.

Thinking about the reason why he didn't believe it, Zhang Tian himself was speechless.

After all, the road is made by ourselves, and things are made by ourselves.

Looking at Lin Fei, he nodded, "don't worry, I will do everything well."

"I need the police proof you brought in."

Lin Fei continued to emphasize.

Zhang Tian is like eating Xiang pain, finally nodded, "can!"

After that, he went to the side to talk with the police, and soon the police agreed to testify.

So there is a wonderful scene, the police are responsible for monitoring the gambling process, responsible for video, and Longge with people next to video the police supervision process.

Instead, Lin Fei sits in the monitoring room like a nobody.

Zhao Ya and Huo Lei are standing beside Lin Fei. The two women are still very nervous.

Zhao Ya and Lin Fei are more familiar with each other and secretly drag Lin Fei's clothes. "Are you sure you want to bet like this? Just now that female lotus official was very insidious and deliberately took measures to let you lose so much when gambling. Now they will definitely take insidious measures again. "

Lin Fei nodded with a smile, "yes! I know that just now the female lotus officer is deliberately insidious

"How can you promise? Such people are very insidious! "

Huo Lei advised anxiously.

Lin Fei shook his head with a smile, "what are you afraid of? They're insidious. They're afraid of it. We don't have to be afraid of anything. "

Two women gnawing at Lin Fei, the eyes are unspeakable complexity, even with a helpless.

"Lin Fei, I know you have a lot of money and don't care about the 70 billion yuan, but if you lose like this, it will become a joke, and it will make Zhang's hatred very relieved."

Zhao Ya knows that now Lin Fei wants to swallow up the four families, so she knows the meaning of each step.

Lin Fei shook his head with a smile. "Why do you always worry about failure? What if we win? "Zhao Ya pretty face gushed out more intense anxiety, "they will smoke in front of your face, not to mention you are not in front of it?"

Lin Fei held Zhao Ya's hand and said, "don't worry! Only greedy people in this world will lose everything. "

Zhao Ya and Huo Lei look at each other.


The scene already had the lotus official to shake to ring the color word.

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